This child is INNOCENT! Military arrested a son in the middle of night yesterday. The reason for arrest was ‘they came to arrest his dad but they couldn’t find him so they took the child instead’ OUR ELECTED GOVERNMENT #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb23Coup #RespectOurVotes
13才の子供が銃殺されてしまいました。 毎日、大人子供を問わずたくさん亡くなり、殺されてしまっています。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists #March22Coup
【皆さんからの情報を募集中】 #ミャンマー での人権侵害について、取材を継続しています。こちらの投稿窓口にお寄せください。 forms.nhk.or.jp/q/4FTARCI9#pag… 英語での説明もあります。ミャンマーにご縁のある方や関心のある方にシェアしていただけると幸いです。 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
@TotalEnergies @TotalEnergiesPR Reinvent yourself yet continue business with the Junta in Myanmar who is committing #CrimesAgainstHumanity to his own people after power grabbing over a coup. STOP ALL payments to #Myanmar Oil gas controlled by the terrorist Military NOW #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @PPouyanne
日本の #防衛省 が教育訓練した #ミャンマー の軍人が、#クーデター 後の弾圧で市民の虐殺に関与した司令部に所属していたという #HumanRightsWatch のレポート。政治犯の死刑執行があっても防衛省は軍人受け入れ続行。 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar hrw.org/ja/news/2022/0…
@ASEAN HEAR OUR VOICES! Stop ignoring the lives of Myanmar people. @clarissaward @NUGMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #ASEANrejectSAC
No one in #Myanmar is safe ❌Nurses ❌Doctors ❌Civilians ❌Children ❌Refugees ❌Journalists ❌Paramedics ❌Aid workers ❌Prisoners of war ❌Displaced people ❌Sick and wounded #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance twitter.com/ICRC/status/13…
The military create chaos among people and then record it with drones to show the world that the people are angry mobs. #Feb13Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
3月3日 ヤンゴンのNorth Okkalapa。警察が医療チームをリンチして救急車を破壊している。これが今日のミャンマー。「国際社会が動いてくれるまであと何体の遺体が必要なのか?」と人々は絶望している。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/cape_diamond/s…
#ミャンマー のクーデターの首謀者ミンアウンフライン総司令官が #麻生太郞 元首相と日本ミャンマー協会会長の渡辺秀央元郵政相に名誉称号とメダルを授与と国営紙報道。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar gnlm.com.mm/sac-chairman-p…
The schoolchildren having to run and hide because of the SAC fighter jets coming to their way. SAC has indiscriminately used air strikes to get upper hands against the resistance forces and committed many war crimes against civilians. Source:@bbcburmese #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
🚨NEW: ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが入手した防衛省の資料によると、防衛大学校で座学と軍事訓練を受けている8名の士官候補生の他に、ミャンマー軍の幹部2名が自衛隊の施設で訓練を受けていることが分かりました。 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Surveys conducted by Japanese living in #Myanmar 1. Survey with Myanmar employees of Japanese companies in Myanmar. myanmarsurvey2021.medium.com/survey-of-japa… 2. Survey with Japanese persons related to Myanmar business. myanmarsurvey2021.medium.com/survey-of-japa… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @JusticeMyanmar @JapanGov
Update from #Tedim Additional to the alarming escalating violence and shooting of civilians at #Mindat #Chin State, more civilians are shot in Tedim. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/hninyadanazaw/…
🚨 ⚠️ATTENTION REQUIRED ⚠️ 🚨 📍Demoso, Kayh Rocket Rain fired by #Myanmar military just after the third time unilateral announcement of 1-month ceasefire by regime. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @SpokespersonCHN @Menlu_RI @VivianBala @jokowi @Reaproy
この二人の女性は今朝、国軍に残酷に殴打、誘拐され、連行されました。至急国際的な支援が必要です。国軍は毎日私たちを虐待しており、それは悪化しています。女性に対してまで容赦なく暴行をするのは許せることではない。 #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Apr18Coup
Police and soldiers are firing indiscriminately to break up protests in Mandalay at 26th and 82nd streets. Frontier journalist says they are firing into homes but number of casualties is unclear. Many demonstrators also being arrested. #Feb15Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
サカイン、パシ村で戦闘も衝突も無いところを軍が空爆したため、100人以上の一般市民が犠牲となった😭 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #HumanRightsViolations #savethechildern #justice #democracy
House of a #journalist in Hakha, Chin State was attacked by security forces with slingshot last night - local ethnic media reported. “They shot only into that house, nowhere else” it says. #JournalismIsNotACrime #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Today in Mandalay,this soilder Say "Who wanna die,come on!" and shoot the people. Even shoot to people who are inside their house and just watch them @freya_cole @MayWongCNA @TostevinM An armed man without a uniform WE ARE NOT SAFE #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
Military tries to arrest Paing and many other celebrities who protest and don't accept coup. Paing's IGS update: “Cap tran.....If I was arrested, help as much as you can for the kingdom from my place” #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb26Coup
RELASE THE YOUNG DETAINED 150 young men and women were arrested during a non-violent protest in Pyinmana, a town next to Capital city, Naypyitaw. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb22Coup