國際公認 MADE IN CHINA,無人敢同你爭👍🏻 原文: 港獨之父梁振英:amazon 竟然賣這樣東西,要忍嗎? lih.kg/1889988 ●來源:大雞樂 #COVID-19 #MadeInChina #MIC #武漢 #肺炎 #LIHKG
Incredible. Get in on this, guys! We’re going to have some fun & do a little good in the process: gish.com #COVID #StayHome twitter.com/GISH/status/12…
Incredible. Just by signing up for my strange little 1-day #PlayAtHome scavenger hunt, we’ll be able to provide over 100,000 meals to kids going hungry due to #COVID-related hardship. Proud of you, guys. Thanks. GO SIGN UP if you haven’t already! gish.com
Ramadan is starting soon. Due to the fight against #COVID-19, Israeli Muslims, like all Israelis, are staying at home. Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus traveled to northern Israel to see how the Israel Defense Forces is helping Israeli Muslims prepare for their holy month. Take a look.
This clear, consistent messaging will empower us all to stop the #COVID pandemic quickly, or not stop the pandemic at any speed. Thank you, @AdleyStump! youtu.be/Hspw7Y1Gc5s
By popular demand, I’m holding another 1-Day, Play-At-Home quarantine Scavenger Hunt! Consider this your gilded invitation/conscription notice. Be there! gish.com PS: We’ve already donated 350k meals for #COVID relief! Join us!
【超拡散希望】 すぐに削除されてしまうので、 ⚠️絶対に観ないでくださいw⚠️ コロナの核心💡 #Q #WWG1WGA #WakUpJapan #QAJF #COVIDIOTS #COVID #RiseUp #コロナ #詐欺 #立ち上がれ
#コロナに負けるな の想いは、 #ステイホームウィーク 中の自衛官の家族も同じです。 営内の若い隊員の為にと、自衛官の奥様が手作りマスクを寄付してくれました。 受け取った隊員達は、 #COVID-19 との戦いに決意を新たにしました。 #京都 #福知山
As gov't demands 10k from struggling Ugandans ostensibly to fight #COVID, they're dishing out 40m to MPs who voted to amend age limit! As they blocked Ugandans from returning home, those close to power continued to come in. It becomes clearer why our struggle is MORAL & URGENT
If we held 1 minute of silence for everyone who has died of #COVID worldwide so far, we’d all have to be quiet for 238 days. Please, guys. Wear a mask and wash your hands. Let’s help each other get through this. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
Today the US reached 100,000 dead due to #COVID. Instead of offering condolences, Trump signed an executive order designed to prevent fact-checking of HIS LIES. VOTE. cnn.com/2020/05/28/pol…
JUST IN: #Beijing is suspending primary & secondary schools tomorrow, after more than 100 #coronavirus cases were reported in the past 5 days at the capital #COVID #COVIDー19
新型コロナウイルスの累計感染者数が1000万人を超えました。1月に中国で感染が確認されてから、どの国で感染者数が増えていったのか。入れ替わる感染者数の国別ランキングを動画で見てみましょう。 #日経ビジュアルデータ #新型コロナウイルス感 #COVID-19 vdata.nikkei.com/newsgraphics/c…
7月11日土曜午後4時からフジTVで「コロナ重症病棟 医師たちの闘い」で当院集中治療部若手医師の奮闘の様子が放映されます。fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/200711cov… tv.yahoo.co.jp/program/742029… #COVID #ICU
If you have recovered from #COVID_19, come forward to help someone in need! There is no shame in getting #COVID. Please don’t let social stigma prevent you from saving lives! You can register as a donor here: givered.in
新型コロナ、日本では何故重症者が少ないか。今後の対応はどうあるべきか。帰納法的・科学的に考えて、この記事に書かれた仮説は正しいと、私は考えている。 #COVID toyokeizai.net/articles/-/363…
The Museveni regime makes past despots look like amateurs! After banning all church meetings & political meetings on account of #COVID, Museveni's campaign agents are using church buildings to hold political meetings to campaign for him. We shan't relent until all of us are equal
Just by playing this strange game, @GISH participants raised over ONE MILLION meals for kids impacted by #COVID-related economic hardship. Way to play for good, guys!
BE AWARE of the hideous tool being utilized under the cover of current #COVID-19 news. The devil’s work shop in the Internet is once again active on bad mouthing #Eritrea by pasting the name of the former FM of #Ethiopia & current DG of #WHO Dr. Adhanom as a citizen of Eritrea.
We are grateful to #Haiti president @moisejovenel for supporting #Taiwan’s right to international participation at #UN75. We are proud to be your partner in your fight against #COVID & hope to be able to help more countries around the world respond to the pandemic.
It’s great to have a genuine friend like #Nauru! Thank you President Aingimea for speaking up for #Taiwan’s rights at #UN75 & telling the world about what we have to offer when it comes to responding to global issues like #COVID.
Thank you @TuvaluPM Natano for recognising #Taiwan's efforts to achieve #SDGs and supporting our participation in international organisations at #UN75. You’re right, our handling of the #COVID pandemic means that #TaiwanCanHelp the world even more if we’re given the chance.
We are grateful to #SaintLucia Prime Minister @allenmchastanet for supporting #Taiwan’s inclusion in global processes at #UN75. We need to be a part of discussions on climate change & the #COVID response, because we too know that #TaiwanCanHelp the world take on these challenges.
Yes, we wear a face mask in Japan. RT@Benioff @RobynCurnowCNN We should have stopped this a long time ago, Dr @larrybrilliant says about #COVID in the US.“If 95% of Americans wear a face mask we would save 75,000 lives, and deaths would be averted by the first month of next year twitter.com/RobynCurnowCNN…
Take a closer look at the 🎥 three crucial steps we took to contain the #COVID outbreak using the #TaiwanModel. As a responsible member of the global community, #Taiwan is committed to sharing our knowledge & experience with the world. #TaiwanCanHelp