ロシアによるウクライナ侵略を踏まえた日本国政府の対応について(3月11日現在) #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine
悲しみに世界が包まれています、声を上げることしかできないけれど、戦争反対ですっ☆ 毎日のニュースが痛くて苦しいです… これからの世界が良くなるように、1日も早く心優しい人たちに平穏と笑顔が戻ることを心からお祈りしていますっ☆ #Ukraine #NoWar
Today, while visiting #Kaohsiung, I by chance met Ksenia, a young student from #Ukraine. She thanked me for our support, & I assured her that #Taiwan will do whatever we can for Ukraine, a like-minded democratic partner. #StandWithUkraine
#Ukraine: Retreating Russian soldiers left behind their 1910 model year PM1910 heavy machine gun.
President Xi Jinping has just spoken with his #Russian counterpart on the phone. President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is willing to have high-level dialogue with #Ukraine.
BAD Putin NFT is giving out 3 #NFTs and 50 WL SPOTS 🐣 📌To Enter: ✅ Like & RT this post ✅ Join Discord: discord.gg/badputin ✅ Follow Twitter: @BadPutinNFT ✅ Tag 3 friends Let's go 🚀 #OrthodoxEaster #NFTGiveaway #Ukraine #NFTCommunity #NFTs #NFTdrop #NFTProject
ドネツクとルガンスクでウ軍の8年間の砲撃で14,000人が死亡 2週間前ドネツクの中心地でウ軍がクラスター爆弾を使い21人以上が死亡 手足の切断も含めて負傷したのは37人以上 プロパガンダではなく真実を伝えるのがジャーナリストの仕事です #Russia #Ukraine
🇺🇦A beautiful dance from the Carpathian region in #Ukraine with a nice valentine ending❤️ By traditional dance group Reverence
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 322 in #Ukraine and I love this picture of a girl dancing in front of Banksy's work❤️ 📷Stephan Goss twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
You'd be forgiven for thinking these scenes are from bomb-ravaged #Ukraine. Yet, this is #Vorkuta in Russia. Nobody ever bombed this city. The only problem is that this city is in Russia. This is the true face of Putin's #Russia in the 21st century - corruption & destitution.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day in Taiwan, we remembered the victims of this tragedy & reminded ourselves how important it is to confront authoritarianism, wherever it may be. #Taiwan stands with #Ukraine & our friends worldwide in the name of freedom & democracy.
7-year-old Stas from #Bakhmut to 🇺🇦defenders:"All these days I was praying&waiting for evacuation". His family is now safe in Western #Ukraine. It's hard to imagine what this boy has gone through. His town has become a real hell. 🇺🇦heroes bravely fight against #russian terrorists
🚀@purge_club is Minting May 27th!🚀 Check out our roadmap on: purgeapeanarchy.com Fair Launch on #Opensea 2019 #AMG GTC given away to one minter Reveal after 7 days! 35 Eth to a minter of top 500 most rare 15% 2 #Ukraine #nft #NFTCommmunity #nftart #Ad #Giveaway
Antalya’nın ardından, #Ukrayna krizine çözüm bulunması için diplomatik çabalarımızı sürdürmek üzere #Moskova’dayız. Following Antalya, we are in #Moscow to continue our diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the #Ukraine crisis.
მსოფლიო შენთანაა, საქართველო. ჩვენ ვიცით, რომ თქვენ, უკრაინას და რუს ხალხს მშვიდობა გინდათ. #Ukraine 💙💛 twitter.com/AlexandreKraus…
🇺🇦Omg I just have to share this positive little cutie🥰 Unfortunately he is in a bomb shelter in #Ukraine but at least he is safe #UkraineWillWin
Furchtbare und grauenerregende Aufnahmen erreichen uns aus der #Ukraine. Erschossene Zivilisten, darunter Frauen, Kinder und Alte, in #Butscha, das bis vor wenigen Tagen vom russischen Militär kontrolliert worden ist. 1/2
I love this picture from #Ukraine's day of unity in London❤️
27 mal Ja! Herzliche Glückwünsche an die #Ukraine und #Moldawien: Der Europäische Rat begrüßt zwei neue Beitrittskandidaten zur EU. Auf gute Zusammenarbeit in der europäischen Familie! #EUCO
Wir sind heute mit einer klaren Botschaft nach #Kiew gekommen: Die #Ukraine gehört zur europäischen Familie. Deutschland will eine positive Entscheidung zugunsten der Ukraine als #EU-Beitrittskandidat. @ZelenskyyUa
Drei Dinge aus meinem heutigen langen Telefonat mit #Putin: Es muss schnellstmöglich einen Waffenstillstand in der #Ukraine geben. Die Behauptung, dass dort Nazis herrschen, ist falsch. Und ich habe ihn auf die Verantwortung Russlands für die globale Lebensmittellage hingewiesen.
🇺🇦Good morning its day 344 in #Ukraine and I want to share with you some good news of 6 year old Alina who got evacuated out of Bakhmut and is now safe❤️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 253 in #Ukraine and after yesterdays post about electronic music, I'm going to go the complete opposite and show you one of our oldest instruments, the Tsymbaly. Such is life when subscribed to Sofia's random facts🙃❤️ Do you play an instrument?