ワシントンに集まった #MAGA の人達は数千人でした』と報道した日本のメディアの皆様へ 『この絵をみて、どう数えたら、これが千人規模の集会に見えるのですか?』 目が悪いのか、頭が悪いのか、心が腐っているのか、一体何なのですか? 嘘をつけばつく程、日本人は目覚めていく。 #StopTheSteaI twitter.com/laraleatrump/s…
#StopTheSteaI movement all over the country! 各地で予定されている不正選挙抗議活動の予定です!
目下💥戦争中 ジョージア市民よ!立ち上がれ🦾 GOGO🇺🇸USA ⤴️ GOGO🇺🇸Lin Wood😘 NONO🇨🇳CCP🤮 #godblessaamerica #StopTheSteaI #MAGA2020 twitter.com/news_ntd/statu…
Map: Trump loyal militia or armed presence at #StopTheSteaI demonstrations in the #US Report: bit.ly/2LMSlXj
A second clip of more #StopTheSteaI protesters in this march. They are chanting anti CCP and anti media slogans in Japanese and English.
There's a pro-Trump #StopTheSteaI march happening in Tokyo right now. Quite a few people chanting "God Bless Trump" and anti-China slogans.
The fourth group of Japanese #StopTheSteaI protesters. I overheard one guy claiming that police divided the march into groups of 500 people, but I was too busy filming to count.