俳優のミラ・ジョヴォヴィッチさん、故郷ウクライナへの侵攻に対し心境を明かす 「戦争。いつだって戦争。人々が血と涙で代償を払っています」 ウクライナとロシアにルーツを持つ彼女。「平和をもたらすことが出来ない指導者たち」に怒り(全文) #Ukraine #NoWar huffingtonpost.jp/entry/story_jp…
Can you hear that? It is the sound of Liberation❤️ 🇺🇦Combat medic Lina on the front lines of #Ukraine
Fighting 🇺🇸side by side🇺🇦 #Ukraine
🇺🇦Part 7: This is a pretty epic version of Oi u luzi chervona kalyna by the Air Force, Choir of Vinnytsia, choir of Lypovetskyi, Song and dance ensemble Podillia #Ukraine❤️
Thanks to all countries and to all volunteers who came to #Ukraine to defend Ukraine and ”Freedom” 🇫🇷🇧🇾🇸🇾🇭🇷🇬🇪🇬🇧🇷🇴🇺🇸🇨🇦🇵🇱🇩🇪🇳🇬🇲🇰🇫🇮🇵🇹🇱🇹🇦🇱🇽🇰🇧🇦🇳🇴🇩🇰🇦🇺🇪🇪❤️ #UkrainianArmy 🇺🇦
🇺🇦Good morning! I love this video of 🇮🇹Italian artist Salvatore Benintende who leaves his mark across #Ukraine❤️
ピノの言葉。 【平和はきっと 隣の人となかよしになることから始まる】 ロシアとウクライナへ。 #ウクライナ #ロシア #戦争反対 #ピノ #アイス #国民総動員令 #ロシア国民 #内閣総理大臣 #プーチン大統領 #G7 #制裁 #反戦デモ #孤立無援 #ロシア各地 #国会中継 #露 #Russia #Ukraine
🇺🇦This is 21 year old Lilya (callsign Helga) a sniper for the Armed Forces of #Ukraine. Since childhood she was involved in sports and graduated with a specialty in folk choreography. She used to teach and work with children, but now helps to drive the invaders out🔥
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 314 in #Ukraine and volunteer Brandon keeps getting his war videos deleted by TikTok so he made a skincare video🤣
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 311 in #Ukraine and I love the Police handing out candy for New Years eve❤️
Overnight in #Iran, in addition to strikes on oil refineries, munitions manufacturers, and multiple military bases, extreme-precision strikes reportedly eliminated individual human targets. Iran has been supplying weapons and munitions to #Russia for use against #Ukraine.
"STOP WAR" ウクライナへ寄付のお願いですっ☆ 戦争反対と声を上げましょうっ☆ ウクライナの皆さんへ、私たちの心は皆さんと共にあります。 Web寄付→donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5186015 直接の寄付↓ 三菱UFJ銀行 広尾支店 047 普通 口座番号0972597 エンバシーオブウクライナ @UKRinJPN #Ukraine #NoWar
昨年、子供たちと見たり、触れたり、食べたりしたもの これが私が見た2021年のウクライナです🇺🇦 #Ukraine #ウクライナ #StandWithUkraine
🚨👀 #Kremlin is preemptively accusing #Ukraine for possible assassination of #Prigozhin. Looks like Putin wants to keep his options open to remove him. This playbook already used by #FSB during the war to prepare domestic information space before they proceed with assassination.
Die Frauen und Männer in der #Ukraine kämpfen für Freiheit und Demokratie - Werte, die wir mit ihnen teilen. Wir stehen auf ihrer Seite. Deshalb liefern wir ihnen Verteidigungswaffen. Und deshalb haben wir harte Sanktionen wie den SWIFT-Bann für russische Banken beschlossen.
#Taiwan is proud to stand in solidarity with the people of #Ukraine & @ua_parliament. Through donations, demonstrations & our words, we want to show the Ukrainian people that you are not alone in your fight for freedom. focustaiwan.tw/politics/20220…
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 298 in #Ukraine and even in Bakhmut our defenders still have the Christmas spirit♥️
"America is not entirely innocent of fueling this fire...The first log was the ill-considered decision by the #US in the 1990s to expand #NATO despite the collapse of the Soviet Union."--Thomas L. Friedman on #Ukraine, Feb. 21, 2022
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 321 in #Ukraine and one thing is certain❤️
Mr #Lukashenko you have not heeded our warnings ! You were warned - The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the #Belarusian government. #Anonymous #Ukraine We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! ! We do not Forget ! We are Relentless - Expect Us ! 🇺🇦
ゼレンスキー大統領「日本がすぐ援助の手を差し伸べてくれた、心から感謝」 live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv336224… ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が、日本の憲政史上初となる国会でのオンライン演説を行い、「本当の自由」「平和への望み」を訴えました。#kokkai #国会 #国家中継 #ウクライナ #Ukraine #україна
Die Wut auf #Putin und seinen brutalen Krieg gegen die Menschen in der #Ukraine wächst jeden Tag. Aber wir finden auch jeden Tag neue Wege, die Ukraine zu unterstützen, finanziell und mit Waffen. Und wir sind uns mit unseren Partnern einig: Dieser Krieg darf sich nicht ausweiten.
Deutschland und Frankreich stehen gemeinsam an der Seite der #Ukraine als Teil der europäischen Familie. Wir stehen für eine Europäische Union, die für Frieden und Freiheit, für Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit steht. #WeStandWithUkraine #EuropeDay
🇺🇦Meet Pepa and Luna who were found abandoned in Bakhmut #Ukraine. Now they help the combat medics by calming them down in times of stress. When they have to go somewhere, Pepa the bulldog is first to jump in and pretends to drive the car🥰