#Austria will support #Serbia's #EU integration process and opening of the six #chapters.
With Director-General for EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement @DanielssonEU on #Serbia's #EU path and #migrantcrisis
With @eucopresident Donald Tusk on #migrantcrisis and change in #EU #migration policy
個人の好みなどをコンピューターで自動解析する #プロファイリング の規制が #EU で来年始まります。日本企業も無関係ではなさそうです。 ▶個人データ保護の新潮流(上)プロファイリング 規制の動き 経済状況や健康・嗜好を自動解析 nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO…
BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 Confirmed !! babymetal.com/news/detail.ph… #BABYMETAL #US #EU #UK
We are so excited about world tour 2018 with special guest @skyharbormusic and @DreamStateUK ! #BABYMETAL #Worldtour2018 #US #EU #UK
日本と #EU は、#個人データ の移転を互いに認めることで実質合意しました。個人情報の保護水準について相互に「#十分性認定」する枠組みが今秋にも発効します。EU一般データ保護規則(#GDPR)への対応に苦心している日本企業には、一定の負担軽減になりそうです。 nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…
日本人も観光に多く訪れるヨーロッパ #地中海 で悲劇が繰り返されています。#国境なき医師団 は中東やアフリカ大陸から命がけで海を渡ってくる #移民#難民 の救援活動を続けています。しかし、救助作戦の中止や #EU 諸国の対応不足、救助船の上陸拒否など、捜索・救援が阻まれています。#海難
日本と #EU が、個人情報を相互に移転する枠組みを作ることで最終合意しました。双方の国内手続きを経て2018年秋までに発効します。EUが一般データ保護規則(#GDPR)と同水準の保護をしていると認定(#十分性認定)した国・地域は、これで12カ国・地域になります。 nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…
I thank @hansvanbaalen for his unwavering support of #Taiwan over the years. As the #EU is our largest source of foreign direct investment, I look forward to a bilateral investment agreement (BIA) so we can create shared prosperity for our peoples!
We welcome passage of the new #EU-#China relations report by @Europarl_EN. This report calls on EU & member states to reiterate support for #Taiwan's int'l space & urge China from further military provocations. Grateful to EU parliament for shining light to such an impt issue.
На јавној расправи о Нацрту медијске стратегије. Важно је што је процес израде документа био инклузиван и укључио велики број организација, институција и партнера. #OSCE #EU
Appreciate the open dialogue with @davidmcallister and @Europarl_EN @EP_ForeignAff colleagues on the progress to reform and modernise #Serbia as we prepare for our strategic goal to join the #EU
Three cheers for growing #Taiwan-#EU ties! We already share strong synergies in transportation, energy, the digital economy, & people-to-people exchanges. We look forward to signing a bilateral investment agreement with the EU & accomplishing more together!
Today we honoured our dear friend, outgoing #EETO Head Madeleine Majorenko, for her contributions to #Taiwan-EU relations over the past 4 years. I will always remember how she embraced the people of Taiwan, & her commitment to #EU ideals like democracy, diversity, & equality.
매혹, 고혹 다 하는 엡글이들 컴백! 역시 여신님들 ㅠㅠ이번 컨셉 난리 난다,,,     싸인CD 이벤트 참여하러 가기▶ reurl.kr/3334640BTT   [오늘의 30초 ] EVERGLOW (에버글로우) - Adios   #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #HUSH #Adios #EU #SIHYEON #MIA #ONDA #AISHA #YIREN
Full & 싸인 폴라 이벤트 ▶facebook.com/watch/?v=37996… 재생과 동시에 세상과 Adios 할 뻔 했잖아 엡글이들 경마장은 가지말아줘,, 예쁘고 멋져서 말이 안나와,,🐴   [숨멎라이브] EVERGLOW (에버글로우) - Adios   #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #숨멎라이브 #Adios #EU #SIHYEON #MIA #ONDA #AISHA #YIREN
In Berlin for the second day of our official visit. I sat down with Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss our bilateral relations with Germany, Serbia's strategic goal of European Union membership and regional affairs. #Serbia #Germany #EU 🇷🇸🇩🇪🇪🇺
I was delighted to officially welcome the new Head of the European Economic and Trade Office @grzegorzewskif to Taiwan today. I look forward to working together to bring ties between #Taiwan & the #EU even closer in the coming years.
Alright, we all wanted to see it happen, and it finally did, so here it is! #SORN of #CLC & #EU of #EVERGLOW have met on the set of #SimplyKpop's <Simply Concert>! We just had to capture this rare moment and share it with all of you! #longlostsisters #twinsies #whoizwho
#EVERGLOW #에버글로우 Merry Christmas from EVERGLOW🎄 #SIHYEON #EU #ONDA
Today I had an opportunity to thank #EU Office Head Filip @grzegorzewskif for his support for #Taiwan including our participation in @WHO. I look forward to working with him to deepen our bilateral partnership & strengthen economic & trade ties by signing a BIA.
Thank you LEGEND - METAL GALAXY in Japan! EU and UK tour begins next week! And ASIA tour begins in March! babymetal.com/en/tour/ #BABYMETAL #METALGALAXY #LEGEND #JAPAN #EU #UK #ASIA