ソフトバンク長谷川勇也がコロナ感染 2日西武戦は中止 #長谷川勇也 #sbhawks #hawks #npb #COVID19 nikkansports.com/baseball/news/…
Without being aware of CCP’s premeditated cognitive tactics, 🇺🇸 is played by 🇨🇳 in a sophisticated manner. One typical example is the origin of #COVID19. As an unrestricted bioweapon, combined with cognitive interference, the 🦠 has taken over 1M Americans away in the pandemic! twitter.com/COVIDSelect/st…
See, CCP’s spokesperson is telling the UK & other governments that taking medical interventions based on the experience from nature-origin outbreaks CANNOT control #COVID19 as expected! Because it is the result of well-planned Unrestricted Bioattacks from 🇨🇳-Xi JinPing regime! twitter.com/MFA_China/stat…
#Taiwan🇹🇼 & #France🇫🇷 are burning the midnight oil in combating #COVID19. Deputy Minister Tseng was proud to host a #TaiwanCanHelp donation ceremony for essential items safeguarding the health of the people. Many thanks to all public-private sector partners for the collaboration!
National security experts signed a letter accusing major news outlets & scientific journals including The New York Times & The Lancet of censoring dissenting voices surrounding #COVID19 origins & calling on them to investigate their journalistic failures. foxnews.com/politics/natio…
1/ Since the outbreak of #COVID19, @cogatonline has coordinated the transfer of medical equipment to Palestinians in Gaza and—together with the PA—Judea & Samaria, at the request of @WHO & @UN. Including: ⭕ Testing kits ⭕ PPEs ⭕ Disinfectant material ⭕ Lab equipment
スウェーデンの #COVID19 集団免疫戦略の「失敗」がニュースでも取り上げられているが、疫学者に責任を負わせる報道は非常に問題だと思う。日本にも共有する問題で、科学者が英雄視されることも政策判断の責任を問われることも正常ではない。 thelocal.se/20200603/swede…
WHO: We saw a 24% decrease from last week. CCTV: Omicron causes a large increase in death and hospitalization. I'll repeat it again here: CCTV please hire us, we're already doing your job, but better. #COVID19 #shanghai #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
It takes #AllHandsOnDeck to combat #Coronavirus. @MoNDefense personnel are playing a critical role in strengthening #Taiwan's🇹🇼 pandemic fightback & ensuring the effectiveness of efforts by health & care workers serving selflessly on the #COVID19 front lines. We salute one & all! twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
‼️1st AI-based video on truth of #COVID19 origin is produced by @TakeDownTheCCP base on contexts by chatGPT! It clarifies the top elements in the origin investigation: 1. 🇨🇳military lab-made 2. Real backbone of COVID19🦠 is ZHOUSHAN 🦇🦠 3. Animal passage youtu.be/OkwtGlNHbr8
BREAKING: New Jersey JUST LAUNCHED COVID Alert NJ – an exposure notification app that will alert you if you’ve been near someone who has tested positive for #COVID19.   It’s safe, anonymous, and will never track your location.   Download NOW: covid19.nj.gov/app
#Famine is outpacing #COVID19 in deaths worldwide. 🔹11 people die of hunger each minute, increasing. 🔹155 million living with food insecurity. 🔹Global military spending increased by $51 billion, 6x more than what the UN budget needs to stop hunger. yac.news/blogs/news/fam…
Official account of China army distorts nationalgeographic.com/animals/articl… by @NatGeo @Dina_Maron into "proof“ that China is stopped from "discovering" that #COVID19 came from USA. All the comments believe it like sheep! #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 @SecDef @PeterMartin_PCM
“International financial interests and the global scientific establishment have never wanted the true source of #COVID19 🦠 to be revealed, despite the fact that its laboratory origin was suspected early after onset of the pandemic.” - Col. Lawrence Sellin thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/exclus…
Minister Wu talked tough on preventing a #COVID19 2nd wave while addressing the #Taiwan-#US-#Japan-#Australia #GCTF workshop. Many thanks to AIT Director Christensen, JTEA Rep. Izumi, Dep. Rep. Moore, & 70+ academics & officials from 16 countries for the successful virtual event.
船内アナウンス。乗客の下船に向けた準備を進めている。できるだけ多くの情報を確認するため、日本の当局、および各国の大使館との話し合いを進めている。最新の情報が入り次第連絡する。とのこと。 #ダイヤモンドプリンセス #DiamondPrincess #CoronavirusOutbreak #Quarantine #COVID19
In Haizhu District, #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina, two women tied and forced to kneel after talking back to epidemic prevention officers. It is rumored that the cause was because one of the two did not wear a mask when taking their takeaway. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
ワクチン接種を推奨してきた議員やメディアが知らん顔の中、いつまでこんな事を続けているのか... #COVID19 #人工パンデミィック https://t.co/5wNpFObobZ
It’s not bizarre. @angie_rasmussen is on the frontline of pro-CCP scientific misinformation campaign. Why does she desperately insist on nature-origin? Besides personal benefits from #COVID19 pandemic, don’t forget connections between her boss prof. Ian Lipkin & CCP! @JamieMetzl twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
Does stepping down mean the exemption of punishment for Dr. Fauci in the pandemic either de jure or de facto?🤔 #COVID19 #ScientificMisinformationCampaign #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
⚠️GROSSE FICELLE ENCORE 1 MOIS ½ À ATTENDRE... Tous les pays du monde où il existait des restrictions sanitaires anti-#COVID19 sont en train de les supprimer. Mais pas en France, où l'on nous dit qu'il faut attendre fin mars. 10 jours avant le 1er tour... lefigaro.fr/sciences/covid…
#Guangzhou, a city of over 20 million people, now stays “quiet”. This is a new, and much nicer way of referring to #lockdown. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19