The Voice of Dr. Yan - Ep4 As a whistleblower of #COVID19, my special experience with Big Tech, e.g. Twitter/FB, support that security flaws are widely used by CCP for its benefits. Their tactics cover capital, human resource, algorithm, & a cyber army. americaoutloud.com/ccp-cybersecur…
What to expect from the @RepMcCaul Origins of #COVID19 Report: displacing decimal points, manipulating evidence, endorsing #Wuhan lab conspiracy, and utterly no credibility. Perfect example of #disinformation.
.@TchajC & #CzechRepublic's #Taipei office are joining forces to combat #Coronavirus! The partnership will bolster efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic through R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines & vaccines. Both sides will also share key materials & best practices.
The Voice of Dr. Yan w/ @LegoSilly • During the pandemic, multi-dimensional cognitive interventions have deeply impacted our daily lives. • #COVID19 origin is a fitting example of CCP’s convert action & strategic deception! • What do we do to stop it? americaoutloud.com/to-fight-again…
We received this submission on how OP lost her father under Shanghai's inhumane #COVID19 policy. Our hearts ached when reading about how her father lost his life, while he could have been saved in many ways. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
สถานการณ์วัดใจวันนี้ ณ.ประตูร้านกาแฟ คนนอกจะผลักเข้าไปหรือคนในจะดันออกมา ต่างคนต่างไม่อยากใช้มือจับประตู ... ... ... ... ฉันชนะ จบ #COVID19
Citizens Commission on National Security member @ClareMLopez & Hugo Groener talked with Chinese virologist defector Dr. Li-Meng Yan about CCP’s bioweapons program and how it figures in to #COVID19 pandemic that has so influenced the world for past 2 years ccnationalsecurity.org/clare-lopez-wi…
The consequence of cultivating a country of nationalistic tankies: They now believe everything imported from the West is evil. They protest vehemently against #Shanghai's government importing #COVID19 vaccines. @JackPosobiec @evadou #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Time waits for no nonbinary being.⏳ #Taiwan’s Digital #COVID19 Certificate is here!🇹🇼 Apply▶️dvc.mohw.gov.tw Read my @TaiwanPDIS post on the development of the digital vaccine passport platform. ▶️pdis.nat.gov.tw/en/blog/%E9%96… Let’s get ready for the post-pandemic world.🗺 twitter.com/taiwanplusnews…
I’m helping share the #TaiwanModel for combating #COVID19, and you can too. ▶️bit.ly/3bP77Fb
They knew the possibility of lab-origin, gain-of-function and weaponization of #COVID19 from the very beginning. But finally they decided to deny it for their own benefits! CCP uses these experts as replaceable tools. So pathetic! twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
.@WHO knows how to combat #Coronavirus? @AmChamTaipei's @foreman_william has a tip. Ask #Taiwan! Read his op-ed & learn about the country's use of AI, big data, daily press briefings & early intervention to manage #COVID19. And we agree—Taiwan must have its voice heard at #WHA73. twitter.com/CWM_en/status/…
재팬데믹 JAPAN-DEMIC No Test, No Virus. The Stupid Liar. #COVID19 #Japan
House Republicans commissioned a special investigative panel focused on #COVID19 pandemic, hoping to leverage their new, powerful majority to press scientists and federal officials about origin of the public health crisis and government’s response to it.👍 washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2023…
Watch Prime Minister Dlamini urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank our friend for recognizing the country's contributions to Kingdom of #Eswatini's🇸🇿 #COVID19-combating efforts. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
The U.S. #COVID19 origins probe is not meant for cracking the scientific puzzle, but a political witch-hunt foretold, making China the sole subject of its origin-tracing efforts. globaltimes.cn/page/202108/12…
The 1st #GCTF by #Taiwan #US #Japan & #Guatemala is a wrap. Participants from 25+ countries shared strategies for #COVID19, good governance & post-pandemic prosperity. Many thanks VM Tsao @juliechungfso AIT Dir. Christensen JTEA Rep. Izumi @PedroBroloGT & @audreyt for the event.
Minister Wu accompanied former VP Chen during his participation in @UKParliament's @CommonsHealth session on managing #COVID19 chaired by @Jeremy_Hunt. Discussions included #Taiwan's contact tracing experiences & other core elements of the #TaiwanModel. ➡️bit.ly/3gVjoL9
@TheChiefNerd Dr. Fauci still tried to deny the gain-of-function (actually WEAPONIZATION) in the development of #COVID19 in CCP-PLA’s labs. The compromised scientists are essential in Xi Jinping’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Without their efforts, the pandemic cannot be so destructive!
Combating #COVID19 takes #AllHandsOnDeck. This is why we're working with TSMC Charity Foundation & Medtecs Group in facilitating the donation of coveralls, hazmat suits, head covers, isolation gowns, masks & shoe covers to #Eswatini, #StLucia & #Somaliland. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼
The #US intelligence community has compiled a so-called report on the origins of #COVID19. It is a mendacious report made up for political purposes. There is no scientific basis or credibility in it.
This @Telegraph article highlights the government's gold-standard response as key to limiting the spread of disease. #TaiwanCanHelp by sharing its experiences with other countries. Read @niccijsmith's firsthand take on how #Taiwan is combating #COVID19. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/0…
The creation of a new "Ella" Unit for Epidemiological Investigation has just been approved by the Minister of Defense & IDF Chief of the Gen. Staff. 600 soldiers will strengthen our Home Front Command's epidemiological investigation efforts. Our fight against #COVID19 continues.