Seit einem Jahr führt Russland einen unerbittlichen Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine. 🇩🇪 steht fest an Seite der 🇺🇦 – auch in Zukunft. Je früher Putin einsieht, dass er sein imperialistisches Ziel nicht erreichen wird, desto größer die Chance auf ein Kriegsende. #KanzlerKompakt
In 2007, #Russia started building the Al-Rahim mosque in #Ufa that was to be the largest in the country with a capacity of 5,000. Construction was never finished and then halted last year as the budget was diverted to Putin's invasion of #Ukraine. The minaret collapsed today.
I was presented with this #Ukraine flag signed by brave warriors on the front line fighting for sovereignty & freedom. I’m deeply touched. I pledge to continue to #StandWithUkraine. JW
🧵 The FSB continues the slow poisoning of the former president of #Georgia, Mikheil #Saakashvili in prison. This isn't happening in Russia. This is happening in Georgia. Saakashvili is a strong supporter of #Ukraine, and even served as governor of #Odesa after he fled Georgia.
Wenn wir wollen, dass Putins Krieg endet, dann kann es uns nicht egal sein, wie er endet. Deshalb werden wir keinen russischen Diktatfrieden akzeptieren – und auch keine Schein-Referenden. Deshalb muss die #Ukraine Russlands Überfall abwehren können. @UN #UNGA
Seit dem 24.8.1991 ist die #Ukraine unabhängig – für die Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer heute ein Feiertag unter schrecklichen Umständen. Seit genau 6 Monaten müsst Ihr Eure Unabhängigkeit mutig gegen den russischen Angriff verteidigen. Unsere Herzen sind bei Euch. Slawa Ukrainji!
凄いのは、僕のファン。みんなの支援の力。 一日も早く世界に平和が訪れますように🙏 It's my fans who have big hearts. May peace come to the world. #YOSHIKI RT@ABC LA-based Japanese music icon raises $9M for Ukraine with fans' help #ABCNews #Ukraine #Russia abc7.com/x-japan-yoshik…
🇺🇦Combat medic Kateryna wants you to know that victory is near in #Ukraine❤️
R.I.P Max 🕯️ We will not forget and will not forgive. #Ukraine 🇺🇦💔
ミサイルがジャーナリストの頭上を通過 #ウクライナ #ミサイル #Ukraine
Der schreckliche Raketeneinschlag in #Polen muss sorgfältig untersucht werden. Es ist gut, dass sich die @NATO-Mitglieder dazu schnell versammeln. Jede voreilige Festlegung verbietet sich. Klar ist: All das wäre ohne Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine nicht passiert.
🇺🇦Where will you go in #Ukraine?❤️
With #Japan's PM Kishida Fumio @kishida230 we paid tribute to 🇺🇦 fallen soldiers in 🇷🇺war against #Ukraine. Our country & Japan are united in our aim to restore justice and protect democracies from #russian tyranny. 🇺🇦 🇯🇵
For those who ask how you can help ! FOLLOW US ! retweet us ! Help us spread the misinformation and the actions being taken to take down the oppression of Mr Putin and Mr Lukashenko ! Stop the misinformation #Anonymous #Ukraine #Russia #Belarus The people have the power
#Anonymous has hacked 400+ #Russian cameras and is overlaying text in support of #Ukraine #OpRussia #UkraineRussianWar #Yac
If we want Putin‘s war to end, then we cannot be indifferent to how it ends. This is why we will not accept a peace dictated by Russia – and we will not accept any sham referendums either. This is why #Ukraine must be able to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. #UNGA
It is safe to say that Germany is now the second largest supplier of arms and equipment to #Ukraine 🇩🇪🇺🇦 1: United States 2: Germany 3: United Kingdom 4: Poland 5: The Netherlands twitter.com/oryxspioenkop/…
🇺🇦A warm welcome for the Armed Forces of #Ukraine❤️
#Ukraine 🇺🇦 Village near ukraine border. ウクライナ国境付近の村。
#Bucha, #Ukraine. Children's camp. Basement. All bodies are with their hands tied. All were tortured, some had their legs shot, some had 5 bullets in the heart, some got shot in the head. The #Russians lived there for a month. #BuchaMassacre #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopPutin
It’s not WWII footage, It’s #Ukraine in 2022. 🇺🇦Our soldiers from inside the trenches. We love you guys❤️
FIFA suspends Russia because of the war in #Ukraine. Was the US also suspended for invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria? Has Saudi Arabia ever been suspended by FIFA for bombing Yemen? Has Israel ever been suspended by FIFA for bombing Gaza?
If the #US had honored its assurances, refrained from repeatedly expanding #NATO and pledged that NATO would not admit #Ukraine, and had not fanned the flames by supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, the situation would have been very different.
While #Russia revealed evidence of US-funded bio-program in #Ukraine, the #US embassy has been found deleting from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine. What is the US hiding? news.cgtn.com/news/2022-03-0…
I welcome the release of Ihor Murashov, Director General of #Ukraine’s #Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant; I have received confirmation that Mr Murashov has returned to his family safely.