[📸Today EVERGLOW] 20.10.29 M.NET <#엠카운트다운> 오늘의 에버글로우💜 #EU #이유 #WonderWoman #원더우먼 #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #LADIDA
合成燃料で日本車はどうなる?🐸🚙 ene-fro.com/article/ef295_… #EU #合成燃料 #efuel #CO2 EUは2035年以降エンジン車販売を全く認めない方針を修正。水素とCO2でつくる合成燃料(e-fuel)に限り利用可能とした。
[💾STAFF HARD] EVERGLOW - 에글이의 추석 '체육대회 한마당'.EP1 🌈알록달록 에글이들💜 #EU #SIHYEON #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #LADIDA #이유 #시현 #미아 #온다 #아샤 #이런
The EU Investment Forum is a key platform for #Taiwan-#EU economic cooperation. I am encouraged by the continued growth of our trade & investment ties, & hope to start talks on a bilateral investment agreement, which would further strengthen our partnership.
THE FLIP SIDE OF #AlJazeera STORY: the interviewee Ms Monalisa Abraha is a member of TPLF special (sniper) force wounded in a battle against #Ethiopia/n Defence Forces. Desist POW’s cover up of illegal fabrications on #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC
[📸EVERGLOW] 에글이의 추석 음식 만들기🍡🍎 즐거운 추석! 에글이와 보내세요💗 #EU #SIHYEON #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #LADIDA #이유 #시현 #미아 #온다 #아샤 #이런
[📸Today EVERGLOW] 20.10.30 ✨👻EVERGLOW HALLOWEEN PARTY 🎃✨ 오늘의 에버글로우💜 #EU #이유 #Sarah_Connor #사라코너 #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #HALLOWEEN
Minister Wu was proud to join @iingwen at the #Coronavirus-combating news conference. He announced #Taiwan will donate 10 million face masks to the #US, #EU, other countries in Europe & allies. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic & realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Today PM ABIY in his report to the parliament clearly explained that #Ethiopia/n Defense Forces were attacked & pushed by Tigray forces to cross over the borders into #Eritrea where they regrouped to make a heroic successful counterattack #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
Axum massacre neither occurred nor substantiated press.et/english/?p=312… via @Ethiopian Press Agency #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
STOP COVER UP! #Eritrea did not in the past, and shall not now or in the future support or condone dismemberment of Tigray from #Ethiopia no matter what because it is against regional peace and an illegitimate action too #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
NO MORE WAR! On 13 May 1998 TPLF launched "all out war" on #Eritrea & carried 3 round of big military offensives displacing > 1 million people (1998-2000): >76,000 Eritrean's & Ethiopians of Eritrean origin were expelled from #Ethiopia. #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア
[💾STAFF HARD] 포에버와 함께한💕 영상통화 팬사인회 EVENT 에글이들 PREVIEW📱 #EU #SIHYEON #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #LADIDA #이유 #시현 #미아 #온다 #아샤 #이런
Our very first EU Investment Forum laid the groundwork for an even stronger #Taiwan-#EU partnership, now, it is up to us to take it forward: english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/6045
As #Ukraine suffers intensive assaults, I received @PLinTaiwan Dir. @CKozaczewski to reaffirm our support for those fleeing the war & commitment to #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. Partnering with #Poland, #Taiwan is a force for good in Europe. I foresee more cooperation with our #EU friend.
Pleased to personally thank European Chamber (ECCT) Chair Mr. Izzo today for his efforts, & thank the #EU for supporting our @WHO participation. As the #2019nCoV spreads, #Taiwan can play a key role in containing the contagion on the front line of global epidemic prevention.
The EU must now take concrete action to sanction Hong Kong officials. Great concern without action is just empty words. The EU must do what is needed to defend democracy, or risk being a hypocritical promoter of European values. #EU must #StandwithHongKong #47NSL twitter.com/EUinHKandMO/st…
As #Russia's savage war goes on, #China is waging a campaign of cognitive warfare against #Taiwan seeking to sow doubt over the #US & #EU, & sap our will to defend. But Taiwan stays vigilant & knows who to side with. We condemn & sanction the aggressor, & #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. JW
It is a grave historical mistake to disregard the building of a peaceful, just and inclusive political democratic system by #Ethiopia/ns and support the failed violent attempt of Nov 4, 2020 UDI in Tigray #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
Thank you to the @Europarl_EN for approving a report to deepen the #Taiwan-#EU partnership & calling for a bilateral investment agreement. Taiwan is committed to working with the EU to uphold democracy & the rule of law in the region & across the world.
欧州、スマホなどが対象の“USB Type-C統一法”を2024年秋施行へ news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw110187… 欧州連合(#EU)の立法議会である欧州議会は、USB Type-C(USB-C)をEU圏内のすべてのスマートフォン、タブレット、カメラの共通の充電ポートにすることを義務付ける無線機器指令を2024年秋までに施行すると発表
#HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL: The light at the end of the tunnel after 1998 in #Eritrea #Ethiopia and the region is the rule of international law and order not the rule of coercion, proxy wars & disorder. eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Light…
Full & 싸인 폴라 이벤트 ▶facebook.com/watch/?v=37996… 재생과 동시에 세상과 Adios 할 뻔 했잖아 엡글이들 경마장은 가지말아줘,, 예쁘고 멋져서 말이 안나와,,🐴   [숨멎라이브] EVERGLOW (에버글로우) - Adios   #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #숨멎라이브 #Adios #EU #SIHYEON #MIA #ONDA #AISHA #YIREN
We came to #Kyiv today with a clear message: #Ukraine belongs to the European family. Germany wants a positive decision in favor of Ukraine as a #EU candidate country. @ZelenskyyUa
Bad part is TPLF made social injustices become rampant in #Ethiopia utilizing power/political legitimacy for ethnic, religious & clan objectives. Worst part is to see some others still using it against other nationals & neighboring nations especially #Eritrea #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU