Citing COVID, they bannned campaigns in districts with highest number of voters, where we have loads of support! Yet Gen. Museveni campaigns there under the guise of launching projects. Paid supporters gather to cheer him under state protection! The shame! #WeAreRemovingADictator
ALERT: Letter by Gen. Museveni! 1. Deploys military/police to do partisan political work on his behalf. 2. Uses tax payers' money for evil schemes. 3. Gives orders that his candidates must win AT ALL COSTS. 4. ADMITS HE'S VERY SCARED.What a shameless man! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Journalism is not a crime! The ferocious attack on journalists by the police and the military in Uganda must be condemned by all people of good conscience! #WeAreRemovingADictator
As Frank lay in a pool of blood yesterday, one of the friends who rushed towards him to save his life was Kawooya David. This is how military police treated him! What a brutal bunch of people. #WeAreRemovingADictator
For the 3rd time on the campaign trail, armed forces opened fire at our car and shot the tyres today. They do this to cut our speed, block us from reaching certain places, etc. My conviction is, no amount of intimidation can stop the yearning for change! #WeAreRemovingADictator
THANK YOU RAKAI. Thank you for withstanding all manner of violence and intimidation and turning up to hear the message of FREEDOM. #WeAreRemovingADictator
In real sense, Gen. Museveni has tried everything humanly possible to block us from holding meetings in Kampala, Masaka and Wakiso! This has been the pattern for the last 3 years. The other districts are added here to sanitise their cowardly actions! #WeAreRemovingADictator
This morning on our way from Ntungamo, we got a chance to wave to the people of Mbarara and this is how they responded. Thank you Mbarara, rukundo egumeho. Nextstop #Lyantonde #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
The strength, courage and confidence we witnessed in the people of Mityana explains how ripe Ugandans are set for A NEW UGANDA. We are on a mission to uproot a 35 year old dictatorship and yes we shall overcome. #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
MUBENDE sending a strong message to the dictatorship! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Each election cycle, Gen. Museveni uses cooked polls, a tactic used by past & present despots! State media/ paid organisations publish polls putting him in the lead. Objective? 1. Lay ground for rigging 2. Discourage voting 3. Legitimise! Not this time. #WeAreRemovingADictator
For over a week now, this activist called Nakimanya Hellen aka Aunt Kaduuka has been under illegal detention at SID Kireka! She was violently arrested, apparently for using social media to expose the dictatorship! The 48 hour rule totally ignored. Why #WeAreRemovingADictator
As we grow strong and stronger, Gen. Museveni's dictatorship exposes itself more for what it is! For three weeks now, they've been paying goons to attack our offices, forced landlords to revoke contracts, etc. Not a sign of strength. Panic! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Why we need to STOP LOSS, fight corruption, end cronyism and patronage! Then we can meaningfully invest in service delivery. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Ibanda! One of the most fascinating things has been seeing hundreds of poor people line up to contribute as little as 1000 shs (USD 0.27) to the campaign. Truly humbling to see very many Ugandans own this struggle, each one playing their part! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Rushere, Kiruhura & Kazo, Gen Museveni's home towns! Previously, he has shamelessly given himself 100% votes on some polling stations here (including those of the dead). The support was massive despite efforts by regime operatives to disrupt & demobilise #WeAreRemovingADictator
After 35 years in power, Gen. Museveni has the audacity to call millions of Ugandans FOOLS because they support me! He glorifies himself, promising to finish us off! The tragedy is all dictators learn rather late that nations are bigger than them! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Earlier, on our way to Rwampara, masked men in black police uniforms who trail us on all campaigns, cut us off the road in a remote area and yet again shot at our car flattening the front tyres! The intimidation will not deter the craving for change. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Eliminating corruption, (not in word but action), increasing efficiency in public administration as well as fostering discipline in the management of public resources would go a long way to improve the well being of our people. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Kihihi - Kanungu this morning! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Yesterday, Kisoro was massive. #WeAreRemovingADictator
With you by my side, I can face anything. Kisoro, Rubanda, Rukiga and Kabale, here we come. #WeAreRemovingADictator