⚕️LES CONFINEMENTS MACRON ONT FAIT DOUBLER LE NOMBRE D'ENFANTS OBÈSES ! Chaque semaine,de nouvelles enquêtes médicales reconnaissent la nocivité des décisions de Macron face à la #COVID19. Grâce à Mélenchon,le calvaire des jeunes va durer 5 ans de plus ! sudouest.fr/sante/coronavi…
「路上販売のマスク、購入は慎重に」。違法ではないかとの通報が相次ぎ、国民生活センターは品質確認が難しいとして注意を呼びかけています。卸売会社が在庫処分を急いでいる背景があるとの指摘があります。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2WbqouY
‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews! Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
Safe, sound & on the ground! The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 sincerely thank #Japan🇯🇵 for its 6th donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses totaling 300K. The timely gesture by the country's #RealFriend lifts the inoculation rate & strengthens the global response to the pandemic.
#Taiwan's SARS experience taught VP Chen & the government lessons crucial in combating #Coronavirus. Meaningful @WHO participation, as well as sharing the country's expertise & resources, can help the world better manage #COVID19 & deliver #HealthForAll. topics.amcham.com.tw/2020/03/vice-p…
都内の救命救急センターの多くがコロナ対応で逼迫している状況です。 コロナ禍だろうと事故や急病は待ってくれません。 医科歯科ERでは社会的使命を果たす為、最後まで諦めません。 今日も重症救急患者もコロナ重症患者もどちらも全力投球です。 #医療崩壊 #救急逼迫 #東京の医療 #COVID19 #救命
3-3) On @OANN with @AddisonSmithOAN • CCP’s lab-origin is vindicated. But still a long way to go. • CCP-PLA scientists deeply involving in #COVID19 control many labs in 🇺🇸, spending 🇺🇸 fundings to harm 🇺🇸. • Lots of smoking gun evidence in The Yan Reports (see my pinned tweet) twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
PCR検査で、死んだ新型コロナのかけらを陽性として検知している可能性があるとオックスフォード大学の研究チームが指摘。「ごく少量のウイルスで陽性結果が出ないように基準を設けるべきだ」としています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/335gGg5
Happy #DragonBoatFestival! Celebrations are subdued in Taiwan this year so as to keep the #COVID19 fightback on track. Cooperation, perseverance & trust will see the country come through this tough time stronger & more unified. #Taiwan🇹🇼 is an #IslandOfResilience.
Our sincere gratitude to @moteging of @MofaJapan_jp for announcing #Japan's🇯🇵 donation of 500K #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. This heartwarming gesture by the country's #RealFriend again demonstrates the deep bonds shared by our people & strength of bilateral relations.
What measures did #Taiwan take in combating #Coronavirus & safeguarding the health of its 23 million people? Get the inside story when VP Chen & @EllenJMacKenzie discuss the effectiveness of the #TaiwanModel in better managing the #COVID19 pandemic. This is a must-watch webcast! twitter.com/JohnsHopkinsSP…
Este es un mensaje pagado por el Consejo de Salubridad de Michilandia 🐈👍🏼 Di no al #COVID19
We warmly welcome #Slovakia's🇸🇰 donation of 160K #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The generous gesture is another example of the virtuous #HealthForAll circle. It also shows the strength of friendship & exchanges between our freedom- & democracy-loving countries.(📸 via TASR)
コロナの影響で行きつけのヘアサロンが閉まってしまったザンギエフ。 My favorite barbaershop closed by coronavirus… #おうちで過ごし隊 #StayatHome #ステイホーム #おうち時間 #ザンギエフ #zangief #おうち時間 #宅コス #コロナに負けるな #COVID19 #コロナ
「食品やフードチェーンがウイルス感染に関係しているという証拠はない」「食べ物や食品の包装を恐れる必要はない」。WHOが食品から新型コロナウイルスが感染する証拠はないとの見解を示しました。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3fQDfJH
Conspiracy circulating on China social media that #COVID19 is a bio-weapon against Chinese gene. Netizens claim it is designed to attack reproductive system and therefore a genocide on Chinese. Hmmm I am scared now.😅 #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Put on a mask and sanitize your hands, please. Ringo マスクと手指消毒をお願いします。リンゴより #capybara #cute #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい #かわいい動物 #水豚 #コロナ #COVID19 #Covid_19
Even as we face & focus on #COVID19, the regime in Uganda isn't relenting from repression! Pr. Andrew Muwanguzi, a #PeoplePower coordinator was subjected to torture all night. Charged with non-existent offence of 'abusing the Person of the President' facebook.com/130737598011/p…
#Japan's🇯🇵 total donation of 3.4M #COVID19 vaccine doses is truly appreciated by the government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼. Despite pressing pandemic challenges at home, our #RealFriend keeps caring & sharing. We thank @MofaJapan_jp's @moteging for announcing the 4th timely shipment.
A 1,000-year-old darkened room can be illuminated by a single lantern.🪔 Let’s banish the shadows of #Coronavirus with the brilliance of innovation & trust.🫂 Join me in swapping ideas & learning through @CWM_en’s platform »#TaiwanModel: #COVID19 & Me.🇹🇼 Live long & prosper.🖖 twitter.com/CWM_en/status/…
#COVID19 #COVID19予防薬 #イベルメクチン 当院では、新型コロナに予防効果が有ると期待されている薬剤をお出ししています。特にノーベル賞の大村先生が作ったイベルメクチンはアメリカでも多くの病院で予防効果や改善効果が認められて居ます。全て自費になりますので、お電話下さい