Thank you.😭 原文: 美國眾議院議長佩洛西與眾議員麥高文舉起「FREE HONG KONG 光復香港 時代革命」T恤 lih.kg/1657084 ●來源:公民開智 #NancyPelosi #佩洛西 #JimMcGovern #麥高文 #FreeHongKong #光復香港 #時代革命 #LIHKG
黃子悅 22歲 —— 「縱使可能黎明不會到來,但我們都會陪著你走。 」 Photo by @dickymanana #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #FreeHongKong
They are tired. They need our help. No slaughter like Tiananmen Massacre again. #FreeHongKong #PolyU
Sorry for not updating. As I was arrested last week, and charged for rioting, now bail with conditions. Fortunately I’m not seriously injured. Thanks for the concern, sorry for not able to be on the street with you guys in the future. #noriotersonlytyranny #FreeHongKong
Great artifact displaying tnearby the New York Union Sqaure Park! Free Hong and Democracy Now!💪💪 #FreeHongKong #DemocracyNow
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.
Today #Hongkongers once again took to the streets to rescue the city’s eroding freedom🗽 Will the #FreeWorld listen to our cries and stand up against #China? #FreeHongKong and impose sanctions against #PRC 🇨🇳 #StandWithHongKong
【拡散希望】#香港版国家安全法に抗議します 香港が今まさに死につつあります。 中国が香港の民主主義を粉砕した後は、台湾、日本の順に襲われることになります。 日本のメディアではこの問題はほとんど取り上げられません。香港市民を応援しましょう! #StandWithHongKong #FreeHongKong
Divide them. Unite us. Save the world, one cheer at a time, FULL VIDEO: youtu.be/4Uespw_0qXc #FreeHongKong #CloseTheCamps #XiJinpingIsWinnieThePooh #XiPleaseLeave #FuckXiJinping
Only on July 1st, the #HongKong police conducted more than 370 arrests. It's time to fight back. Join #FridaysForFreedom, the counter-action organized by @now4humanity. Register here to get the SM package: now.world/fridaysforfree… #FreeHongKong @GretaThunberg
It’s easier to lie to someone than convince them they’re being lied to... (请点开链接查看完整版哦!) youtu.be/w9Ii9op2L6g #CCPChina #FreeHongKong #Uyghurs #TrumpLies #YangGang #Yang2024
[Is NBA sacrificing our free speech and kowtowing to #China again?] 1. Immediately after blocking #FreeHongKong to be printed on its custom gear, #NBA just once again kowtowed to #China by pulling the whole custom gear section from its store. foxnews.com/sports/nba-pul…
Yesterday it was #Tibet. Today is #HongKong. Tomorrow might be #Taiwan’s turn. If we don’t stand up for freedom, #China will prevail. Join the #FridaysForFreedom protests by @now4humanity in front of Chinese Embassies to #FreeHongKong. now.world/fridaysforfree…
@SecPompeo Even today, #HKPolice continues to arrest Hongkongers in the name of #coronavirus. #Hongkongers held a memorial for Chow Tsz-lok, who died 9 months ago during police operations. HKers got arrested for "not wearing masks" when in fact everyone was wearing masks. #FreeHongKong
Here it comes. @JimmyLaiApple arrested for "colluding with foreign powers". Make no mistake, #NationalSecurityLaw is an ban on speech & thoughts. Its goal is to transform a free city into a prison like the 🇨🇳#CCP's China. #FreeHongKong twitter.com/samuelmchu/sta…
2019年の香港 見てほしい 報道が過少になった今でも変わらず混乱の中にあり多くの事が起こり続けてる そして昨日の周庭さん #AppleDaily オーナー他9名が国安法で逮捕 本当に本当に香港の友達が心配 昨日「手の震えが止まらない」と友人から #FreeHongKong #FreeAgnes 他の逮捕者にも目を向けたい twitter.com/8bit_HORIJUN/s…
I'm just so angry and sad about the news that Agnes Chow who protested for democracy in Hong Kong was arrested yesterday. I hope voices of protest against her arrest spread all around the world. #FreeAgnesChow #FreeHongKong
そして、先ほど友人が送ってくれた “I planned to buy for you!” 今朝のApple dailyが白紙でもみんな買おうと! 香港人の強さと優しさ。 わたしの手元に届くのがいつになるかわからないけど、彼らの想いを大事にしたい。 ありがとうSam!!! #FreeHongKong #香港加油
これは重大な人権問題であり、したがって国際問題。 「懸念の表明」にとどまらず、中国政府に断固抗議し、弾圧の即時中止を要求すべきではないか。 #FreeAgnes #FreeAgnesChow #FreeHongKong twitter.com/mainichijpnews…
香港民主活動家の逮捕という中国共産党政府の横暴に断固抗議し、即時釈放を求めます。幸福実現党の党声明をご覧ください。 #FreeAgnes #FreeHongKong 香港民主活動家 周庭氏の逮捕に抗議する(党声明) | 幸福実現党 - The Happiness Realization Party info.hr-party.jp/press-release/…
国安法や昨年以来デモに参加し正当な理由なく逮捕、起訴された香港人のみなさん、民主運動に参加し声を上げたことで非人道的扱いを受ける結果になった香港人の皆さん、そうした方々のために声を上げ続けます。賛同が広がりますように。#FreeHongKong #StandwithHongKong chng.it/RYLCv2Dy