#台湾 で今…#人形劇 がアツい⁉️ 伝統芸能の人形劇、 その進化版に世界が注目👀⚡️ 今回特別に舞台裏へ🙌 超絶技巧が光るセットや人形に… リアルお人形代表! 9頭身ミステリーハンター アンナ・リー @annaleetwtw 驚愕😱❤️‍🔥 #霹靂布袋戯 #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #東離劍遊紀 #ふしぎ発見
ということで、西川貴教3rdシングル「Crescent Cutlass」が10月23日にリリース決定しました!こちらは劇場版『Thunderbolt Fantasy⻄幽玹歌』主題歌であり、浪巫謠の叫びが詰まっております!是非劇場で、そして手に取って触れて頂けると幸いです。 #TNNK #ThunderboltFantasy twitter.com/turboFC/status…
/ いよいよ明日!!😱 \ いざ、超絶熱狂 #台湾 へ🔥🔥🔥 世界が注目!ネオ人形劇の舞台裏を 放送に先駆けチョイ見せ👀✨ #霹靂布袋戯 #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #東離劍遊紀 #ふしぎ発見 #媽祖祭
くぅぅぅ… 今日こそミステリーハンターは僕がやりたかった… Thunderbolt Fantasy 4期の制作も進行中です!今夜の放送でご興味いただけた皆さん、是非シリーズ3期分と劇場版3作品を是非ご覧ください!#浪巫謠 からのお願いです♡ #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 @TBF_PR twitter.com/fushigi_hakken…
浪巫謠(ロウフヨウ)と聆牙(リョウガ) #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀2
そして「Crescent Cutlass」のMVの編集してます... ほんまよう働くで... 全編は10月23日リリースの特典DVDで! #TNNK #ThunderboltFantasy #西幽玹歌 instagram.com/p/B2Hbn-9p1Gh/…
#ThunderboltFantasy next series production starting ceremony has went off without a hitch! 🥳 Full details: bit.ly/40hGbaw
With Thunderbolt Fantasy fourth season's production underway, it's time to introduce the new outfits for our protagonists! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #AprilFools
いやぁ、今週も激しかったなぁ♪そしてドシドシ惜しげもなく追加される大御所声優にゾワゾワが止まりません!次回も刮目して待つべし! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠 #Judgment #TNNK twitter.com/TBF_PR/status/…
好評につき2020年も開催決定! 制作舞台裏に迫る「#霹靂 スタジオ」日帰り見学ツアー! taipeinavi.com/tour/436/ #霹靂布袋戲 の制作舞台裏が見られます。キャラクターとの写真撮影、このツアー限定の寸劇など超レアでとっておきのツアー #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy #サンダーボルトファンタジー
#西川貴教】 \MV公開🎉/ 10月23日(水)発売 『Thunderbolt Fantasy 西幽玹歌』主題歌 「Crescent Cutlass」のMVを公開! 今すぐチェックして下さい👀⚡ #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy 🔻MVはこちら youtu.be/i51enz2gXFw
🎉🎉Happy new year 2022!!🎉🎉 🥰🥰🥰 Thanks so much for all the support this year! The adventures of season 3 finished on a bang, and new adventures await us all in the future! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
【Fight the Pandemic!】 Protect yourself, and you'll protect everyone around you! Always mask up, wash your hands, keep sanitizing and keep your social distances! Stay safe from COVID! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
2/22 is Làng Wū Yáo's birthday! 🎂 It's also 🐱 Cat Day, so today's birthday party is hosted on Cat Island, a must-see for cat lovers! 🐾 With more cats than one can walk through, the party of fluff is on! 🥰 #ThunderboltFantasy #LangWuYao #Cats #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠 #貓の日
✨✨Happy Year of Rabbit✨✨ Wishing good health and good fortunes to all Thunderbolt fans! 🎉🎉🎉Let's look forward to the journey of our favorite puppets this year too! #HappyNewYear #ThunderboltFantasy #新年快樂 #東離劍遊紀
7/10 is Shā Wú Shēng's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂 We have a big party for the birthday boy today!🎉 Everyone: Happy Birthday!🥳🥳🥳 Wu Sheng: ...Thanks😳(feels awkward to have so many people around.) #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #東離劍遊紀 #殺無生
🔥Next Thunderbolt Fantasy installment confirmed🔥 More details coming on✨thunderboltfantasy.com.tw #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #サンファン
【💥2023 New TBF Year💥】 2023 Happy New Year!🥳🥳🥳 What is everyone's expectations for the new year? Here's to hoping for an early fourth season! #ThunderboltFantasy
Behold, the skies of Tanabata are adorned not only by summer stars, but an inseparable twosome in space as well. Lou: Let's stay together forever in this sea of stars🥰 Seven Blasphemous Deaths: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday...😣 #ThunderboltFantasy #Tanabata #東離劍遊記 #七夕
9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday. Happy birthday!🐱 Shang: Thank you Jun Po. This is the kind of surprise I appreciate😆 Wan: My colleagues in the Order told me about this cat café when they heard about my stress problems🤗 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #東離劍遊紀 #殤不患
【War of Fading Dusk Legacy】 With the help of a demon bird, the Xi You trio has descended upon a world of magic for some school shenanigans that martial world settings had deprived them of! 🧙‍♂️What wizarding fun would you introduce them to first? ✨ #ThunderboltFantasy #parody
【Genkishu is recruiting!】 The hottest corporation in Dong Li is now recruiting for new blood! Featuring the most lavish marathon and the grimmest avian proctors, it's an experience you'll never forget! #東離劍遊紀 #ThunderboltFantasy #Genkishu #XuanGuiZong #AprilFools
Zhao Jun Lin's weapon - Qing Tian Xia. Horsetail whisk is a type of tool for cleaning dust. In Chinese, "clean" and "fall" are both pronounced "qing." The weapon is named to indicate that the whole world would fall for Zhao Jun Lin's beauty and charm. #ThunderboltFantasy
Lang Wu Yao, the mysterious singer who has been all the rage in Dongli lately, is finally holding a public concert in person! With a voice said to bewitch even the dragons, what magic will his song create in this unprecedented concert? #ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring