#UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres: Our position is very clear. We abide by General Assembly resolutions, by the One China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do.
China at the #UN Upper pic: Developing countries congratulate the PRC on restoring its lawful seat at the UN. Lower pic: Delegates congratulate Chinese SC&FM Wang Yi after he addresses the annual gathering of nations at #UNGA.
İnsani İşlerden Sorumlu #BM Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı ve Acil Yardım Koordinatörüyle görüşerek BM ve bağlı kuruluşlarının #deprem bölgesindeki faaliyetlerini ele aldık. Discussed w/ Griffiths, @UNReliefChief, the activities of #UN & its agencies in the #earthquake zones.🇹🇷🇺🇳
Arrived in #Doha to attend #LDC5. First meeting is w/UN Secretary General @antonioguterres. Grateful for the assistance of the #UN after the earthquake in Türkiye. Discussed our #zerowaste initiative, situation in #Ukraine, #IstanbulGrainDeal. 🇹🇷🇺🇳
January 25, 2022: Launching of #Eritrea #UN Program of Cooperation (2022-2026) brought together UN Regional Directors #UNHRC #UNHCR #WFP #UNODC #UNECA #UNPF & other senior officials to Asmara #UNDP #UNIDO #TICAD7 #AfDB #SDGs エリトリア エチオピア
今日は #世界湿地の日 です。 今年のテーマは、「劣化した湿地の回復と修復」です。劣化してしまった湿原が回復すれば、以前の恩恵を再び我々にもたらしてくれます。🌍🧑🏽👩🏻👵湿地は二酸化炭素を吸収するため、地球温暖化を抑制し、汚染を軽減してくれます。🌱🌏 #UN #国連 #SDGs
A warm meeting with FM @MinisterIanBorg of Malta. Congratulated them on their election to UNSC. Agreed to deepen cooperation in the #UN and Commonwealth. Also explored strengthening our bilateral economic ties.
🚨 #Myanmar’s democratically-elected parliamentarians & ethnic groups to speak @UN 10:00 GMT-4 webtv.un.org #UN မှာဒီမိုကရေစီနည်းကျရွေးကောက် တင်မြှောက်ခံရသည့် ပါလီမန်အမတ်များ ၊တိုင်းရင်းသားများ ဆွေးနွေးပွဲ ည ၈:၃၀ webtv.un.org 👈🏻
NEW: #JICA tells @hrw a JP company signed a deal with military-owned #MEC and its affiliate in November 2019 for the #Bago River Bridge Project, 2 months after the #UN FFM called for the financial isolation of #MEC & #MEHL. #SaveMyammar myanmar-now.org/en/news/japan-…
📌Attended VTC Meeting of Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism. 📌Shared Turkey’s fight against terrorism and plight of families whose children were abducted by terror organization PKK. 📌#UN should carry out efficient programs to support victims of terrorism. #UNGA75
【復刻上映会①】ノイタミナ放送15周年を記念しキャンペーンセレクト作品の第1話をカフェ設置のスクリーンにてご覧頂けます💁‍♀️ 明日(12/13)『UN-GO』は第1話の上映となります。 #UN-GO
Good common sense from @USAsiaPacific🇺🇸 DAS Waters. It's true. #TaiwanCanHelp spur global action on shared challenges & must be brought into the @UN🇺🇳 system. Bottom line? #UN Resolution 2758 isn't a blank check for China to run roughshod over #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its 23.5 million people. twitter.com/USAsiaPacific/…
Discussed w/Jane Holl Lute, #UN's Senior Official on #Cyprus, preparations of unofficial "5+UN" Cyprus meeting in Geneva at the end of April. Sustainable and realistic settlement for the benefit of all parties in Cyprus is cooperation of two states based on sovereign equality.
全国のコミュニティFMでお送りする『旅するK-POP』リクエストコーナーの予定です🎵 6/5~11(#379)CHIMIRO 6/12~18(#380)UN 番組では皆さんのお気に入りの1曲をお待ちしております。詳細は番組内でご確認下さい📻 #tabikpop #たかはぎFM #CHIMIRO #チャングンソク #キムジョンフン #UN #KPOP
📌Stated to Jane Holl Lute, #UN’s Senior Official on #Cyprus, that federation project is no longer sustainable. 📌In line with realities on Island Turkish side promotes two-state settlement based on equal sovereignty. 📌Common ground should be reached for new negotiation process.
今日は #国際非暴力デー 🙅💣 この国際デーは、教育や国民の意識向上などを通じて、非暴力のメッセージを普及させることを目的に、インド独立運動の指導者であり、非暴力の哲学と戦略の先駆者であるマハトマ・ガンジーの誕生日である10月2日に制定されました。 #UN #国連
Met w/ Gabriela Cuevas Barron, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (#IPU). Supporting parliamentarian diplomacy as an effective tool of foreign policy. Ready to work with the IPU at multilateral platforms, including #UN. @GabyCuevas
The #UN🇺🇳 asks. #Taiwan🇹🇼 answers. Rep. Huang & @Kizilay's @AlperKucukTK signed a cooperation pact ensuring the government's US$1M #LoveFromTaiwan donation swiftly improves the lives of those impacted by the earthquake in #Afghanistan. Real relief & rebuilding support is at hand! twitter.com/UNOCHA/status/…
...spied on #UN chief & senior foreign diplomats, instigated coups in other countries, and meddled in the #Yemenwar which took thousands of lives. This is Anglo-Saxon #democracy, freedom & justice. How ironic!
Foreign-policy thinker Anne-Marie Slaughter argues the #US should “accept at least the possibility that other forms of government could be better.” She suggested, as a new measure of governance, that people evaluate which countries are doing a good job at achieving the #UN SDGs.
Discussed global issues with Ban Ki-moon, with whom we worked closely during his term as #UN Secretary-General. Ban Ki-moon's ideas have a major impact in international fora. Invited him to Antalya Diplomacy Forum. @AntalyaDF
In Mandalay, it just happened. They used real live bullets to shoot civilians. Where is justice? UN, please we need stronger action against the military! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Myanmar #UN #Feb20Coup
As permanent members of the #UN Security Council and the world’s two leading economies, China & the US must not only guide the China-US relations forward along the right track, but also shoulder our share of international responsibilities and work for world peace and tranquility.
True! The #PRC distorts the #UNGA resolution 2758 to keep #Taiwan out of the entire #UN system & now abuses it to legitimize the use of force against us. This violates the most fundamental tenets of the UN Charter. The world should say NO to it. JW twitter.com/GlobalStratVie…
Belated Happy #UNDay! On Oct. 24, it was 75 years since the #UNCharter entered force. Pop quiz: Who signed the historic document 1st? As #UN75 festivities wind down, it's time for @antonioguterres to accept #TaiwanCanHelp achieve the #SDGs & bring #Taiwan🇹🇼 into the #UN🇺🇳 family. twitter.com/UNESCO/status/…