Besides Dr. Fauci & Peter Daszak in EcoHealth, there are more comprised scientists like Dr. Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall in John Hopkins U helped CCP’s misinformation campaign. Gigi’s efforts in nature-origin of #COVID misled American investigators a lot! Should she be investigated?
It’s great to have a genuine friend like #Nauru! Thank you President Aingimea for speaking up for #Taiwan’s rights at #UN75 & telling the world about what we have to offer when it comes to responding to global issues like #COVID.
#AmazingChina. After arriving at the #Earthquake site in #Sichuan Province, #CCPChina, the first thing the rescuers did was NOT to rescue survivors but to line up for #COVID19 testing... #COVID #CCPvirus
The number of #Shanghai metro passengers kept dropping, from 10.203 million on Dec 9 to 3.055 million on Dec 17, after the #CCP made a U-Turn in its #ZeroCOVIDpolicy. #chinalockdown #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
CCP demanded some #COVID quarantine camps to be changed into crematoriums ASAP! Meanwhile, China CDC claims just 3 COVID death on 2nd Jan. Why does CCP cheat again on 🦠? Is there any new omicron-like variants with immune escape circulating in 🇨🇳? What’s PLA’s role this time?
Yes, we wear a face mask in Japan. RT@Benioff @RobynCurnowCNN We should have stopped this a long time ago, Dr @larrybrilliant says about #COVID in the US.“If 95% of Americans wear a face mask we would save 75,000 lives, and deaths would be averted by the first month of next year twitter.com/RobynCurnowCNN…
Just by playing this strange game, @GISH participants raised over ONE MILLION meals for kids impacted by #COVID-related economic hardship. Way to play for good, guys!
In #Wuhan today. People broke the #Quarantine line and tore down the quarantine camps. #CCP#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVIRUS #COVID #AmazingChina twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Digital control at a subway station in #Shanghai. Everyone has to scan your #HealthCode to get in, and your code must be green. You are not watching a science fiction movie. #上海, 掃碼進地鐵,美麗的新世界。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
新型コロナの臨床経過について自験例を独断と偏見で5つに分類してみました(異論は認めます)。 ホテル療養している人が途中から発熱してきたら入院に変わりますが,最初からホテル療養の人で入院に変わる人はそれほど多くない印象なので,2)は結構多いだろうと推測しています。 #COVID-19
R u worried about “Ebola-or Marburg- like virus” in 🇨🇳? See the Gain-of-Function work rejected by DARPA: @PeterDaszak clearly stated GOF on coronavirus will be applied to other high-lethal viruses (Hendra, Nipah, Ebola, Marburg...)‼️ #COVID is real. What else CCP would release? twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
We appreciate the great job by Senator Burr @SenatorBurr 👍 The latest report of Origin of #COVID concludes that “SARS-CoV-2, which resulted in the pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident”. It’s NOT an accident! Evidence we have could help to prove it!
🤬L'histoire retiendra que Macron, Castex et Véran ont forcé les personnes guéries #COVID à se faire injecter INUTILEMENT de l'ARNm Pfizer 4 mois après leur guérison, sous peine de ségrégation sociale. Tôt ou tard,ils devront rendre des comptes aux victimes des effets secondaires
Thank you @TuvaluPM Natano for recognising #Taiwan's efforts to achieve #SDGs and supporting our participation in international organisations at #UN75. You’re right, our handling of the #COVID pandemic means that #TaiwanCanHelp the world even more if we’re given the chance.
Before upcoming report of #COVID origin by @WHO, it appears scientists in misinformation campaign with CCP got more active. Since they promote so-called natural bat viruses “close to SARS2”, maybe it’s the time for Yan Research to reveal them again, right? scientificamerican.com/article/the-la…
Some in the US are concerned about human rights under China's proactive #COVID response strategy. Wonder if they consider over 1 million American lives cut short a serious human rights issue?
Many experts claim that current #COVID outbreak in 🇨🇳 is due to weak immunity related to #ZeroCovid & lack of vaccination. It’s NOT TRUE! •#ZeroCovid is mainly the digital control for political purposes, not for public health •2-dose Vaccination in elderly over 60 in🇨🇳 is >84%!
バイラム・ブライドル博士は、カナダで最初にmRNA ワクチンの危険性について警告したカナダ医師の1 人 #COVID #ワクチン #mRNA #危害 #スパイクタンパク質
True! On 23 Jan, 3 days after I revealed #COVID19 truth via @lude_media, Xi lockdown Wuhan to prevent himself from the uncontrolled outbreak. Meanwhile, he let 🦠 spread globally. Btw, Xi awarded 🇨🇳 military scientists for HCQ treatment, and sent HCQ to Russia against #COVID! twitter.com/keith_dorschne…
It’s my honor to receive such warm welcome from Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social! For 2-yr journey of telling truth of #COVID, it’s one of my biggest struggles to fight against censorship/suppression. Finally we have a new platform TRUTH SOCIAL to embrace the freedom of speech❤️
We are grateful to #SaintLucia Prime Minister @allenmchastanet for supporting #Taiwan’s inclusion in global processes at #UN75. We need to be a part of discussions on climate change & the #COVID response, because we too know that #TaiwanCanHelp the world take on these challenges.
Current #COVID outbreak in 🇨🇳 is a man-made disaster: •CCP suppressed the medicine supply, and hospitals are overloaded •No surveillance and 🦠 sequencing now! •CCP-Xi regime lies to the world as usual ‼️The timing & severe symptoms are very suspicious! #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…