Helped Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences in setting up of additional 20-bedded ICU with ventilator facility to treat #COVID19 patients. #TogetherWeCan @hombalefilms @VKiragandur @ChaluveG
Please don’t be panic. But we must know what happened! Q: Shall we rely on the experts like SAGO of @WHO (for novel pathogen origin) or Dr. Fauci? To note, Unrestricted Bioweapon = Bioweapon+Misinformation/Censorship (like natural-origin theory)! #COVID19 news.sky.com/story/amp/pati…
Inclusion in @CNN’s list of women sharing lessons learnt during the pandemic went above & beyond my expectations.🎆 #Taiwan is a small country, but we excelled in combating #COVID19 & contributed to the world.🇹🇼 On #IWD2021, so can you!🖖 Learn more.🔽 edition.cnn.com/world/live-new…
There were many opportunities to AVOID #COVID19 pandemic by CCP regime, after 🦠 got out of control in Wuhan. I tried to prevent it by revealing the truth since 19 Jan 2020 with @lude_media. However, Emperor Xi made the evilest decision to spread it all over the world! #Tribunal twitter.com/COVIDSelect/st…
#Taiwan looks forward to continuing its work with the #UnitedStates, showcasing how free & open societies can respond effectively to the #COVID19 pandemic. twitter.com/WHNSC45/status…
That's what friends are for! Deepest gratitude to @StateDept for facilitating a 2nd #US🇺🇸 donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The 1.5 million shots take the total generously shared by the fellow force for good with our country to 4 million. We're #StrongerTogether! twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…
“WHO warned next pandemic could be on the scale of The Black Death; Prof Woolhouse says something more major could be on the horizon” - WITHOUT accountability of intentional release of weaponized #COVID19 🦠 & misinformation by CCP, we will NEVER be safe! dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
People are back to restaurants & life is back to normal in #Zhengzhou while the city in Central #China clears all its medium & high-risk areas for #COVID19. Of course with all temperature & health code checks in place since tackling the pandemic is a long-term issue.
フランスでは10月1日から新型コロナウイルス感染症による死者数が1万人以上に増えていて、この数日間で、30秒に1人が入院して、3分に1人が重篤者になる状況。入院患者も過去最大だそうです。ロックダウンのおかげで新規感染者は減ってはいるもののまだまだ大変な状況です。🇫🇷 #France #COVID19 😷
IDF assistance to Israeli-Arab communities during #COVID19: • 185,000+ meals distributed • 3,000+ hygiene kits distributed to Bedouin communities • 80 Arabic-speaking reservists recruited for an information campaign • 4 drive-thru test centers #معا_ضد_كورونا
Watch Minister Wu discuss government efforts to combat #Coronavirus with @davidcommon of @CBCNews. Low #COVID19 case numbers make the country’s aggressive, multipronged approach led by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC a model for managing the pandemic & realizing @WHO’s #HealthForAll.
@CollinRugg ‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews! Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
#Poland's🇵🇱 donation of 400K #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼 has landed. We're touched by this magnanimous gesture, extend a heartfelt thanks to the government & people of the #EU🇪🇺 member state. Cooperation & solidarity will see us overcome the pandemic. Yes! #PolandCanHelp twitter.com/PLinTaiwan/sta…
オミクロン型の感染がピークを迎えて減少に転じるまでの期間は世界の主要都市で30日前後に。東京は1月4日の感染倍増から18日が経過しており、2月上旬がピークになる計算です。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3FMMw2F
2021/07/13 #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 感謝日本政府再次提供台灣 AZ COVID-19 疫苗 ❤️日本の皆様からの心温まる支援を心より感謝を申し上げます❤️ #台日友好 #日台友好 🇯🇵🇹🇼
【速報】新型コロナ、東京で新たに1027人の感染発表。1000人を上回るのは1月28日以来。 #新型コロナウイルス  #COVID19 ▽これまでの感染者の推移は? news.tbs.co.jp/newsi_sp/seika…
ワクチンの異物混入はスペインの委託先工場の製造ラインで発生したと米モデルナが説明。安全性や有効性の問題は確認されていないとしています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3mzAZ0G
According to the Mercury News, a half dozen death certificates from California, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma & Wisconsin have been quietly amended to list #COVID19 as a contributing factor. This means COVID-19 could be present in the #US as early as Dec. or even Nov. 2019.
5月末や6月7日までとする案を検討。政府が新型コロナの緊急事態宣言を延長する方針を固めました。5月1日に開く専門家会議の意見や状況を見極め最終判断します。#日経特報 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2Yd0msZ
#Taiwan's #Coronavirus-combating efforts saw the country's baseball season get underway April 12 in a closed stadium with robot spectators. The #TaiwanModel of managing #COVID19 is keeping life on an even keel & ensuring sports fans can still get the competitive juices flowing. twitter.com/NBCSports/stat…