We are grateful to #Haiti president @moisejovenel for supporting #Taiwan’s right to international participation at #UN75. We are proud to be your partner in your fight against #COVID & hope to be able to help more countries around the world respond to the pandemic.
@elonmusk Hi, Musk @elonmusk
Please check how CCP infiltrated in Twitter!
The truth of #COVID origin is censored!
Why my 1st account @LiMengYAN119 was suspended soon after I published the lab-origin report?
Why is my current account still shadow-banned?
Why so many CCP’s cyber army here?
It’s my honor to visit the respectful Doctor Bob - Founder of Cognex, Robert J. Shillman - and had a very serious conversation in his studio. After over 2 yrs of pandemic, CCP’s military-origin of #COVID seems still “too sensitive” for media like @YouTube.
4. Winter Olympic is coming. CCP controls all the information.
• Is the pathogen from nature or weaponized?
• Whether such pathogen(s) from 🇨🇳 will spread worldwide like #COVID?
• Will it cause a pandemic again? It requires a full investigation. People must know the truth!
A funeral home in #Beijing. When the man who shot the video asks the 2 workers why they don't wear glasses to protect themselves, they say, "We tested positive already. We are all positive."
"We are pushing bodies in 24 hours", says man at the end.
#COVID #chinacovid #COVID19
“The only plausible assessment the agency could make is that #COVID 🦠 which killed over a million Americans originated in a Chinese Communist Party-controlled lab whose research included work for 🇨🇳 MILITARY," Ratcliffe will say.👍
British Dr. Jeremy Farrar @JeremyFarrar privately condemned pandemic sparked by ‘Wild West’ experiments in Wuhan. But he dismissed #COVID lab origin in public.
Now, WHO gave him one most prestigious role: Chief Scientist.
Btw, he has discredited my reports & me to mislead people!
I’m always asked about CCP’s “zero #COVID” data. My reply:
-Never trust CCP’s data
-When CCP required “zero”, no official dare to report (+)
-Once outbreaks can’t be covered up, CCP always insisted the 1st case was “imported”. They blamed from people to cold chain supply to mails twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
Exclusively: One banner somewhere downtown in 🇨🇳: “Xi Jinping directed the release of #COVID-19 virus. Enemy of Mankind. CCP ≠ Chinese”!
What a brave & brilliant action to express the real voice, escaping the strict surveillance successfully 👍
The collapse of CCP-Xi is coming! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
From a big infectious doctor WeChat group in 🇨🇳. PLA & civil doctors agreed that current #COVID symptoms are worse than omicron in the spring, with higher transmission & more virulent. Pneumonia cases are increasing like in 2020, esp. for patients with 3+days respiratory symptoms
I will be with Benny @bennyjohnson at 9pm EST tonight on @TheBennyReport.
Please join us for the updates of #COVID, #WinterOlympics and CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon program.
Update of 🇨🇳 #COVID tsunami
• Workload in many funeral homes increases 5-10 fold by estimate.
• First-hand data shows >60% white lung in CT scan cases.
• New immune escape variants?
What is Human Mine in 🇨🇳?
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET
As a #UyghurGenocide survivor from Xinjiang, the brave young man told people in USC “The massive #COVID quarantine camps in 🇨🇳 are actually concentration camps. What happened in Xinjiang today, will happen to others tomorrow!”
Sure, CCP-Xi will let it happen all over the world! twitter.com/TahirIzgil/sta…
In 2013 @LiuZhongjing was ridiculed for suggesting that people would try to get AIDS to avoid being organ harvested in the future. Now under Shanghai #COVID lockdown, parents are trying to get tested positive themselves in order to be with their kids
Incredible. Just by signing up for my strange little 1-day #PlayAtHome scavenger hunt, we’ll be able to provide over 100,000 meals to kids going hungry due to #COVID-related hardship. Proud of you, guys. Thanks.
GO SIGN UP if you haven’t already! gish.com
It’s necessary to restrict the travel from China due to the suspicious 🦠 tsunami without real data and sequences. However it’s not enough according to the new requirements. 2-day (-) tests in advance is less than #COVID incubation and can be unreliable!
At China-Japan Friendship Hospital in #Beijing, man counts how many bodies are in the corridor: 1,2,3...19.
#chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy
#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid
#lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
Warning! Graphic and hard to watch.
Don't know how many people in #CCPChina have been killed by #XiJingping's #ZeroCovid policy.
#CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
Dear @DrTedros,
Do you mean to continue the same “support and protection” WHO offered to 🇨🇳 since the initial #COVID outbreak in Wuhan? I worked in the WHO reference lab in @HKUniversity, and my investigation revealed that @WHO covered up and promoted misinformation with CCP! twitter.com/WHO/status/160…
Immune escape AGAIN? - Only #COVID origin can tell you the secrets!
• The troubling 'Arcturus' #COVID variant (Omicron XBB.1.16) with most cases comes from India
• It has one additional mutation in Spike protein which in lab studies shows increased infectivity
Immune escape AGAIN? - Only #COVID origin can tell you the secrets!
• The troubling 'Arcturus' #COVID variant (Omicron XBB.1.16) with most cases comes from India
• It has one additional mutation in Spike protein which in lab studies shows increased infectivity
Hong Kong pro-CCP official Ho Chun-Yin is confirmed as COVID-19 (+) two days after having photos with Xi JinPing.
‼️Based on our exclusive intelligence @lude_media, Xi JinPing didn’t receive any #COVID vax - Xi knew 🦠 was weaponized, and didn’t trust 💉!
Clips from #Beijing, showing: Courier goods piling up, no delivery boys to deliver food, empty streets, empty subways, empty airport, empty shopping malls, empty roads, etc.
#chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19