Robert Macfarlane(@RobGMacfarlane)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

20 years ago OTD, Scotland's Land Reform Act was given Royal Assent. It's an inspiring piece of legalisation, which transformed access to land in Scotland & aligned it w/ Allemansrätten (Every Person's Right) of Scandinavia. Details here: Now for England.
If you’re under a clear sky in the UK right now, step outside & look westwards — Jupiter & Venus are glimmering in near-perfect alignment with the centre-point of the outer curve of a crescent moon. Bright & wondrous & rare.
Jaw-dropping discovery: Iraqi & British archaeologists find 4500yo Sumerian palace in Girsu, one of the oldest known cities. Palace thought to contain shrine to Gilgamesh & cuneiform tablets which cd fill gaps in the Epic itself. Thrilling work. Details:…
Nan Shepherd was born OTD 130 yrs ago. In case of interest, The Living Mountain—a 30-min radio love-letter to the Cairngorms & Nan’s writing I made in 2013––is back up on @BBCSounds. Some extraordinary things happened up in the hills as we recorded this……
New research out today from @DaveGoulson is clear & shocking. If you use glyphosate pesticides (Roundup/Gallup) or slug pellets, you reduce songbird numbers, esp. house sparrows. Numbers down *25-40%* "Stop spraying your garden with poisons." pls share on…
10 yrs ago I wrote a book called Holloway w/ @Dan_Zep & @StanleyDonwood abt Dorset's sunken lanes––their histories, time-slips, ecologies. Now a new project seeks to map the UK's holloways. Please RT/reply with pics & locations, hashtagged #sunkenlanes…
🔥 Well this is immense & breaking news🔥 The Labour Party has today announced it will pass a Right To Roam Act for England *&* reverse the Dartmoor ban if they come to power. Such an act wd need be based on Free, Fair & Informed Access for all. A big moment in access history.…
Gorne Wood is a fragment of Ancient Woodland & a remnant of London’s Great North Wood. But it’s in trouble. Local community has *5 days to raise last 2% of funds* needed to secure & restore the site for wildlife & people. Read more/give/RT to support this change on the ground.👇…
“It sticks in my craw. We are not accepting favours from our masters. We are not their serfs. It isn’t the 19th century. Dartmoor is not a private gentlemen’s shooting estate.”…
So: wealthy landowner takes case to High Court to exclude wild camping from his 4000-acre bloodsporty Dartmoor estate. Wins case. Now *sells* the right to camp back to the taxpayer, on a reduced area. Sucks so much. A massive step back—and a stitch-up.…
Five Goshawks. Five of these magnificent, rare raptors, shot and dumped together. I can’t even… Contact @RuralPolicingSC with any info.…
RIP the great Ronald Blythe—author of Akenfield & one of the most gently luminous 20th-c writers of people & place. Ronnie died last night aged 100. A beautiful obituary by @patrick_barkham. I visited Ronnie at Bottengoms; he gave me two prints I treasure.…
“We’ll use this one step back as two steps forward. This isn’t just going back to the status quo. We’ll ensure that we have better access to the countryside.” 👊👊👊 The protest against the Dartmoor decision will be peaceful & relentless. Watch this space!…
🔥BREAKING (bad) news🔥 Wealthy landowners the Darwalls have won court case to extinguish our long-exercised right to wild camp responsibly on Dartmoor—only place where it’s been legal in England It’s a terrible decision. Follow @Right_2Roam/@EveryonesStars to resist & protest.
John Keats on finding happiness in the modest moment (from an 1817 letter to Benjamin Bailey). "If a sparrow come before my Window, I take part in its existence & pick about the gravel..."
Writing about House Sparrows today; our convivial, cheery, cheeky, chattering & disappearing neighbours. Sparrow: from Old English spearwa. AKA spuggie, spadger, cuddy, roo-doo. Do you know other folk/common names for them (plus region of use)? Painting by @JackieMorrisArt
Ah...the Hardy Tree has fallen today in London. An ash tree, of course; the World Tree. Hardy stacked gravestones around it 160 yrs ago––like the leaves of a circular book––after the dead of those graves were exhumed for the railway. Life-in-death-in-life.…
Happy Winter Solstice to all in the northern hemisphere, today 21st December. The turn of the year's tide; a pivot-point; the day when the dark stops rising & the sun begins its slow climb back. We need all the light we can get right now. #TheLightIsRising 📷 Dominik Hofbauer
Number Crunching ⁦@PrivateEyeNews
Hello—it’s Midwinter Eve & the 1st episode of our @bbcworldservice audio-drama adaptation of The Dark Is Rising is out today! A year’s work. An episode a day for 12 days. Pls listen along, tell us how you’re finding it, tell others! #TheDarkIsRising Here:……
Striding Edge on Helvellyn was a weather-blade today, dividing light & shadow, white & green, snow & grass. Crossed it with my son. Summit plateau was polar, with blue landskeins of receding ridge-lines out towards the Irish Sea.
This icicle-hung cave is the site of a Neolithic stone axe “factory”, where fine-grained greenstone was—from c. 6000 yrs ago—used to make tools of great beauty &value It was a moving place to reach; where ancestors had climbed & worked for centuries, in deep human time.
I met my own Brocken Spectre on the Fairfield Horseshoe today, haloed in concentric ice-refracted coronae. An encounter I’ll never forget; a portal & a double that retreated in the measure I approached it.
Happy that our film River won Best Documentary at the Australian Academy Awards yesterday. Such a joy to work on this with director Jen Peedom, Willem Dafoe, Jonny Greenwood, Joseph Nizeti & the astonishing @didgefusion. Rivers are beings—and our fate flows with theirs.
“When the Dark comes rising/Six shall turn it back…” I wrote today about the Midwinter power of Susan Cooper’s great novel & the experience of adapting it over the last year with the great @SimonMcBurney & @Complicite. Starts on @bbcworldservice 20/12 ❄️…