State Councilor & FM Wang Yi stressed that on the #Ukraine issue, #China and majority developing countries share similar stance. 1. neither war nor sanction is the effecitve way to solve regional hotspot issues. The only effecitve way is through dialogues and negotiations.
If you have been killed by a supersonic missile? What will Chinese think? Lucky!!! #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #偉大な翻訳運動 #Ukraine #UkraineCrisis
As #Ukraine suffers intensive assaults, I received @PLinTaiwan Dir. @CKozaczewski to reaffirm our support for those fleeing the war & commitment to #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. Partnering with #Poland, #Taiwan is a force for good in Europe. I foresee more cooperation with our #EU friend.
#US hegemony: the culprit of the #Ukraine crisis. globaltimes.cn/page/202203/12…
🇨🇳 China amplifies Russian narrative of Ukraine war Since the start of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦, #CCPChina🇨🇳 has portrayed itself as neutral. But domestic coverage of the war and measures to control the discussion paint a different picture of where Beijing really stands.
… xenophobia and related intolerance. Each time, only 2 stood out in opposition: the #US and #Ukraine.
Taxi driver in Hong Kong donating income to #Ukraine🇺🇦
We applaud #Slovakia for sheltering #Ukraine refugees fleeing the devastation. The donation of US$1.5 million & humanitarian supplies by the people of #Taiwan enables us to work together & #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. #Russia's war is unacceptable & must stop! JW twitter.com/GaborGrendel/s…
ゼレンスキー大統領「日本がすぐ援助の手を差し伸べてくれた、心から感謝」 live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv336224… ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が、日本の憲政史上初となる国会でのオンライン演説を行い、「本当の自由」「平和への望み」を訴えました。#kokkai #国会 #国家中継 #ウクライナ #Ukraine #україна
Präsident Selenskyj, die #Ukraine kann sich auf unsere Hilfe verlassen! Wir haben Sanktionen verhängt, die wirken. Viele der härtesten Folgen werden sich erst in den kommenden Wochen zeigen. Und: Wir schärfen die Sanktionen ständig nach. #Bundestag
There's only one and big winner in the #Ukraine crisis: Military-Industrial Complex in the #US.
Some #US officials claim that Russia may use biological weapons against #Ukraine. People would ask: wasn't the US that used Agent Orange in #Vietnam, bacteriological weapons on #Korean Peninsula, invaded #Iraq with fake evidence about the possession of #WMD, ...
"Sometimes the truth is so precious it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies." --- Donald Rumsfeld, #US Defense Secretary said when the US planned to send troops to #Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11. In the case of #Ukraine, what's the truth?
Minister Wu believes the free world's response to #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine is giving pause to those in #China contemplating military action against #Taiwan🇹🇼. Get his take on the war & the ways #Canada🇨🇦 can #StandWithTaiwan via @globeandmail's @RobertFife & @stevenchase.🔽 twitter.com/globeandmail/s…
EAZA事務局長のマイファンウィさんに、ウクライナの動物園の現状、EAZAによる支援、日本にいる私たちにできることについてお伺いしました。 辛い内容も含まれていますが、是非ご視聴、シェア拡散をお願い致します。 #Ukraine #Zoo #aquarium #ウクライナ #動物園 #水族館 youtube.com/watch?v=EWNPF8…
This is unbelievable. No freedom of expression AT ALL in #HongKong now, not even the freedom to wear #Ukraine flag👇 #StandWithHongKong #StandWithUkraine 🇭🇰🇺🇦 twitter.com/badiucao/statu…
ロシアによるウクライナ侵略を踏まえた日本国政府の対応について(3月25日現在) #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine ▼新たな制裁・支援等に関する総理の会見はこちら kantei.go.jp/jp/101_kishida…
“It takes two hands to clap” and “He who tied the bell to the tiger's neck must take it off”: these two Chinese sayings offer lessons for how the #Ukraine crisis may be ended.
#NATO that bombarded the Yugoslavia 23 years ago is now accusing #Russia of "invading" #Ukraine. How stupid & shameless. To them, the morals and values they often talk about do not exist at all.
We bombed #Yugoslavia and #Iraq years ago, but now we are laying flowers for #Ukraine.
Mit jeder seiner Aggressionen gegen die #Ukraine hat Putin seine Situation verschlechtert: Nach der Annexion der Krim 2014 hat die #NATO im Osten neue Sicherheitsstrukturen etabliert. Jetzt machen wir in der EU und andere sich unabhängiger von Russlands Energie. Unumkehrbar.#EUCO
With each of his acts of aggression against #Ukraine, Putin has worsened his situation: After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, #NATO established new security structures in the East. Now the EU and others are making themselves less dependent on Russia's energy. Irreversibly.#EUCO
⛸️#フィギュアスケート⛸️ 📷フォトギャラリー📷 “かなだい”が『ソーラン節&琴』を披露! 北京五輪王者、ウクライナのカップルも登場した #アイスダンス RDを特集 #Icedance #figureskate #世界選手権フィギュア #村元哉中 #高橋大輔 #かなだい #パパシゼ #Ukraine URL👉thedigestweb.com/photo/detail/i…
#Beijing lies just about everything when it comes to #Taiwan. I won't be surprised if it says someday that our people's donations to help #Ukraine refugees are #China's. So pathetic! JW theguardian.com/world/2022/mar…