A privilege to hear President @ZelenskyyUa address MPs and peers today. His courage in the face of Putin’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine is an inspiration as we remain steadfast in our support for the Ukrainian people. As he said: “Freedom will win.” #WeStandWithUkraine 🇬🇧 🇺🇦
Yes! Moving at the speed of war to give Ukraine the weapons and aid they need to completely defeat Russia! #WeStandWithUkraine twitter.com/cnni/status/15…
Love love love this! @CzechUNNY voted in by the @UN (157 votes) to replace @RussiaUN on the UN's Human Rights Council @UN_HRC effective as of today! Russia will continue to be secluded on the international stage. #WeStandWithUkraine twitter.com/EUatUN/status/…
Deutschland und Frankreich stehen gemeinsam an der Seite der #Ukraine als Teil der europäischen Familie. Wir stehen für eine Europäische Union, die für Frieden und Freiheit, für Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit steht. #WeStandWithUkraine #EuropeDay
On VE Day, as we remember those who sacrificed their lives in WW2, we also think of those who've died and suffered in Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.    Our respect for those who fought strengthens our determination to support Ukrainians today.    #WeStandWithUkraine
We found a little fun game called "Farmers Stealing Tanks" made by [reddit user] ThrustVector9. It is inspired by the brave people of Ukraine. #WeStandWithUkraine pixelforest.itch.io/farmers-steali…
No one wants to shake his hand. #FCKPTN #WeStandWithUkraine
Thanks to my friend the legend @StanleyDonwood for letting me use a detail from his #WeStandWithUkraine-adapted linocut The Eraser as a new banner. Follow him here/on Instagram: he’s about to sell a run of this print to raise funds to help refugees from the war. Gonna fly. 🇺🇦
「今、世界中でいろんなことが起きている。どっかの国がどっかの国を侵略しようとしている。でもな、血を流すのはこのリング上だけでいいんだよ。血を流すことは…非現実はリング上だけでいいんだ!」 #葛西純 #pw_freedoms #WeStandWithUkraine