The PRC 🇨🇳 should not try to control what democratically elected politicians do or say. We are looking forward to welcoming friends from all over the world for #IPACRome #G20 meeting. #StandTogether…
伊丹空港に着きました。 機内では総理、河野外務大臣らと打ち合わせでした。 #G20
Minister Wu joined other thought leaders at the #IPACRome #G20 conference in urging the free world to #StandTogether in committing to #DefendDemocracy. He also thanked #Taiwan's🇹🇼 fellow forces for good for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. Bravo @ipacglobal for the excellent event!
#G20 marjında #YeniDelhi’de Rus Mevkidaşım Lavrov’la görüştük. #Deprem yardımları için tekrar teşekkür ettik. Bölgemizdeki son gelişmeleri ele aldık. Met w/FM Lavrov of RF on the margins of #G20India. Thanked again for support after #earthquake. Discussed regional issues.🇹🇷🇷🇺
المملكة تتصدر دول الـ #G20 في مجموعة من مؤشرات الفحوص، وتتجاوز (30,000,000) فحص لكوفيد-19، لتُساهم في الحد من تفشي الوباء، واستقرار الأمن الصحي.
Farewell & thank you to @SecPompeo & @POTUS for all of your efforts to strengthen the #Alliance and cooperation with other #G20 Partners. #トランプ大統領#ポンぺオ国務長官#日米同盟#G20 加盟国との協力関係強化への尽力に感謝します。🇺🇸🤝🇯🇵
Farewell & thank you to @SecPompeo & @POTUS for all of your efforts to strengthen the #Alliance and cooperation with other #G20 Partners. #トランプ大統領#ポンぺオ国務長官#日米同盟#G20 加盟国との協力関係強化への尽力に感謝します。🇺🇸🤝🇯🇵
Honored to join @SecPompeo & @POTUS in a meeting w/PM Abe to coordinate on critical matters that will strengthen the U.S.-Japan #Alliance . 日米同盟を強化する重要課題に連携して取り組む #日米首脳会談 に、トランプ大統領とポンペオ国務長官と出席でき光栄でした。🇺🇸🇯🇵 #G20サミット #G20
#G20 現地リポート(1)】内閣広報室スタッフです。今日(6月28日)と明日の2日間、#G20大阪サミット が、日本で初めて開催されます。内閣官房Twitterでは、各国の首脳等が集まる現地から随時リポートしますので、ぜひご覧ください!
発言の中で、ストロー、コップ、ボールペンなどで活用され始めている日本の海洋生分解性プラスチック技術を、各閣僚のテーブルに置かれた実物を示しながらアピールしました。 #G20
This is how China and Russia see the world. If one of your neighbor hates you, maybe is his problem. When all of your neighbors hate you, maybe stop and question yourself: "Am I the problem?" #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #G20
🚨THIS WEEK🚨 #IPACRome #G20 👇
BREAKING: IPAC to gather in Rome for G20 counter-meeting. #IPAC legislators will meet in Rome ahead of the #G20 Leaders summit to call for a tougher response to the Chinese government's abuses. Interested journalists get in touch👋 Press release 👇…
As the #G20 meets this weekend, we must recommit to do whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic and protect lives and livelihoods. If we harness the collective ingenuity and resources of the G20, we can chart a path out of the pandemic and build a better, greener future.
本日より、ASEAN関連首脳会議、G20サミット、APEC首脳会議に出席いたします。ロシアによるウクライナ侵略により、自由で開かれた国際秩序の根幹が脅かされる中、来年のG7広島サミットも見据え、地域情勢や経済問題、地球規模課題等について日本の立場と取組を発信してまいります。 #ASEAN #G20 #APEC
#G20 現地リポート(14)】内閣広報室スタッフです。今日(6月29日)までの日程で #G20大阪サミット が開催されています。内閣官房Twitterでは、昨日に引き続き、現地からのリポートを開始しますので、是非ご覧ください! #G20大阪サミット  #G20OsakaSummit
📌Olağanüstü #G20 Dışişleri Bakanları VTC Toplantısı’na katıldık. 📌Yeni normalde salgınla küresel mücadelede atılabilecek adımları ele aldık. 📌Sınır yönetimi ve geçişleri konularına odaklandık. 📌“Güvenli Turizm” programı başta ülkemizin başarılı uygulamalarını paylaştık.
#G20 marjında #YeniDelhi’deki son ikili görüşmemizi #Hırvat mevkidaşımla gerçekleştirdik. #Deprem destekleri için müteşekkiriz. Balkanlardaki son durumu ele aldık. Met w/@grlicradman, FM of #Croatia. Thanked for #earthquake support. Discussed current situation in #Balkans. 🇹🇷🇭🇷
The Reason Why the Voice and Image of Mohammed bin Salman were Missing from the World Leaders Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 08 -November- 2022 Iran İstanbul Trump #COVID19 #USA #G20 #Venezuela…
#G20 現地リポート(3)】ライブキッチンはお昼時で賑わっています。大阪の名物のお好み焼き・たこ焼きをはじめ、様々な料理がその場で調理されて、提供されています。 #G20大阪サミット #G20OsakaSummit
The Chinese government cannot be allowed a 'free pass' at the #G20 Summit. #IPAC co-chair @MPIainDS on why parliamentarians are gathering from across the world for the #IPACRome conference this week.…
Will Taiwan end up like Hong Kong? Nathan Law answers | Formiche .@nathanlawkc speaks to Formiche on how #IPACRome #G20 Conference will call for democratic countries to act to support Hong Kong and Taiwan.…
Endonezya’da düzenlenen #G20 Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısına katıldık. Ukrayna’daki savaş nedeniyle etkilerini her geçen gün daha fazla hissettiğimiz gıda, enerji ve göç sorunlarına karşı etkin çok taraflılığı ve işbirliğimizi güçlendirmeliyiz. #dünyabeştenbüyüktür
Looking forward to welcoming my friend @SecPompeo to Osaka to participate in the G20 Leaders' Summit! #G20 首脳会議に参加する、私の友人でもあるポンぺオ国務長官を大阪にお迎えすることを楽しみにしています!#G20Summit #Alliance 🇺🇸🇯🇵