Thank you @AndersFoghR for the friendship, support & no-nonsense assessment of the need for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in the activities, mechanisms & meetings of the @WHO⚕️ such as #WHA73. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19 & save lives. It's our honor to retweet. twitter.com/AndersFoghR/st…
Good to see the strong #WHA73 message of support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 by Pierre Andre Dunbar, chief of @Haiti_UNOG, cleared the Great #TaiwanCanHelp Firewall. We thank our #Caribbean ally #Haiti🇭🇹 for urging the country's @WHO⚕️ observer status. Politics mustn't undermine #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Haiti_UNOG/sta…