今のところ変異種は「毒性が高い」とか「ワクチンが効かない」とかいう悲観的なものではなさそうです。ただ感染力が高く、自国の医療体制の維持を考えれば周辺国は英国との往来を遮断せざるを得ません。#Brexit 交渉の結果が出る前に英国が一時的に孤立します。#UK nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
#UK: PM Boris Johnson announces a new lockdown as a more infectious variant of coronavirus has appeared.
"it may be up to more 70% more transmissible [but] there's no evidence that it causes higher mortality"
Today I wished our good friend, @UKinTaiwan Representative Catherine Nettleton, farewell after four years of service in Taiwan. I was so pleased to see you enjoy your time here & am grateful for your hard work advancing #Taiwan-#UK relations.
#UK: Visits to domestic abuse website have increased by 150% and the number of femicides tripled in the first six weeks of lockdown.
7 in 10 women killed by a man told someone they were suffering from domestic abuse. #orangetheworld #16days #Femicide
#Nigeria / #UK: Global solidarity continues to pour in for the #EndsSARS movement.
Scenes from London at Trafalgar Square of a candlelight procession for victims of SARS and Nigeria Police. (📹@OgbeniDipo)
📌Attended VTC meeting w/Co-chair Jack Straw of #UK to discuss the preparations of “Tatlıdil” Forum.
📌Will host the Forum next year in Turkey.
📌 The focus will be on new venues of cooperation in the post-Brexit era.
#Day27 [Right of visiting 12 detainees declined]
1/ While #CCP may claim that the group is not under consular protection, the right of visiting 12 detainees by consulate is an absolutely legitimate & reasonable demand, especially for a🇵🇹 #Portugese national & 2 #UK #BNO holders.
[#Portugese 🇵🇹 & #UK’s #BNO holders 🇬🇧 detained in #China for over 3 weeks]
1. Of the 12 #HKers detained in #China, one is reportedly #Portuguese passport holder while another two are #BNO holders. They are held w/o legal access, sparking growing concern of inhumane treatment.
Good question, @HeatherWheeler. Great answer, @GregHands. We thank the @taiwanappg member for her support. We also thank the minister of state for trade policy at @tradegovuk for recognizing the country as a free trade & #Coronavirus-combating partner. #Taiwan-#UK #TradeIsGreat! twitter.com/HeatherWheeler…
スリザリン祭り開催中🐍🐲📗 写真で紹介📸⇒pottermania.jp/info/event/log…
#ハリーポッター #WBTourLondon #ハリポタ #イベント #UK
See #Yoshikimono in #KimonoKyotoToCatwalk at the #VandAMuseum in the #UK -- reopening August 27!
Info: vam.ac.uk/exhibitions/ki…
@YoshikiOfficial @yoshikimonojpn @V_and_A
#BirleşikKrallık ziyaretimiz.
Visit to the #UK. 🇹🇷🇬🇧
I have issued an open letter appealing to countries — #Australia, #Finland, #Germany, the #Netherlands, #NewZealand, the #UK, and the #US — that have signed extradition treaties with Hong Kong to suspend such arrangements. Hong Kong no longer enjoys the rule of law.
Conveyed best wishes of President @RTErdogan to PM @BorisJohnson of #UK. Pleased w/the decision of UK on quarantine exemption for #Turkey. Wish to conclude the Free Trade Agreement and develop our economic&trade relations.🇹🇷🇬🇧
Met w/FM @DominicRaab of #UK;
📌Had a strong solidarity during pandemic,
📌Will improve our coop. in every field in new normal period,
📌Ready to host British guests in a healthy&safe environment,
📌Will open Consulate General in Manchester&further develop our economic relations.
📌Had a friendly meeting w/Chairman @J_Donaldson_MP of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Turkey in #UK Parliament.
📌 Wish to further develop our relations&preserve the acquired rights of our citizens after Brexit.
📌Inter-parliamentary relations strengthen our cooperation.
“Yeni normal” döneminde dostumuz ve stratejik ortağımız #BirleşikKrallık’la yakın işbirliğimizi görüşmek için #Londra’dayız. 🇹🇷🇬🇧
Visiting #London to discuss in the “new normal” period our close cooperation w/#UK, our friend&strategic partner. 🇹🇷🇬🇧
It was a pleasure to meet with @UKinTaiwan Representative Nettleton today at the Presidential Office to discuss #Taiwan-#UK exchanges on #COVID19 vaccines, the situation in #HongKong, & our commitment to our countries’ shared values.
5/ In order to safeguard HK’s liberties & foreign business interests, I call upon the #UK Gov to impose necessary sanctions & restrictive measures in order to push for the withdrawal of the bill & urge China to honour its promise of autonomy under its UN-filed Joint Declaration.
#ハリポタ 作者J・K・ローリング、セブルス・スネイプの名前の由来を告白💚✨⇒pottermania.jp/info/event/log…
#ハリーポッター #スネイプ #News #旅行 #UK #ロンドン #HarryPotter #旅行