Infectious Disease And the Rise and the Fall of the Great Powers - Xi JinPing’s favorite report of CCP’s ongoing strategies towards 🇺🇸 using infectious diseases! #COVID19 made CCP further confirmed how to undermine 🇺🇸. rdcy.ruc.edu.cn/zw/yjcg/yjcgyj…
7月10日に過去最多の243人に達するなど、新型コロナ感染者が6日連続で100人を超えている東京都。感染状況の4段階警戒レベルを最も深刻な「感染が拡大していると思われる」に引き上げます。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3gXBdZl
#Taiwan🇹🇼 is adjusting entry rules for nonnationals following a surge in #COVID19 numbers at home & abroad. From May 19 to June 18, 2021, only those holding a valid ARC or emergency/humanitarian permission qualify for admission. Read the CECC release. ▶️bit.ly/3bwJnHR
この案件は「全責任は私が引き受ける」と公言していた河野太郎初代ワクチン接種推進担当大臣(@konotarogomame)が対応すべきだ。 首相官邸(@kantei_vaccine)や厚労省(@MHLWitter)も他人事ではない。 #集団訴訟 #ワクチン #COVID19 twitter.com/kdystopia/stat…
Agree with your advocacy @JamieMetzl Beyond cover-up & blockage of origin of #COVID19, LIES with fabricated scientific data, including fake zoonotic 🦠 sequences (e.g. RaTG13 & pangolin 🦠) from CCP’s scientists & its allies, MUST BE REVEALED! We proves it in the Yan Reports. twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
#新型コロナウイルス は蚊に刺されることではうつりません。 現時点では、#COVID19 が蚊で伝染することを示す情報や科学的根拠はありません。 #新型コロナウイルス は、主に、感染した人が咳やくしゃみをした時の飛沫や、唾液や鼻水を介して広まる呼吸器感染症ウイルスです。
「データの信頼性が揺らぎかねない」。東京都が新型コロナ重症者の定義を変更し、集中治療室(ICU)の患者を除外していたことに疑問の声。地域ごとに定義が異なると感染状況を比較しにくくなります。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3l3gUMM
Such “scientists” including @ggronvall, who are in CCP’s natural-origin of #COVID19 campaign + close collaboration with CCP’s military & labs, still keep blind to the real origin - “gain-of-functions” from CCP’s military labs. That’s why Xi JinPing believed Covid as a big 🏆 ! twitter.com/ggronvall/stat…
Much to chew on in this well-stated story by @Diplomat_APAC on why #Taiwan's democratic strategy is proving more successful than authoritarian #China. #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in strengthening global #COVID19-fighting efforts & realize #HealthForAll. thediplomat.com/2020/02/the-co…
#LeaveNoOneBehind is the ethos exemplified in all of #Taiwan's humanitarian efforts, especially amid #COVID19. Our deepest gratitude to the coast guard for sailing 14,000 km to bring home 3 conscripts performing alternative service in ally #Tuvalu, as well as 2 #Japan nationals.
This issue was forewarned at the beginning of #COVID19 by brave doctors. But the voice was muted by MSM and authorities like Dr. Fauci and WHO. It’s no longer surprising when the facts finally get verified in the pandemic. But it’s unbelievable that they are still authoritative! twitter.com/nypost/status/…
Yes. It’s impossible. ZC45 & ZXC21 bat coronavirus found by PLA’s WANG Chang-Jun in Zhoushan, China are real backbones of #COVID19 🦠! NOT so-called RaTG13 or novel zoonotic 🦠 “found” in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia...Someone in Pasteur Institute network involved into fabrication! twitter.com/quay_dr/status…
ご注意🚨 【人体実験はダメ!】 #新型コロナ #COVID19 だけが病気ではありません あらゆる病気の初期症状の1つでもある発熱 勿論、#白血病 の可能性もあります 経過も追わず、#ステロイド を投与するという、研修医さえしない #思いつき を試す #人体実験 完全にヤバすぎ! twitter.com/Dr35995605/sta…
唔知今次中國駐日大使館咁打係咩意思呢?🤔 因為之前都有其他中國網站描述為「伊朗新冠肺炎」🤔 原文: [手誤定故意]中國駐日大使館用「日本新型冠狀病肺炎疫情」字眼 被「誤」定性日本肺炎 lih.kg/1909673 ●來源:原由柏実 #中國駐日大使館 #COVID19 #武漢 #肺炎 #LIHKG
Thank you @carolina_bonita, for your diligence on helping people to understand to truth of #COVID19. And thank Dr. Margarita @TheRebelPatient for writing down notes here during the space! When everyone demands the truth of COVID19 origin, it won’t be covered up anymore! twitter.com/carolina_bonit…
#Taiwan has had to rely on itself to fight #Coronavirus, & the country's thriving despite the challenges. This #AllHandsOnDeck approach to #COVID19 embodied by Central Epidemic Command Center is part of the #TaiwanModel for combating the disease & realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/…
Disinformation Dozen responsible for most #COVID19 disinformation online, leading to countless deaths worldwide. While many call on social media to ban them, authorities have failed to charge or pressure the disinfo network to stop. #DisinformationDozen yac.news/blogs/news/dis…
Diplomatic pressure, big offers & #COVID19 vaccines: None of this was enough to persuade the principled @DrGiammattei to embrace #China. We thank the president for his friendship, loyalty, support & praise for #Taiwan🇹🇼 as #Guatemala's🇬🇹 "only real ally."🔽ft.com/content/7e22bc…
#NCGM では2/14から #結核病床#COVID19 専用病棟に転換し、十分な患者対応をすることができました。 日本の結核病床の3分の1を国立病院機構が保有していますが、慢性的な赤字で維持できなくなっています。 リスク管理の面から #新感染症 に対応する病床として日頃から管理していく必要があります。
福知山駐屯地も #COVID19 対策を万全に行っています。 隊員間はもちろんの事、来隊する市民の方にも安心してもらえるよう、窓口業務では消毒設置はもちろん、自作の飛沫予防フィルムを張り勤務しています。 私たちは、いざ!という時の為に常に備えます。 #福知山 #コロナに負けるな
•Why #COVID19 nature-origin campaign blamed raccoon dog as host? •For CCP, if “COVID19 pandemic is an unexpected natural disaster with certain human factors mixed in, it should in principle preclude any liabilities” The Voice of Dr.Yan Sat/Sun 4pmET LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD
【速報】関係者によると #東京都 できょう100人以上の新型コロナ感染確認 ▽これまでの感染者の推移は? news.tbs.co.jp/newsi_sp/seika… #新型コロナウイルス #新型コロナ #COVID19
Hallo #Kassel und Umgebung. Am 29.1. kommt der #ImpfAIRbus in den Norden #Hessen|s. Lasst Euch exklusiv in einem unserer #A400M gegen #COVID19 impfen. Wir freuen uns auf Euch, denn jede Impfung zählt! Alle Infos hier: bundeswehr.de/de/organisatio… #gemeinsamgegencorona #Ärmelhoch
Clearly, Dr. Fauci means #COVID19 is developed using 💵 from other sources in 🇨🇳. He tried to keep himself away from the wrong-doings, since he can’t reject lab-origin any more. However, the connections & influence behind NIH fundings in academic fields are what CCP really needs! twitter.com/tomselliott/st…
Operation promoted contents attacking CCP’s opponents-primarily aiming at🇺🇸& its allies. Some sites criticized Chinese virologist Yan Limeng, who fled to🇺🇸after telling #COVID19 was created in a🇨🇳 gov lab, & claimed she contributes to Asian hate crimes in🇺🇸therecord.media/pro-china-info…