Harmony & Rule of Law Essential for Sustaining Peace & Cooperation in Region Not Ethnic Hate Mongering Campaigns/Agendas #Egypt #Eritrea #Ethiopia #SaudiArabia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #G7 #BBC #CNN #NKH エリトリア エチオピア fec-ais.com/en/events/?p=2…
[#Mwave Shop] EVERGLOW Selfie for FOREVER📷 📍Sales Period : ~ June 13, 6PM (KST) 📍SIGNED CD : bit.ly/SCD_LastMelody #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #FIRST #온다 #ONDA #이런 #YIREN #이유 #EU
Thank you to the #US & #EU for your commitment to peace & stability in the region. #Taiwan will continue to be a reliable partner in our joint efforts to promote security & prosperity across the Taiwan Strait & the Indo-Pacific. twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
Thank you, Vice President @nicolabeerfdp, for leading the @Europarl_EN in advocating for closer #Taiwan-#EU ties. Grateful to meet with you & discuss avenues for further cooperation as like-minded partners.
We're happy to help a good #EU friend. #Taiwan readily shares #Coronavirus-combating resources with #Poland, as well as other like-minded countries & allies. Unity is key to managing the #COVID19 pandemic & becoming #StrongerTogether. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/PolandMFA/stat…
#Diplomats4Women #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
STOP THE MILITARY CAMPAIGN OF PUNISHING AND ISOLATING THE PEOPLE OF #ERITREA #ETHIOPIA #SOMALIA WITH BRUTALITY: Do you remember TPLF has openly accused itself of corruption, sectarianism & jingoism (own words) in its own congress held in 2017. #AU #EU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
VIVA MOSSANA! An African women cyclist Mosana Debessai from #Eritrea will participate for the first time in the Olympics in #TOKYO2020. Please give a special support to this young woman. She means hope to many of her sisters in Africa #AUC #UNSC #EU eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Semin…
Pleased to mark continued progress in #Taiwan-#EU commercial ties at the 2022 EU Investment Forum. I look forward to even closer cooperation between our public & private sectors, as we work to strengthen the resilience of our supply chains & promote economic transformation.
#EU 両首脳の似顔絵に続いて、漫画家の赤松健議員(@KenAkamatsu)が、#カナダ のトルドー首相の似顔絵を作成!ポール臨時代理大使に渡されました★似顔絵パネルは、カナダ大使館(@CanadaNihon)を通じて🇨🇦首相に贈呈されます! 来日を心よりお待ちしております🇨🇦🤝🇯🇵 #漫画外交
We're proud to announce the planned establishment of The Taiwanese Representative Office in #Lithuania🇱🇹. The facility represents real progress in the bilateral relationship & success of efforts to deepen & expand #Taiwan's🇹🇼 ties with countries in the #EU🇪🇺 & throughout #Europe.
Die #EU ist sich einig. Wir haben uns auf weitere einschneidende Sanktionen gegen Russland verständigt. Es wird ein Embargo für einen Großteil der russischen Ölimporte geben.
Pointing to its “”Active Engagement Initiative”, #Eritrea issued statement that pleads with President Biden’s Administration to chose & undertake policy adjustments taking into account opportunities & challenges in the Horn of Africa #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
As of today #Eritrea/n Defense Forces units shall hand over all posts within the borders of #Ethiopia which were vacated by the Ethiopian Defense Forces subsequent to the savage military attacks carried out by Tigray forces onNov4,2020 #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア I
#AB Komşuluk ve Genişleme Komiseri Oliver Varhelyi bugünkü ikinci konuğumdu. AB ile ilişkilerimizi tüm boyutlarıya ele aldık. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement @OliverVarhelyi was my second guest today. Discussed our relations with #EU in detail.🇹🇷🇪🇺@EU_Commission
#ERITREA shall be a viable maritime nation. No one can stop its children from fulfilling their dreams because they own Soft Power of Love, Respect, Self effort and Freedom as a cultural heritage from their ancestors history #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
1.Conflict of interests related to Aron’s Tigray origin, 2.Embedded journalism in action, & 3.Aron Maesho’s #Reuters fixation on propaganda against #Eritrea #Ethiopia since 1998 border war is too simple to understand #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC @STesfamariam エリトリア エチオピア
6/ On Fri’s meeting, I call upon the #EU foreign ministers to have a firmer stance on the issue & to urge China to halt #nationalsecuritylegislation. I urge the #EU to impose all necessary sanctions if China insists on breaking an UN-filed treaty & finally passes this evil bill.
6/ On Fri’s meeting, I call upon the #EU foreign ministers to have a firmer stance on the issue & to urge China to halt #nationalsecuritylegislation. I urge the #EU to impose all necessary sanctions if China insists on breaking an UN-filed treaty & finally passes this evil bill.
The overwhelming vote for Prosperity Party of #Ethiopia shows the confidence that the population have on PM ABIY leadership & program. Peace& prosperity of #Ethiopia is a strategic objective of the bilateral with #Eritrea & regional stability #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
In the remarks I made at Tokyo Metropolitan Peace Day Memorial on 10 March 2021: I highlighted Japan’s lesson and contribution to the 2018 #Eritrea #Ethiopia Peace Treaty as being valuable indeed #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/20210310_…
매혹, 고혹 다 하는 엡글이들 컴백! 역시 여신님들 ㅠㅠ이번 컨셉 난리 난다,,,     싸인CD 이벤트 참여하러 가기▶ reurl.kr/3334640BTT   [오늘의 30초 ] EVERGLOW (에버글로우) - Adios   #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #HUSH #Adios #EU #SIHYEON #MIA #ONDA #AISHA #YIREN
Acknowledging post 2nd World War proxy role of the super powers in war and peace of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia is primary and constructive indeed not make believe stories to support the unfortunate Tigray UDI on Nov 4, 2020 at #UNSC #AU #EU #UNHRC #UNSG エリトリア エチオピア