#Africa: At least 20 US-based Christian right-wing groups have poured more than 50 million euros into the African continent to oppose sex education, contraception, abortion, and LGBT rights, funneling cash to manipulate Africans and democracies. Report: allafrica.com/stories/202011…
Watch Minister Wu's remarks for the founding of the Formosa Club in #Africa. Vice Minister Tsao hosted the 1st meeting of the organization comprising 181 lawmakers from 29 countries. Our gratitude to all members for urging #Taiwan's🇹🇼 participation in @UN🇺🇳 agencies like @WHO⚕️.
One doctor & his #Taiwan🇹🇼 medical mission are bettering lives in #Africa. Watch "Sweetness of Friendship" & see how our country's commitment to caring for others transcends politics & warrants a #WHA75 invite. It's clear: #TaiwanCanHelp realize the @WHO's goal of #HealthForAll.
On #WorldHumanitarianDay, we salute the #RealLifeHeroes tirelessly toiling to build better tomorrows for the people amid #COVID19. Watch our video & see how #Taiwan is shouldering its share of the load across #Africa & #Asia via 450 programs in 60+ countries. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
On the 180th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, hosted @JoaoCravinho, FM of #Portugal. Discussed bilateral relations, including economy, defense industry, education & tourism. #Ukraine, #NATO enlargement & developments in #Africa & #Caucasus were on our agenda.🇹🇷🇵🇹
We sincerely appreciate @WHNSC recognizing #Taiwan as a proven partner in prosperity & the many areas in which #TaiwanCanHelp. The country is a good global citizen committed to advancing sustainable development in East #Africa & around the world. twitter.com/WHNSC45/status…
A 32-year tradition: Chinese FM's new year begins with trip to #Africa.
#Africa is big!
#NORAD has tracked #Santa and he is making his way to #Ghana, #Africa. Want to know where Santa is headed next? Give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD or visit our website at noradsanta.org.
Vice Minister Tsao delivered an enlightening address at the seminar on #Taiwan business & investment opportunities in #Africa. Many thanks to the 190 participants from the academic, civic, private & public sectors for the successful event. Great to have @AmbMohamedHagi on deck!
Our #SouthAfrica Rep. Chou proudly donated 100K masks to Amb. Teklemariam of #Ethiopia on behalf of the government & people. #TaiwanCanHelp #Africa, as well as @DrTedros' home country, combat #Coronavirus. #Taiwan successfully manages #COVID19 & is a force for good in the world.
#WorldRefugeeDay is a time to remember #EveryActionCounts. Watch our touching short "#Taiwan Story-Together Stronger" & see how #TaiwanCanHelp create a more just, equal & inclusive world. We're proud to be making a difference in #Africa & #Asia via 450 programs in 60+ countries.
The latest donation of #COVID19-combating masks will save more lives in #Eswatini🇸🇿. It also represents the success of government-to-government cooperation in achieving #PPE self-sufficiency for the country & positioning it as #Africa's hub for such items. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 twitter.com/TW_Eswatini/st…
Watch Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi from the Kingdom of #Eswatini🇸🇿 call for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 participation as an observer at #WHA74. We thank our #Africa ally for its friendship, support & recognition of the country's 1st-class health care credentials. #WHOcanHelp? #TaiwanCanHelp
👇🔥 🇳🇬 Join “BNB chain #Africa” LIVE on Twitter Spaces tomorrow! "Making the most out of #DeFi", joined by @DeriProtocol, hosted by @Eljaboom and co-hosted by @Mrsnowlink & @Altcoin_daddy Date 📅: 26th Feb 2022 Time ⏰: 3pm UTC
Only 5% of people in low-income countries & 7.5% of the 1.3bln people in #Africa have been fully vaccinated. In the meantime,according to the #US CDC, from March to September this year, 15.1mln+ doses of vaccines were wasted in the US.
#China honors its commitment to cooperation with #Africa, and never makes empty promises. We will champion the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, and build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.
中国の甘い言葉やお金に騙されて、アフリカに沢山の中国企業を招いてしまった。まずは中国化政策から文化的ジェノサイドをやって、その後は侵略して全てを奪う悪策を持っている中国共産党。 このままではウイグル人のように国が奪われて、全ての権利を失ってしまう。 危険⚠️ #Africa #China
SINCE 1991 Tigray warlords used #Ethiopia as their xash cow under the pretext of a federal entities-managed by the late sugar merchant Abay Tsehaye~for 30yrs. The instrument typically used were ethnic rivalry & corruption in #Horn of #Africa エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea #UNGA
DESIST SUPPORTING Tigray Unilateral Decollation of Independence (TUDi) from #Ethiopia by warlords of Axum (listed in top 5 multi-billionaires’ of Ethiopia) since this is the root cause for conflicts/wars in the #Horn of #Africa #UNSC #UNGA #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #NOTUDI