欧州連合代表部をはじめ世界中の大使館が、以下のハッシュタグを使用し男女平等を求める抗議。むろん、日本の森喜朗氏の性差別主義発言に対する世界からの反応と理解すべきだろう。日本政府は真摯に応えるべき。 #DontBeSilent #GenderEquality #男女平等 twitter.com/euinjapan/stat…
各国の大使館がハッシュタグつけて意思表示している。これはもうみんなで連帯していくしかない。男としても声あげていきたい。画像あった方がより見やすいかなと思って、いま広まっている二つのハッシュタグの画像つくってみたので、みなさん自由にお使いください。 #DontBeSilent #GenderEquality
アイルランド大使館は、駐日欧州連合代表部およびEU加盟各国の駐日大使館とともに、#DontBeSilent イニシアティブに賛同します🙋 #GenderEquality #男女平等 twitter.com/EUinJapan/stat…
.@MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen took time out from the regular #Coronavirus briefing to discuss the relevance of his pink medical mask. The big takeaway: No color is exclusive to girls or boys. #GenderEquality lies at the heart of #Taiwan values.
Happy #InternationalWomensDay! I will continue to promote #GenderEquality & ensure that all women in #Taiwan have the resources & opportunities they need to pursue their aspirations. 🙌🏼 #SheForShe #AllForShe
Leaders meet with members of the Gender Equality Advisory Council for #G7Charlevoix. The Council is presenting its recommendations on how the #G7 can advance #GenderEquality and women’s empowerment.
Road to #G7Charlevoix: #GenderEquality is a priority for the #G7. Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is essential to growing our economies, building peace, reducing poverty and achieving sustainability.
.@CanadianPM moderates a discussion on #GenderEquality and women’s empowerment pscp.tv/w/bbILKTM5NjE2…
Today marks the 1st in-person meeting of the Gender Equality Advisory Council for 🇨🇦’s #G7 Presidency – an opportunity to develop and share recommendations on how to advance #GenderEquality & women’s empowerment. Learn more: g7.gc.ca/en/g7-presiden…
#G7 Foreign Ministers and women Foreign Ministers from 🇨🇴, 🇭🇷, 🇪🇨, 🇬🇭, 🇬🇹, 🇯🇲 and 🇵🇦 meet in #Toronto to discuss #GenderEquality and women's empowerment, one of the #G7’s top priorities.
Meet the members of the Gender Equality Advisory Council who will advise Canada’s #G7 Presidency on #GenderEquality and #womensempowerment.