4. With a more stringent #nationalsecuritylaw in #China, as well as other draconian criminal laws #HK doesn’t have, it is worrying that they could be sent to #China’s secret courts & black prisons, with restricted access to lawyers & high risk of forced confession under torture.
When #hkpolice attempts to rewrite the history to justify its #PoliceBrutality in #Hongkong under #nationalsecuritylaw, we should insist on telling the truth. Congratulations! twitter.com/sopasia/status…
4. It is the first time ever that even religious activities in #Hongkong were allegedly surveilled by #China’s agents two months after the new #nationalsecuritylaw has been put in place.
3. You may wonder what #HKers can still do under draconian #nationalsecuritylaw, arbitrary arrests, unchecked police violence that even targets pregnant women, and also the detentions of 12 asylum seekers in #China, with their fate still unknown for nearly 2 weeks.
5. Up to now, #Hkgov & #hkpolice downplay the whole incident. It casts further shadows over #nationalsecuritylaw as #HKgov will offer nearly no help when #Hongkongers and foreigners are extradited to #China and face inhuman and unfair treatment in secret trials and dark prisons.
3. Under #China's law, suspects can be released on bail. But in reality, especially when all the #asylumseekers may face further charges under #China's #nationalsecuritylaw and other criminal laws, the chance of bail is slim.
3. Since it could be the first case that #HKers are put on trial in China’s secret court under #nationalsecuritylaw, we hope the world can keep watch on the situation and wish they can all come back safe. #save12hkyouths #save12hkyouth #save12
4. In the past 4 years under #Beijing’s mounting pressure over the city, we were stuck in a vicious loop: disqualification > imprisonment > disqualification AGAIN > #antiELAB movement > international lobbying > disqualification AGAIN > #nationalsecuritylaw > forced into exile.
2. Clearly #Beijing and #hkpolice attempt to create fear today when #Hongkongers staged protests urging gov to resume the #LegCo2020 election, opposing DNA collection and #nationalsecuritylaw and releasing 12 #hkers detained in #China.
5. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, no one would know if you will be tailed by security agents next time. But despite all forces and fear, #HKers will continue our fight for justice, as our spirit of resistance will never die. #savehk12youths #savehk12youth
#HKpolice dragged a #HKer on the ground for 10m+, just because he urged resuming #Legco2020 Election & releasing the 12 #Asylumseekers now detained in #China w/o access to lawyers. Now all slight expression of demand faces #policebrutality under #nationalsecuritylaw. #policestate
While buying paint for homework, a 12yo girl was brutally smashed to ground by #hkpolice, after she was terrified and tried to run away. In #policestate under #nationalsecuritylaw, you will face #policebrutality even though you are just going shopping. twitter.com/galileocheng/s… twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
2. In fact, under #nationalsecuritylaw, the similar threat of #HostageDiplomacy can also happen to foreign investors, travellers and ex-pats in #HJK, just like the two Canadians #MichaelKovrig and #MichaelSpavor that have been detained for over 620 days without trials.
2. Even more creepily, #hkpolice counted exact number of each slogan that Tam chanted from Jan to Aug. It implies #hkpolice is now undergoing persistent surveillance on the city’s activists, cherrypicking evidence for speech crimes under #nationalsecuritylaw. #secretpolicestate
4. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even slogans #5DemandsNot1Less” and “resist” can be cherrypicked as evidence for #speechcrime, let alone pro-democracy activists being tailed by unknown agents for months, and #police starting to rewrite history to justify further crackdowns.
Under #nationalsecuritylaw & #China’s #WolfWarriorDiplomacy, it's just a matter of time for foreign firms to consider withdrawing from #Hongkong, esp when even Australian reporters can suddenly fall victim to #Beijing’s #hostagediplomacy threat overnight. japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/09/0…
2. It is the first time that sacred texts are largely replaced by Chinese nationalistic education in religious textbooks. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even the controversial sinicized Christianity in #China started to expand to #HK with HK diocese kowtowing to #Beijing.
2. It is worrying, under #nationalsecuritylaw, foreign passport holders are deprived of basic rights of access to family-appointed lawyers, which is claimingly promised in #China’s law, esp when 4 lawyers were forced to quit the case due to unusual pressure from #CCP authorities.
5. With such systematic oppressions of HK freedom seekers, especially under #nationalsecuritylaw amid #Beijing’s mounting influence, it is foreseeable that more and more people will lose trust in the city’s judicial impartiality which this international financial centre lies on.
[First judge resigns amid #nationalsecuritylaw] 1. Appalled to hear that our prominent #Australian judge James Spigelman resigned from #HK appeals court over #NSL, days after #Beijing claims there is no separation of powers in HK abc.net.au/news/2020-09-1…
5. Under #nationalsecuritylaw and #Beijing's #wolfwarriordiplomacy, it's worrrying that similar intimidation will happen in #HK, esp when #Chinese data companies were found actively spying the world’s influential individuals and constructing database on behalf of #CCP government.
4. Clearly legal, education & social service sectors become new targets under #nationalsecuritylaw. #Beijing seeks to put the city's professionals under control & make them serve only its political interests. Political red lines become the new doctrine over professional standards
4. Worse still, under #nationalsecuritylaw and tightening political red line, it is the first time that #Beijing regards the city’s judiciary independence is a challenge to its authority, which sends an alarming signal to the world.
Talked to @CBNNews about how #HK #Catholic textbooks are now used for #Beijing’s nationalist propaganda under #nationalsecuritylaw, while #China’s office in HK has just waged a new "struggle against the three mountains” - the city's legal, education and social service sectors. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
It may be the end of HK when #nationalsecuritylaw was passed, but there's no reason for us to give up. Even if HK isn't HK anymore, but with the spirit of HKers, I think on the Chinese National Day, it's still a remarkable day that the world knows that we keep on the fight.