🎃Happy Halloween🎃 Shang: We aren't kids anymore, trick or treating is... Ling Ya: Come on, enjoy the festive mood. Don't think, just woof. Let's give everyone a Happy Halloweeeeeen~~~🎃🎃🎃 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #Halloween
6/1 is Dān Fěi & Liè Mèi's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 For this special day of double cuteness, the girls are having cake in wonderland... with Mie Hare and Juan Bunny! ❤️ #ThunderboltFantasy #DanFei #LieMei #東離劍遊紀 #丹翡 #獵魅 #うさちゃんかわいいすぎ #元に戻らなくてもいい
5/20 is Azibělpher's birthday. Happy be he who is born on the day of love!❤️ Filled with love for humans, he has conjured a Danse Macabre in celebration! All humans welcome! It's a party you can never leave! #ThunderboltFantasy #Azibělpher #UnhappyLang #東離劍遊紀 #アジベルファ
❤Happy Mother's Day❤ A special gift for the special you, made with a specially COOOL explosion, just for you!🥰🥰🥰 Behold the blazing love that will move anyone!🌹 #ThunderboltFantasy #ZhouXunYin #LangWuYao #MothersDay #東離劍遊紀 #咒旬瘖 #浪巫謠 #母の日
One day, young Lang Wuyao discovers a door that leads to a starless world filled with demons. With the help of a talking pipa, can he close the door between worlds and find his way back to human world before disaster strikes? #ThunderboltFantasy #parody
7/2 is also Wā̀n Jūn Pò's birthday! Happy summer birthday!🎂 The boys are hosting a BBQ party on the beach!!🥳🥳🥳 Shang Bu Huan: Happy birthday! Work is off-limits today, so just take a well-deserved rest and chill! #ThunderboltFantasy #WanJunPo #東離劍遊紀 #萬軍破
2/22 is Làng Wū Yáo's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 Tian Ming: Happy birthday, Wu Yao! You can ask us for anything today, so don't be shy now!🌸 #ThunderboltFantasy #LangWuYao #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠
Thrown into the vortex the between space and time, Shang Bu Huan was salvaged in the nick of time by the mysterious Bai Lian. No declothing happened. Shame.😠 #ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring
9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂 Shang: Everyone stand back, I'm going to cut the cake now!😆 An outdoor party to catch the last flowers of summer while enjoying the temperance of autumn! #ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #FallEquinox #東離劍遊紀 #殤不患
【💝Happy Valentine's】 Whether you are single or not, the girls of Dong Li And Xi You have prepared chocolates for everyone! Whose chocolate do you want the most?🥰🍫 #ThunderboltFantasy #MuTianMing #DanFei #ChaoFeng #XingHai
📺いよいよ明日放送📺 #サンファン の制作に関わり 初めて知った #布袋劇。 何度見ても魔法のよう。 霹靂社様の撮影現場にも 伺わせて頂きましたが、 全員が布袋劇を愛していらして、 キラキラした瞳で撮影されていました。 魅力満載! #ふしぎ発見 #台湾 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 twitter.com/fushigi_hakken…
7/10 is Shā Wú Shēng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 Lǐn: The heat is off the charts, let's eat some nagashi somen at the party to cool off. Juǎn: Aaah! All the noodles fell off while you guys are posing and taking selfies! #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #SummerBoy #NagashiSomen
サンダーボルトファンタジー3期、期待を裏切らない面白さでした!1期からリアタイしてますがマンガ描いたのは今期が初めてでした。とても楽しい3か月でした…本当にありがとうございました!4期見るまでは生きる! #サンファン #サンファンアート #ThunderboltFantasy
✨🏮Happy Lantern Festival🏮✨ Who's eating tangyuan tonight?😋 Sesame or peanut? Rice wine soup or red bean soup? #ThunderboltFantasy #LanternFestival
【Moon Festival】 🌝 Greetings! May everyone have a happy Moon Festival weekend and feast on autumn's bounties! If you overeat, remember to burn some calories with a refreshing sparring session under the moon! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
11/9 is Cháo Fēng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 A special birthday concert is held in the Palace of Xiyou today! Princess Cháo Fēng is having the time of her life cheering on her favorite singer at zero distance! Lang: Longest day ever😵‍💫 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
#ThunderboltFantasy Commemorative Photo 1⃣ From Amanda Fousse: #ShaWuSheng and #BetsuTenGai sharing a dinner together in the underworld! 😍Thank you all for your patience! Please look forward to the next three photos soon!
【Weapon Profile-Hu Xiao Shan He】 In S3's last fight, #WanJunPo underwent such a bloodbath that the puppet's eye was damaged by the blood dye seeping into the socket. We're happy to announce that after intense repair, the General has now fully recovered!🥳 #ThunderboltFantasy
🎉上映情報解禁🎉 / 日本・台湾合作の人形アニメ 『Thunderbolt Fantasy』 劇場版2作が復活上映決定🙌 \ 秋葉原UDXシアターにて実施! 9/19(月・祝)『#生死一劍dreampass.jp/e4165 9/24(土)『#西幽玹歌dreampass.jp/e4166 #ドリパス #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #虚淵玄
5/20 is Azibělpher is birthday! Happy birthday feast! 🎂 Azibělpher: Rejoice, Wu Yao! It's exactly because I was born today that you are born into this world!!😎 Lang: ...............I see nothing to rejoice about.🙃 #ThunderboltFantasy #Azibělpher #東離劍遊紀 #阿爾貝盧法
While searching for the Seven Blasphemous Death, Shang Bu Huan stumbles into the mysterious Void Junction. In the labyrinth of portals to other worlds, how will Shang Bu Huan navigate the world from threats of otherworldly invasion? #ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring
9/24 is Xíng Hài's birthday. Happy birthday!🥂 Today's present is a special gift from Seven Blasphemous Deaths💋 A euphoric dream where Xing Hai reigns queen and all beauteous men of East & West must court her favor with lavish gifts🦚🍷🍇🎂 #ThunderboltFantasy #XingHai #刑亥
10/3 is Dì Kōng/Lóu Zhèn Jiè's birthday. Happy birthday! Xie: Happy birthday! Thank you for the flowers, the desserts from this shop is my favorite, hope it's to your taste. Di: Thank you. Trying something different once a while is good. #ThunderboltFantasy #DiKong #LouZhenJie
6/25 is Juǎn Cán Yún's birthday! He's another year older, so time for a respectable night out! 🍷 Shang: Happy birthday! We're having a boy's drinking party tonight!😆 Lin: I can make any drink on the menu so order away~⭐️😉 #ThunderboltFantasy #JuanCanYun #東離劍遊紀 #捲殘雲
11/9 is Mù Tiān Mìng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 For her birthday present, a perfectly safe Jurassic tour escorted by two Death King bully experts! Tian Gong: But do we really have to eat while mad maxing under the mouth of a Ceratosaurus?😫 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀