Did you know? Women spend 3x as many hours as men each day in unpaid care and domestic work. #COVID19 is adding to women’s unpaid care workloads! 🎨 Art: Yuran Choi
SCHOOLS UPDATE: 🍎Parents will have the option to choose all-remote learning for their kids 🍎Districts will have flexibility to decide what's best for their schools Empowering parents and educators is critical to keeping New Jerseyans safe from #COVID19: nj.gov/education/reop…
Even before #COVID19, women did 3 times more unpaid care work than men. Let's make 2022 the year we balance the load. 👏👏
The people & government congratulate @XiomaraCastroZ on her inauguration. @ChingteLai, attending the ceremony as @iingwen's envoy, had good meetings with the new president. The special donation of #COVID19 supplies symbolizes the deep bonds shared by #Taiwan🇹🇼 & ally #Honduras🇭🇳. twitter.com/XiomaraCastroZ…
It takes an army. Last night, IDF soldiers packed 8,000 boxes with 50 tons of fruit and vegetables for the residents of Bnei Brak who are in lockdown due to the high rate of #COVID19 infection in the city. We're delivering the boxes right now to families in need.
600 IDF soldiers will be reinforcing @israelpolice forces from tomorrow & assisting them in their mission of limiting the spread of #COVID19. Together they will patrol, isolate & secure areas in Israel so that Israelis #StayHome & #StaySafe
Very glad to host @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen at MOFA for the phone call with @SecAzar of @HHSGov. They had a lot to share while discussing the #Taiwan-#US response to #COVID19. JW twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
Read @DCTwining's @NikkeiAsia op-ed. The @IRIglobal president spotlights the success of the #TaiwanModel in combating #COVID19. He also makes a compelling case for why democratic #Taiwan🇹🇼 is a "more likely pacesetter" for the future of the Asia-Pacific. asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Taiwan…
2021/06/20 #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 美國政府捐贈250萬劑Moderna COVID-19疫苗將於今(20)日傍晚抵臺 🌐新聞連結:at.cdc.tw/mF740l
Dr. Tedros @DrTedros & @WHO should answer👇🏻 first: • Is it a “pure scientific” issue if Xi-CCP regime develops #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19 🦠, then releases it on purpose in Wuhan? • Is it “geopolitical” to hold the criminals who killed millions accountable in the pandemic? twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
I was on Joe Hoft Show at 93.3 on Friday • #COVID19 virus was intentionally released out of labs in Wuhan by CCP regime & military • Accidentally, the 🦠 got out of control then caused Wuhan Outbreak • It’s a step in CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon program thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/breaki…
Many thanks @ipacglobal for urging #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in @WHO⚕️ activities, mechanisms & meetings like #WHA73. The truth is #TaiwanCanHelp bolster global #Coronavirus-combating efforts & save lives. It's imperative we #LeaveNoOneBehind in responding to #COVID19. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Thank you @RepEliotEngel & @HouseForeign for recognizing @iingwen’s appropriate response. #Taiwan’s long & successful history of working with global partners in realizing @WHO’s #HealthForAll is beyond question. Politics mustn’t undermine efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic. twitter.com/HouseForeign/s…
特例承認した「レムデシビル」に続き日本国内で2例目。肺疾患や感染症などで効果が認められている抗炎症薬「デキサメタゾン」を新型コロナウイルス感染症の治療薬として厚生労働省が認定しました。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3eJaEFD
For people who don’t have BSL3 or BSL-4 lab experience on coronavirus, it’s easy to accept “accidental lab leak” I worked in the BSL-3 lab in the WHO reference lab at HKU using #COVID19 virus. It’s impossible to cause Wuhan outbreak and the pandemic “accidentally” Ask Xi Jinping! twitter.com/FoxNews/status…
Our sincere thanks to the #US🇺🇸 for including #Taiwan🇹🇼 in its allocation plan for sharing 25 million #Vaccine doses worldwide. The measure will strengthen the country's #COVID19 fightback & the global response to the pandemic. We're #StrongerTogether! whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…
#America Ranked First? The Truth about America's fight against #COVID19. en.rdcy.org/uploads2021/fi…
To support nurseries at this time, we have decided that they will also be eligible for a business rates holiday for one year from 1 April. Local authorities will be fully compensated for the cost of this and we are applying the Barnett formula to the additional support. #COVID19
Over 160 countries have been affected by #COVID19, including Israel. This is what the IDF is doing to protect Israeli civilians:
Our teachers made us who we are. They pushed us. They shaped us. They gave to us. Now during #COVID19, when over 1 million students are at home, IDF soldiers in Unit 8200 are giving back to their teachers by volunteering their tech knowledge to help them with remote learning.
Male suicide rates are rising worldwide, in a trend set to keep growing due to the #COVID19 pandemic. #Mentalhealth #MentalHealthMatters Men, grow a pair of 👂👂& listen to or talk to your mates about mental health or how they are doing. Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=P-lOu0…
Minister Wu presided over the donation of 15 ISO tanks by Taoyuan City & Adani Group. Presented by Mayor Cheng to Rep. Das, the #TaiwanCanHelp tanks pair with the #LoveFromTaiwan oxygen concentrators & cylinders. #Taiwan is #India's partner in combating #COVID19 & saving lives.