[#Germany intimidated by #China one year ago] 1. While #China threatened #CzechRepublic @SenatCZ head @Vystrcil_Milos on his #Taiwan visit, #German realized that same thing happened to them 1y ago when @HeikoMaas was intimidated by #Beijnig after his meeting with me last year.
3. You may wonder what #HKers can still do under draconian #nationalsecuritylaw, arbitrary arrests, unchecked police violence that even targets pregnant women, and also the detentions of 12 asylum seekers in #China, with their fate still unknown for nearly 2 weeks.
[Trapped in the black hole - After two-week detention in #China, still no update abt 12 HK #AsylumSeekers] 1. Only thing we know is they are all taken to detention centre in #Shenzhen & Chinese cops will decide whether to arrest them formally by Oct 1, according to #China’s law
[Trapped in the black hole - After two-week detention in #China, still no update abt 12 HK #AsylumSeekers] 1. Only thing we know is they are all taken to detention centre in #Shenzhen & Chinese cops will decide whether to arrest them formally by Oct 1, according to #China’s law
5. Up to now, #Hkgov & #hkpolice downplay the whole incident. It casts further shadows over #nationalsecuritylaw as #HKgov will offer nearly no help when #Hongkongers and foreigners are extradited to #China and face inhuman and unfair treatment in secret trials and dark prisons.
3. Under #China's law, suspects can be released on bail. But in reality, especially when all the #asylumseekers may face further charges under #China's #nationalsecuritylaw and other criminal laws, the chance of bail is slim.
3. Under #China's law, suspects can be released on bail. But in reality, especially when all the #asylumseekers may face further charges under #China's #nationalsecuritylaw and other criminal laws, the chance of bail is slim.
4. If leaving aside all other national security charges and just solely considering the charge of "crossing national border without immigration procedures", the 12 #asylumseekers may face a maximum penalty of one year in #China's prison.
[HK #Asylumseekers with access to lawyers blocked] 1. Two weeks after pre-trial detention, Chinese cops blocked lawyers from getting access to the 12 HK #Asylumseekersdetained in #China, per @icablenews. Lawyers described the practice is unusual and without legal ground.
3. Four years ago, no one would believe what had happened in #HK, with #policebrutality, arbitrary prosecution, draconian #NationalSecurityLaw, censorship, disqualification, election cancellation and media meltdown, with 9000+ #HKers arrested and 12 youths now detained in #China.
2. Clearly #Beijing and #hkpolice attempt to create fear today when #Hongkongers staged protests urging gov to resume the #LegCo2020 election, opposing DNA collection and #nationalsecuritylaw and releasing 12 #hkers detained in #China.
#HKpolice dragged a #HKer on the ground for 10m+, just because he urged resuming #Legco2020 Election & releasing the 12 #Asylumseekers now detained in #China w/o access to lawyers. Now all slight expression of demand faces #policebrutality under #nationalsecuritylaw. #policestate
Among 12 #asylumseekers, a Portugal citizen was now detained in #China, w/ all access to lawyers/relatives blocked. Foreign nationals ain't only covered and wanted under #nationalsecurity, but also with human rights or rights to consular access & protection stripped before trial. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
#Breaking: Being denied access to #12hkyouths detained in #China for weeks, the lawyer instructed by family, Lu Siwei, was suddenly told by Chinese cops today that there're already two other lawyers following the case, who are believed to be directly appointed by #CCP authorities twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Multiple #PLA aircraft have violated #Taiwan's ADIZ over the past 2 days. This is a threat against the country & regional peace. We condemn #China & call on the international community to remain alert. Make no mistake: We'll stand tall & not be intimidated. JW twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
Under #nationalsecuritylaw & #China’s #WolfWarriorDiplomacy, it's just a matter of time for foreign firms to consider withdrawing from #Hongkong, esp when even Australian reporters can suddenly fall victim to #Beijing’s #hostagediplomacy threat overnight. japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/09/0…
Desperate, hopeless and depressed, a mother of #12hkyouths burst into tears when telling her son is sick w/o medicine in #China’s prison, with no updates nor access to lawyers for 2 weeks. She just wants to see her son one more time in her life. #save12hkyouths #SaveTheChildren
2. It is the first time that sacred texts are largely replaced by Chinese nationalistic education in religious textbooks. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even the controversial sinicized Christianity in #China started to expand to #HK with HK diocese kowtowing to #Beijing.
[#Portugese 🇵🇹 & #UK’s #BNO holders 🇬🇧 detained in #China for over 3 weeks] 1. Of the 12 #HKers detained in #China, one is reportedly #Portuguese passport holder while another two are #BNO holders. They are held w/o legal access, sparking growing concern of inhumane treatment.
[#Portugese 🇵🇹 & #UK’s #BNO holders 🇬🇧 detained in #China for over 3 weeks] 1. Of the 12 #HKers detained in #China, one is reportedly #Portuguese passport holder while another two are #BNO holders. They are held w/o legal access, sparking growing concern of inhumane treatment.
2. It is worrying, under #nationalsecuritylaw, foreign passport holders are deprived of basic rights of access to family-appointed lawyers, which is claimingly promised in #China’s law, esp when 4 lawyers were forced to quit the case due to unusual pressure from #CCP authorities.
3. The twelve could be in China custody for a long time, without any trace. This worse scenario may unveil a new form of Chinese hostage diplomacy under growing tension between #EU & #China
4. In fact, it is common for #China to use discretion power to return criminal suspects to #Hongkong in the past. @hkcnews_com revealed, #Beijing did send around 2-3 suspects per year to #HK over the past 5 years, even for cases that fell into China’s jurisdiction.
Twitter Suspends Account of Chinese Virologist Who Claimed Coronavirus Was Made in a Lab 1/ After publishing a report over the origins of the widespread Coronavirus, virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan who fled #China recently, had her Twitter account blocked. newsweek.com/twitter-suspen…
3. #HKers can also be taken to #China’s courts w/o legal access, just like #12hkyouths now detained for nearly one month. Their family-instructed lawyers are reportedly forced to quit the case under #Beijing's pressure. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…