EUの最大汚職スキャンダルは45億回分のコロナワクチン購入 欧州議会議員のミスラフ・コラクシッチ氏は、「4億5000万人のEU居住者のために45億回分のコロナワクチンを購入することは、人類史上最も悪名高い汚職スキャンダルだ」と述べた #コロナワクチン #EU #ファイザー
RED HANDED NAKED AGGRESSION! According to the leaked 2 volume secret documentation of the Tigray Shiftas of Oct 10, 2020, a strategy, tactic & war plan was drawn before unleashing attack on #Eritrea & #Ethiopia on Nov 3,2020 #EU #UNSC #UNGA #AU #AUC #G7 エチオピア エリトリア
#ウクライナ#モルドバ の送電網が16日、#EU の多くの加盟国を繋ぐ #欧州大陸送電網 と同期連系された。これにより、特にロシアの侵攻を受けているウクライナは、照明や暖房の設備を安定的に稼働させることが可能になり、この分野で欧州の一員となった #StandWithUkraine👇 euin.jp/20220317a
ተጠንቀቓ ኣዒንቲ: ኣእዛን: መ ልሓስ ውቲ Since 1991 TIgray warlords & their friends have openly used all instruments, covert & overt, to silence #Eritrea into submission to balkanize the Horn of Africa on ethnic/clan line #Ethiopia #Somalia & #Sudan #UNSC #AUC #EU
235,900 #COVID19 vaccine doses from #Lithuania🇱🇹 with love, & just in time for National Day! The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 give thanks for the 2nd such donation by the #EU🇪🇺 member state. It truly touches hearts at a tough time & brings our countries even closer together.
Alright, we all wanted to see it happen, and it finally did, so here it is! #SORN of #CLC & #EU of #EVERGLOW have met on the set of #SimplyKpop's <Simply Concert>! We just had to capture this rare moment and share it with all of you! #longlostsisters #twinsies #whoizwho
MAIN FACTS ARE CLEAR & DRAMATIC:TPLF forces attacked #Ethiopia/n & #Eritrea/n military forces. Launched missiles targeting cities & capital Asmara on Nov2020. Concoctions spread all over to cover up crime against law & order are melodramatic エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #EU #AUC
Deputy Minister Tseng welcomed the 1st-ever delegation from #Sweden's🇸🇪 #Riksdag & the #EuropeanParliament to #Taiwan🇹🇼. It's an honor to have the lawmakers led by MP Boriana Aberg & MEP Charlie Weimers in country. We wish our #EU🇪🇺 friends an enjoyable & productive 5-day visit!
Thought it is not surprising to see in #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia or other African countries agents of the colonizers and local colonized minds resonate together on the same frequency war and violence, they definitely deserve a deaf ear now. #EU #AUC #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
WHO SAYS ERITEREA NATION BUILDING WAS A SMOOTH RIDE?-THE TRUTHI IS: 1997 #Eritrea demobilized 54,000 battle hardened troops from service. UN, the WB hailed the move, but Tigray warlords issued a new map & declared all out war. #UNSC #EU #AU
#Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia shall bit tribalism that was used as an instrument by TPLF to destabilize Horn of Africa for past 3 decades. Without doubt Name change to TDF & open military campaign by TPLF since Nov2020 is against regional peace #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
Today I had an opportunity to thank #EU Office Head Filip @grzegorzewskif for his support for #Taiwan including our participation in @WHO. I look forward to working with him to deepen our bilateral partnership & strengthen economic & trade ties by signing a BIA.
WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL! who doesn’t know in #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan proxy wars & local political tools used since WorldWarII by the powerful-are the main continued cause for our poverty, massive displacement of population, famine & underdevelopment #UNSC #AUC #EU
SMEARING #ERITEREA #ETHIOPIA: Abusive hate languages; cancellation/hiding of proper evidence; shaming/discrediting leaderships is typically how loyal (local & foreign)web & cyber army of TPLF are working to silence any truth in region #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア #HARDtalk
This locally handmade improvised charcoal filters masks set up against chemical weapons occurred in 1980’s history of the #Eritrea/n People’s Liberation Army - when the whole world & neighbors turned their faces away from the truth #HRC #UNSC #AU #EU #G7 #エチオピア エリトリア
🚨#MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists are relentlessly killing young people in #Myanmar #Burma. 🆘#ASEAN #UnitedNations #EU #USA need to take more decisive action to stop #impunity & these recurring grievous violations of international law. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Khartoum May 4, 2021: President ISAIAS Afeworki, who is visiting Sudan held #Eritrea-#Sudan Summit Meeting with General Abdel Fattah al-BURHAN, Chairman of the Sovereign Council. Overview of meeting is: facebook.com/827207359/post… #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
People in Horn of Africa deserve more than any time else in their past history PEACE NOT WAR now be it covert/overt.Tigray Peoples Liberation Front must be told: cease the war mongering & accept the ceasefire offered by #Ethiopia June 28,2021 #UNSC #EU #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
Those who brought slavery, colonialism and currently engaged openly in internecine conflicts of >1600 language groups of Africa (84 in #Ethiopia) is ugly replay by the same demagogues focused on robbing our humanity #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
ገረመታይ ዛግረታይ መንስዓታይ ከበሰታይ ደንከላይ እምበላይ ዓሱስ ብሰስ ባቖስ ዮምሆ እምባደርሆ ሺመጃና ፉጌና ሓሬና ድግሳና ዓሊተና መስከብና ባሕርና ፍርደን ንቑማ! #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia Peace #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethエリトリア エチオピア
POINT OF ORDER! Ethiopian crisis no matter how it is translated into US English is not Yemen crisis or Afghanistan crisis. Tigray People’s Liberation Front launched missiles & opened war against #Eritrea & #Ethiopia early Nov 2020 #UNGA #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #エチオピア エリトリア
It would be interesting to learn now what was in the mindset of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front leaders when they attacked #Ethiopia/n forces on the border & sent rockets into #Eritrea on Nov 2020: Zero nations supported Tigray’s UDI #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
駐日 #EU 代表部は、エントランスに #ウクライナ の国旗を掲げ、同国との連帯を示しています #StandWithUkraine #EUinJapan🇪🇺🤝🇺🇦@UKRinJPN
The history of Cleopatra of Egypt & the Romans as well as the history of Sheba in the present day #Eritrea & #Ethiopia before christ revolves around the River Nile upstream & downstream: affecting lives & well-being of millions for centuries #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア