@SecBlinken @UN Thank you @SecBlinken for supporting #Taiwan's participation in the @UN system. We will continue to work with the #US & other like-minded partners to overcome the challenges facing the international community.
#SouthKorean protesters in #Seoul demand #US forces' withdrawal.
The 2nd Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue successfully concluded today. These talks advanced substantive #Taiwan-#US cooperation in key fields including supply chain resilience, countering economic coercion, the digital economy & semiconductors.
[📸] for MOONW4LK🖤 ⠀ 지금은 팬사인회 중! 얼른 만납시다!🙌 ⠀ #문종업 #MoonJongUp #종업 #JongUp #MoonJongUp_US #US #어스
#US seems to be an expert on managing OTHER countries' assets. Getting addicted?
Fully agree. The #US and #NATO are the least qualified in the world to teach others how to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Two years on, #US still reels from the death of #GeorgeFloyd with no cure for #racism. #HumanRights #BlackLifeMatters
#Taiwan & the #US are working hand in hand to combat #Coronavirus. The like-minded partners will pool R&D data & resources to develop cutting-edge & effective measures targeting #COVID19. Yes! Taiwan-U.S. cooperation & #ScienceDiplomacy can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Taiwan's #COVID19 strategy is spotlighting the country & its standing as a democratic & reliable international partner. Learn about Minister Wu's take on #Taiwan-#US ties, @WHO, #China's campaign of coercion & other hot topics. Yes! It's Taiwan's moment. theatlantic.com/international/…
What a sight! What a gesture! I thank @POTUS & @StateDept for the tremendous donation & greatly appreciated helping hand. The #Taiwan-#US relationship is rock solid, & we'll keep cooperating closely in combating #COVID19. Forces for good will prevail! JW twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…
#US balance sheet: Where there are cuts, there is spending.
Today we dedicate the new AIT compound,we also rededicate ourselves to our shared commitment that as free & open democracies, #Taiwan & #US have an obligation to work w/ one another to defend our shared values. I look forward 2 an even brighter chapter in our enduring friendship!
I held a national security meeting earlier today to discuss regional challenges, our partnership with the #US, cross-strait relations, & public health issues. Our people can rest easy over the #LunarNewYear knowing that #Taiwan is in safe hands.
Pleased that the #US government has approved another arms sale package, boosting #Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. We’ll continue to speed up investment in national defense, & partner with like-minded countries to defend democracy while promoting regional peace and stability.
I warmly welcome & thank @SecAzar for leading the @HHSGov delegation on its historic visit. Cooperation in fighting #COVID19 is a significant part of the comprehensive #Taiwan-#US partnership. I'm ready for talks. JW twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
Thank you to @POTUS for signing this important bill into law. #Taiwan is grateful to the #US for supporting our participation in the @WHO, as we hope to make even greater contributions to global health. twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
Where do #China and the #US spend their money?
#US hegemony: the culprit of the #Ukraine crisis. globaltimes.cn/page/202203/12…
The warmest of welcomes to @MarshaBlackburn from the #US🇺🇸 state of Tennessee! The visit amid regional tensions reaffirms the senator's solid support for #Taiwan🇹🇼. We wish her a gratifying 3-day stay advancing two-way ties & #IndoPacific security.
A very warm welcome to good friends & outstanding experts from @CSIS. Thank you for your continued support for #Taiwan-#US cooperation to strengthen our self-defense, enhance economic ties & preserve regional stability.
#US: Thousands of Trump supporters stranded in #Omaha, #Nebraska in near-freezing weather after a #Trump rally. No shuttles or transportation were provided by the Trump campaign which abandoned them. At least 7 transported to the hospital. (📹@Jeff_Paul)
A #US company is marketing guns designed for children and boasting that “it operates just like Mom and Dad’s gun”. Gun for children? Gun for future mass shooters!
[📢] <summer in the moon : 문종업> 1:1 video call OPEN🤍 ⠀ ▫ 신청일자 : 6/26 6PM - 7/2 6PM (회차 당 30명 선착순 마감) ▫ 신청방법 : 헬로라이브 APP 혹은 @pgnpictures 프로필 링크 확인! ⠀ #문종업 #MoonJongUp #종업 #JongUp #MoonJongUp_US #US #어스
Map: Trump loyal militia or armed presence at #StopTheSteaI demonstrations in the #US Report: bit.ly/2LMSlXj
"This is not the outcome we sought to prevent," said #US State Department spokesman on the current #Ukraine war. Just a slip of the tongue?