An alarming sign to pro-natural origin scientists/officials in misinformation campaign, including Dr. Fauci @PeterDaszak, @K_G_Andersen @ggronvall...Still refuse to admit lab-origin & weaponized nature of #COVID19 virus? CCP has well-planed to throw you under the bus mercilessly! twitter.com/ChinaDaily/sta…
"The IDF does not rest. We learn, review & draw the relevant conclusions...as part of preparations for a second wave with the hope that it will not come.” —IDF Chief of the General Staff LTG Aviv Kohavi to IDF commanders at a forum reviewing Israel's efforts to battle #COVID19.
VP Chen did a fine job detailing the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus. Sharing information on #Taiwan's quarantine measures, social distancing, PPE supplies & vaccine development helps strengthen the global response to the #COVID19 pandemic while achieving #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…
#COVID19 との戦いを続けながら、駐屯地の近傍演習場で重迫撃砲中隊の #訓練 検閲を行います。中隊検閲は中隊の一年間積み上げた訓練成果を判定する重要なものです。普通科が保有する最大の火力である #120mm迫撃砲 で、前方で行動する味方を火力支援します。 #福知山 #京都
Clips from #Beijing, showing: Courier goods piling up, no delivery boys to deliver food, empty streets, empty subways, empty airport, empty shopping malls, empty roads, etc. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19
New data released by the US CDC show that “#COVID19 variant #XBB.1.5 is projected to make up to 40.5% of COVID-19 cases nationally”, and it is highly contagious and immune evasive. What measures has the US taken to prevent it from spreading to other countries?
BREAKING: Today, @GovMurphy signed an Executive Order reopening schools and colleges for in-person instruction. School districts that cannot meet ALL #COVID19 health and safety standards will begin in all-remote learning.
Get the elderly vaccinated is the new task. #CCPvirus #CCPChina #Covid #COVID19
Our heartfelt thanks to @moteging for a new donation of 1.13 million vaccine doses. The much-appreciated gesture allows the country to keep staging an effective #COVID19 fightback. It also shows the strength of the special friendship & relationship shared by #Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Japan🇯🇵.
ちょっと😱 これ・・すごい。 #COVID19 による肺損傷は、喫煙者のそれよりも酷い。 肺はつぶれ、凝固し、息切れは長く続く twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…
From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠. Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡 twitter.com/PhilippMarkoli…
Experience the socialist service. There is an infinite cycle of despair. The man was still quarantined in the hotel when he called... #TheGreatTranslationMovement #COVID19
世間様では熊本の「あまびえ」が流行っているようですが、当社では江戸時代コレラ流行を鎮めた「張り子の虎」が疫病退散、無病息災の御守として現在まで伝えられています。早期のワクチン開発と多くの治療薬が出来る事を祈っております。#少彦名神社 #COVID19 #神社仏閣 #感染第2波 #アマビエ あま
Started a busy day in #NewYork by reviewing topics on our agenda at the 19th #MIKTA FM Meeting. Discussed situation in #Afghanistan, recognition of vaccine certificates & vaccination aid to underdeveloped countries in the framework of fight against #COVID19.🇹🇷🇲🇽🇮🇩🇰🇷🇦🇺 #UNGA76
“🇨🇳 has exploited search engine results on Xinjiang & #COVID19, which are geopolitically salient to Beijing... Chinese state media have aggressively pushed unfounded theories that the pandemic originated in a US military lab.” - It’s CCP’s Unrestricted War nypost.com/2022/05/27/chi…
A special medical laboratory dedicated to processing #COVID19 test results of military personnel has been established by the IDF Medical Corps with the ability to analyse hundreds of test results each day. The fight against #COVID19 continues.
A special medical laboratory dedicated to processing #COVID19 test results of military personnel has been established by the IDF Medical Corps with the ability to analyse hundreds of test results each day. The fight against #COVID19 continues.
We appreciate the care & concern shown for #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its 23 million people by @RepAndyBarr & 60+ bipartisan members of the #US🇺🇸 House of Representatives. More weapons in the country's #COVID19 armory enable an even stronger fightback & greater global progress on #HealthForAll. twitter.com/RepAndyBarr/st…
#US: Healthcare system in some U.S. states at the brink of collapse due to #COVID19, may trigger a chain reaction nationwide. theatlantic.com/health/archive…
Watch President Aingimea urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank our good friend for recognizing the country's contributions to #Nauru's🇳🇷 & the world's #COVID19-combating efforts. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
土曜の速報:レオン・リーです。大変な状況が続いているけど、みんな大丈夫?僕はカリフォルニアで家で静かに過ごしているよ。今は厳しい状況だけど、必ず打ち勝てると思っている。ちゃんと手洗い、うがいをして、周りの人とは一定の距離を保って予防をしてね。 #COVID19 #stayhomeJapan #自粛要請
More timely support from #Lithuania🇱🇹 for #Taiwan🇹🇼! We sincerely thank @LithuaniaHealth & @LithuaniaMFA for arranging a 2nd generous donation of #COVID19 doses. We also thank @IngridaSimonyte for leading by example with her walk the talk approach to vaccine equity & solidarity. twitter.com/LithuanianGovt…
名古屋・中川署は、路上で隣人に「俺はコロナだ」などと言って息を吹き掛けたとして、脅迫の疑いで54歳の男をを逮捕しました。 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #俺コロナ #逮捕 #また愛知 chunichi.co.jp/s/article/2020…
Sure! #COVID19 🦠 was adapted in the lab using human ACE2 transgenic 🐁 to infect human better. (Described in the 1st Yan report) Cannot assume it was a benign modification by CCP, right? #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/townhallcom/st…