6/1 is Dān Fěi & Liè Mèi's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 For this special day of double cuteness, the girls are having cake in wonderland... with Mie Hare and Juan Bunny! ❤️ #ThunderboltFantasy #DanFei #LieMei #東離劍遊紀 #丹翡 #獵魅 #うさちゃんかわいいすぎ #元に戻らなくてもいい
6/1 is Dān Fěi & Liè Mèi's birthday! Happy birthday to the girls! 🎂 Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, so everyone is having fun making zongzi with their own secret ingredients! It's gonna be a blast! #ThunderboltFantasy #DanFei #LieMei #東離劍遊紀 #丹翡 #獵魅