6/4 is Zhòu Xún Yīn's birthday. Happy birthday!♥️ Today debuts her idol group that will ravage courts around the world! ~✨東離制覇を目指す究極バンド✨~ ✩。・゚★最強のお母さんと推しの男子★*。✩ #ThunderboltFantasy #ZhouXunYin #OshiNoKo #東離劍遊紀 #咒旬瘖 #推しの子
6/1 is Dān Fěi & Liè Mèi's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 For this special day of double cuteness, the girls are having cake in wonderland... with Mie Hare and Juan Bunny! ❤️ #ThunderboltFantasy #DanFei #LieMei #東離劍遊紀 #丹翡 #獵魅 #うさちゃんかわいいすぎ #元に戻らなくてもいい
5/20 is Azibělpher's birthday. Happy be he who is born on the day of love!❤️ Filled with love for humans, he has conjured a Danse Macabre in celebration! All humans welcome! It's a party you can never leave! #ThunderboltFantasy #Azibělpher #UnhappyLang #東離劍遊紀 #アジベルファ
❤Happy Mother's Day❤ A special gift for the special you, made with a specially COOOL explosion, just for you!🥰🥰🥰 Behold the blazing love that will move anyone!🌹 #ThunderboltFantasy #ZhouXunYin #LangWuYao #MothersDay #東離劍遊紀 #咒旬瘖 #浪巫謠 #母の日
くぅぅぅ… 今日こそミステリーハンターは僕がやりたかった… Thunderbolt Fantasy 4期の制作も進行中です!今夜の放送でご興味いただけた皆さん、是非シリーズ3期分と劇場版3作品を是非ご覧ください!#浪巫謠 からのお願いです♡ #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 @TBF_PR twitter.com/fushigi_hakken…
📺いよいよ明日放送📺 #サンファン の制作に関わり 初めて知った #布袋劇。 何度見ても魔法のよう。 霹靂社様の撮影現場にも 伺わせて頂きましたが、 全員が布袋劇を愛していらして、 キラキラした瞳で撮影されていました。 魅力満載! #ふしぎ発見 #台湾 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 twitter.com/fushigi_hakken…
/ いよいよ明日!!😱 \ いざ、超絶熱狂 #台湾 へ🔥🔥🔥 世界が注目!ネオ人形劇の舞台裏を 放送に先駆けチョイ見せ👀✨ #霹靂布袋戯 #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #東離劍遊紀 #ふしぎ発見 #媽祖祭
#台湾 で今…#人形劇 がアツい⁉️ 伝統芸能の人形劇、 その進化版に世界が注目👀⚡️ 今回特別に舞台裏へ🙌 超絶技巧が光るセットや人形に… リアルお人形代表! 9頭身ミステリーハンター アンナ・リー @annaleetwtw 驚愕😱❤️‍🔥 #霹靂布袋戯 #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #東離劍遊紀 #ふしぎ発見
With Thunderbolt Fantasy fourth season's production underway, it's time to introduce the new outfits for our protagonists! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #AprilFools
#ThunderboltFantasy next series production starting ceremony has went off without a hitch! 🥳 Full details: bit.ly/40hGbaw
As John Bu Huan continues his fight against the Order of the Divine Swarm, Xi You and the Demon Realm are making their moves behind the scenes. Soon he will encounter his greatest threat yet—from his old friends turned into foes. #ThunderboltFantasy #parody #LinNoCountAsFriend
One day, young Lang Wuyao discovers a door that leads to a starless world filled with demons. With the help of a talking pipa, can he close the door between worlds and find his way back to human world before disaster strikes? #ThunderboltFantasy #parody
3/7 is Xiào Kuáng Juàn's birthday. Happy birthday!🤑 Xiao: ♠️All in! All in! What better way to celebrate a birthday than making bank and living the dream!🥳 #ThunderboltFantasy #XiaoKuangJuan #東離劍遊紀 #嘯狂狷
2/23 is Xiē Yīng Luò's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 Normally she would abstain from these calorie bombs. But today is special, when a girl may indulge her sweet tooth with all kinds of delicious cakes! Xie: Thanks everyone!😋 #ThunderboltFantasy #XieYingLuo #東離劍遊紀 #蠍瓔珞
2/22 is Làng Wū Yáo's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂 Tian Ming: Happy birthday, Wu Yao! You can ask us for anything today, so don't be shy now!🌸 #ThunderboltFantasy #LangWuYao #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠
【War of Fading Dusk Legacy】 With the help of a demon bird, the Xi You trio has descended upon a world of magic for some school shenanigans that martial world settings had deprived them of! 🧙‍♂️What wizarding fun would you introduce them to first? ✨ #ThunderboltFantasy #parody
【💌Happy Valentine's】 📥A special chocolate just came into our notice through mysterious means. Would you accept this chocolate and the Herculean quest it comes with? #ThunderboltFantasy #ZhaoJunLin
【💝Happy Valentine's】 Whether you are single or not, the girls of Dong Li And Xi You have prepared chocolates for everyone! Whose chocolate do you want the most?🥰🍫 #ThunderboltFantasy #MuTianMing #DanFei #ChaoFeng #XingHai
✨🏮Happy Lantern Festival🏮✨ Who's eating tangyuan tonight?😋 Sesame or peanut? Rice wine soup or red bean soup? #ThunderboltFantasy #LanternFestival
✨✨Happy Year of Rabbit✨✨ Wishing good health and good fortunes to all Thunderbolt fans! 🎉🎉🎉Let's look forward to the journey of our favorite puppets this year too! #HappyNewYear #ThunderboltFantasy #新年快樂 #東離劍遊紀
1/20 is Diāo Mìng's birthday. Happy birthday! 🧧 Mie Tian Hai: Since your birthday is on New Year's Eve this year, I'll make sure to give you an extra-large red envelope. Now dig in! Diao Ming & Co.: Aye sir! Thank you sir! #ThunderboltFantasy #DiaoMing #東離劍遊紀 #凋命
🏮Dong Li New Year Market🏮 Dust down the shelves and stock up the pantries! From street to street, a "Gong Xi Fa Cai" is on everyone's lips, gathering in the market to buy their favorite things!🥳What is everyone getting for this Spring Festival? #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
【💥2023 New TBF Year💥】 2023 Happy New Year!🥳🥳🥳 What is everyone's expectations for the new year? Here's to hoping for an early fourth season! #ThunderboltFantasy
Cat Herders Unite! Addiction to kitties has no summit, it's something like a bottomless ocean. So when cat fever takes over the world of Dong Li, even Shang Bu Huan & Co. can't resist the influence of the feline overlords! There can be no one who hates cats! #ThunderboltFantasy
【Sho Fukan: Biscuits Forever】 Shang Bu Huan & friends once tried to forge a new future for shaobing biscuits, but a formidable enemy dealt them a tragic blow. As new danger looms, can he recover and protect what's important to him? #ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring