抗生物質は新型コロナウイルスの予防や治療に有効ですか。 いいえ。抗生物質はウイルスには作用せず、細菌にのみ作用します。 #COVID19 #Mythbusters
The Voice of Dr. Yan • United Front (UF) is a political strategy by establishing a massive network to advance CCP’s interests. • Liang Guan-Jun, a top UF leader in 🇺🇸, sued me for speaking out about CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19 to cause anti-Asian racism. americaoutloud.com/the-united-fro…
IDF Chief of the General Staff LTG Aviv Kohavi & U.S. Chairman of the @thejointstaff Gen. Mark A. Milley discussed regional developments in the #COVID19 era over video call today. The 🇺🇸-🇮🇱 strategic partnership remains as close as ever, even at a distance.
W/ @JennPellegrino @NEWSMAX on Apr 18 • As we know from the hearing @COVIDSelect, #COVID19 🦠 was lab made by CCP • Lots of smoking gun evidence in 🦠 gene sequence • From the beginning, CCP lies with pro-CCP campaign, causing the pandemic deliberately • Must investigate it! twitter.com/translatev_1/s…
6月28日、東京都内で新たに60人の #新型コロナウイルス 感染者を確認しました。1日の感染確認数としては5月25日の #緊急事態宣言解除後 では最多です。 報道では余程の #感染爆発 がない限り最早 #自粛 はない状況です。 私達自ら #自衛 する事に尽きます‼️ #NCGM #COVID19 www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
We are preparing to allocate 500 soldiers to assist in limiting the spread of #COVID19, as requested by @israelpolice & approved by the government. From Sunday, IDF troops will be assisting police teams with patrolling, isolating & securing areas in Israel. #StayHome
🎥 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲́𝗼 𝗨𝗣𝗥-𝗧𝗩 Après les élections, la #COVID19 revient sur le devant de la scène médiatique et politique. On assiste en même temps ▪️à un DURCISSEMENT indéniable de l’exécutif ▪️mais aussi à un phénomène nouveau : la LIBÉRATION DE LA PAROLE ➡️ youtu.be/-W5x3EKN358
Which countries responded best to #COVID19? @DrTomFrieden, ex-director of @CDCgov🇺🇸, answers the question in an enlightening @WSJ piece. #Taiwan🇹🇼 earns accolades from the good doctor for its early actions that saved lives & avoided lockdowns. Learn more➡️on.wsj.com/35r08kT
Easy version of Dr. Robert Garry’s #COVID19 nature-origin: The dead guy hanging on the roof got 10 bullets in his head & heart, with his hands tied behind, while the gun was 10 miles away…it maybe…then could be…we don’t know…BUT he committed suicide - Homicide is conspiracy🙄 twitter.com/nicholsonbaker…
Emperor Xi is angry to be called as “complicity of #COVID19 origin”. He urged CCP to force 🇺🇸 to correct it to be “CCP regime is the mastermind of COVID-19 origin, because COVID19 🦠 was developed by People’s Liberation Army, based on orders from Xi Jinping himself!” #XiThoughts twitter.com/COVIDSelect/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Considering the weaponized nature of the #COVID19 🦠 and the damage in the pandemic, it’s necessary to strengthen the regulation of the manipulation of COVID19 🦠 & establish corresponding punitive measures & accountability mechanisms. americaoutloud.com/pfizers-plan-o…
A desperate family in #Hebei Province in #CCPChina. Both mom & 42-day-old twins infected and are having a fever. No medicines at home. Mom put potato chips on babies to try to lower their temperature. No ambulance available. #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCPVirus
Ep11. No Amnesty should be given before a thorough investigation of #COVID19 ORIGIN •Xi-CCP promote various of fake origin theories to muddle the water •Developing Unrestricted Bioweapons is Xi’s national strategy. Xi’s primary enemy is 🇺🇸 The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pmET
We're working to support the Ministry of Health & local authorities in responding to the #COVID19 pandemic. These are the latest numbers:
Wear a mask and get yourself vaccinated,when available! Let’s #StandTogether to stop the spread and save the country from #COVID19 @ssrajamouli @tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @ajaydevgn @aliaa08 @DVVMovies @PenMovies @LycaProductions
【解説】#新型コロナ 対策と #熱中症 対策 #マスク をしながらの #熱中症予防 3つ ①首まわりなどがあいた、放熱しやすい服を着る ②冷たいペットボトルを、体の太い血管が通っている場所に当てる ③こまめな水分、塩分補給 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #うちで過ごそう ntv.co.jp/news_covid19/a…
Latest findings of Ab-dependent enhancement (ADE) of #COVID19 infection caused by inoculated or induced Abs @Nature “...sera collected from mRNA-vaccinated individuals...some sera gradually exhibited dominance of ADE activity in a time-dependent manner.” nature.com/articles/s4159…
Watch Minister Wu's @GuamTeco reopening speech. It's great to be back in idyllic #Guam🇬🇺! Gratitude to the #US🇺🇸 & @louleonguerrero for facilitating #Taiwan's🇹🇼 return. As part of celebrations, we're donating 4 body-temperature scanners for combating #COVID19. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
ドイツのギュータースロー郡で新型コロナ集団感染が発生し、制限緩和後初の都市封鎖(ロックダウン)。ドイツでは1人の感染者が何人にうつすかを示す「実効再生産数」が数週間ぶりの水準に跳ね上がっています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/37U2s3w
新型コロナ感染者が7日ごとに倍増しており、この状況を放置すれば入院者数と死者数の上昇につながる。10月中旬に1日あたりの新規感染者が5万人に達する。イギリス政府の首席科学顧問らが警告しました。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/362DzUm
More details about Fauci’s assistant Prof. Ian Lipkin in the leaked emails, and Lipkin’s puppet Dr. Angela Rasmussen @angie_rasmussen on nature-origin of #COVID19. Published by The Yan Research on Nov, 2020. zenodo.org/record/4283480 twitter.com/MarioNawfal/st…
In Sep 2020 @APNews bragged about “Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation” to deny lab-origin of #COVID19 & smear Yan Report “The study...by Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan & colleagues. It claims to show evidence 🦠didn’t originate in nature” #FakeFactCheck twitter.com/thackerpd/stat…
2020年7月9日、F-22ラプター・デモンストレーション・チームのパイロット兼司令官のガンダーソン少佐が、COVID-19の感染防止に取り組んだ多くの人々に感謝の意を示すために、エレメンドルフ・リチャードソン統合基地 (アラスカ州) でデモ飛行を行いました。(写真: 米軍公式サイトより) #tbt #COVID19
17日、三人のアジア人がカナダのスーパーで買い物した時、スタッフが近寄り、何故マスクをつけているの?付けているから感染しているんでしょ?だったら店から出て!と勝手に感染者扱いし、三人は警備員に追い出されたという。これが人権を尊重する自由民主な国ね…ただの差別主義者だろ😒 #COVID19
Amb. Lee & @Surangeljr know it takes #AllHandsOnDeck to combat #COVID19. This is why #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Palau🇵🇼 are partnering to strengthen the local response to the pandemic. #TaiwanCanHelp masks, rapid screening reagents, essential items & medical teams will make all the difference!