105 European lawmakers want @WHO to right its #Taiwan wrongs & make the country a #WHA73 observer. We thank our friends from #CzechRepublic, #Lithuania, #Estonia, #Germany, #Netherlands, #Ireland, #Austria, #Slovakia, #Hungary & #Spain. Politics mustn’t jeopardize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Taiwan_Today/s…
.@WHO knows how to combat #Coronavirus? @AmChamTaipei's @foreman_william has a tip. Ask #Taiwan! Read his op-ed & learn about the country's use of AI, big data, daily press briefings & early intervention to manage #COVID19. And we agree—Taiwan must have its voice heard at #WHA73. twitter.com/CWM_en/status/…
Experience with #SARS pushed #Taiwan to react quickly & decisively to combat #Coronavirus. Now #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic. But the country needs a #WHA73 seat to better share the #TaiwanModel & assist in realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
.@MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen, @Taiwan_CDC & government officials at all levels are working round the clock to safeguard the health of the people. It's time for @WHO to #LeaveNoOneBehind. It's time for #Taiwan to have a seat at the #WHA73 table. thediplomat.com/2020/04/global…
We sincerely appreciate @AbeShinzo taking #Taiwan's case to @DrTedros for participation in the activities, mechanisms & meetings of @WHO. There's no question #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll. It's time for the country to have a seat at the #WHA73 table.
Super support for #Taiwan’s meaningful participation in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meetings such as #WHA73! We thank the like- & right-minded countries headed by #CentralAmerica ally #Honduras for urging the global health organization to honor its promise to #LeaveNoOneBehind. twitter.com/giampaolo_rizz…
#Australia's @dfat is backing #Taiwan's meaningful participation in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meeting. ➡️bit.ly/35DRzlp We applaud such staunch support! Read about Taiwan's bid for #WHA73 observer status via @sunsimonkent of @BreitbartNews. ➡️bit.ly/2yvBiTn
A special #Coronavirus briefing for @TaiwanFCC was held by @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen. He detailed the #TaiwanModel, as well as #Taiwan’s bid for meaningful @WHO participation & #WHA73 observer status. We thank the country’s media friends for telling the world #TaiwanCanHelp.
It's great having @SecPompeo & @StateDept in #Taiwan's corner. The fight to share the #TaiwanModel & secure #WHA73 observer status is needlessly tough. But the backing of like- & right-minded partners gives us hope. #TweetForTaiwan & spread the gospel: #TaiwanCanHelp. JW twitter.com/State_IO/statu…
I want to thank the bipartisan leadership of @HouseForeign for calling on governments around the world to support #Taiwan’s participation in the @WHO & the upcoming #WHA73. I hope countries worldwide will answer the call, because #COVID19 is a threat to us all. twitter.com/HouseForeign/s…
Watch Minister Wu set the record straight on #Disinformation & #Misinformation relating to #Taiwan's bid to take part in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meetings like #WHA73. "Taiwan has the same right as any other country to apply for participation in the World Health Assembly."
Big backing from 205 #US House representatives for #Taiwan’s #WHA73 observer status! Deep gratitude to all signatories of the letter to @DrTedros, especially @HouseForeign senior members @RepSteveChabot, @RepSires & @GerryConnolly. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
#WHA73 starts May 18. #Taiwan is ready to attend & join @WHO member states in tackling global health challenges. The country is also ready to share the #TaiwanModel & boost #Coronavirus-combating efforts. Learn how #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
➡️bit.ly/2WYS5GB twitter.com/usmissiongenev…
.@AndersFoghR, Aleksander Kwasniewski, @IlvesToomas, @carlbildt & @BHaarder make an airtight case for all @WHO member states to support #Taiwan's bid for #WHA73 observer status. Collaboration, friendship & unity are key to managing the #COVID19 pandemic. theguardian.com/world/2020/may…
Media outlets in like- & right-minded countries are urging #Taiwan's meaningful participation in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meetings such as #WHA73. Watch this video & see a selection of international op-eds stating the undeniable truth. #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
Minister Wu boils the need for #Taiwan's @WHO & #WHA73 participation down to 1 concept: fairness. Watch his interview with @rosiewright99 of @euronews & gain a deeper understanding of the issues in play, as well as the country's efforts to boost the global #Coronavirus response.
No #WHA73 invitation for #Taiwan. Overwhelming international support, ignored. Ongoing donations of essential #COVID19-combating items, ignored. Sharing the #TaiwanModel, ignored. But #China's political bleating, heard loud & clear. We'll never give in, never, never, never! JW
Take @TIME to read about #Taiwan's🇹🇼 #Coronavirus-combating success. The #TaiwanModel saves lives & warrants sharing with the @UN🇺🇳 family. We urge the @WHO to give the country a #WHA73 voice. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp bolster the global response to the pandemic.time.com/5905129/taiwan…
106 lawmakers from #CzechRepublic🇨🇿, #Hungary🇭🇺, #Poland🇵🇱, #Slovakia🇸🇰, #Estonia🇪🇪, #Latvia🇱🇻 & #Lithuania🇱🇹 are backing #Taiwan's🇹🇼 bid for meaningful @WHO participation. Our gratitude for their letter urging @DrTedros to give the country a voice at #WHA73. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
Many thanks @ipacglobal for urging #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in @WHO⚕️ activities, mechanisms & meetings like #WHA73. The truth is #TaiwanCanHelp bolster global #Coronavirus-combating efforts & save lives. It's imperative we #LeaveNoOneBehind in responding to #COVID19. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
There's a cleareyed message trundling through the streets of #Geneva: #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll. But 1 rider has his own take: Taiwan's inclusion in the @WHO⚕️ will better protect you & me. It's time to put politics aside & save lives. Give #Taiwan🇹🇼 a voice at #WHA73!
791 lawmakers from 17 countries in #LatinAmerica can't be wrong! #Taiwan🇹🇼 must be permitted to join in @WHO⚕️ activities, mechanisms & meetings such as #WHA73. We thank all Formosa Club virtual participants for standing on the side of right & recognizing reality: #TaiwanCanHelp.
#Taiwan has valuable medical experiences to offer the world, including our successful #TaiwanModel to combat #COVID19, but we have been excluded from participating in #WHA73 due to political obstruction. Taiwan's absence is a great loss for the @WHO & the world.