【Genkishu is recruiting!】 The hottest corporation in Dong Li is now recruiting for new blood! Featuring the most lavish marathon and the grimmest avian proctors, it's an experience you'll never forget! #東離劍遊紀 #ThunderboltFantasy #Genkishu #XuanGuiZong #AprilFools
Successor of the dirt rich Seven Sins Tower, Mie Tianhai is a haughty boss by day and transforms into a masked hunter of swordsmen & their swords by night. But all is changed when an enigmatic stranger pays him a visit... #ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring #東離劍遊紀
3/7 is Xiào Kuáng Juàn's PARTY time! 🎂 Xiao: Quitting my old job to become a pirate isn't too bad. Instead of mucking about in the Wasteland, I can live the high life on the sea! 😛 Lin: I hope you enjoy the rum😒🧪🍺 #ThunderboltFantasy #XiaoKuangJuan #東離劍遊紀 #嘯狂狷
2/23 is Xiē Yīng Luò's birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 In a beautiful wisteria garden reserved by Yi Piao Miao, with sweet & sour strawberry shortcake chosen by Wan Jun Po, her birthday is celebrated with gifts befitting a maiden of spring. #ThunderboltFantasy #XieYingLuo #東離劍遊紀 #蠍瓔珞
2/22 is Làng Wū Yáo's birthday! 🎂 It's also 🐱 Cat Day, so today's birthday party is hosted on Cat Island, a must-see for cat lovers! 🐾 With more cats than one can walk through, the party of fluff is on! 🥰 #ThunderboltFantasy #LangWuYao #Cats #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠 #貓の日
Lucky New Year Wallpapers (1/2) Start your new year with all kinds of blessings!🤗 Shang Bu Huan: the color of 🫓 and 💴💴💴 Pink Zhao Jun Lin: will charm even a log of wood ❤️ Purple Sha Wu Sheng: strength to beat 1000 men 💪 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
🎉🎉Happy new year 2022!!🎉🎉 🥰🥰🥰 Thanks so much for all the support this year! The adventures of season 3 finished on a bang, and new adventures await us all in the future! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
It's the season for tomato harvests!🍅🍅🍅 The Swarm Trio is unleashing themselves on the greenhouse this weekend to de-stress from work.🧺 Wan Jun Po: Picking tomatoes is so soothing. I'll give some to Bu Huan when I get back.😌 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
11/9 is Cháo Fēng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 A special birthday concert is held in the Palace of Xiyou today! Princess Cháo Fēng is having the time of her life cheering on her favorite singer at zero distance! Lang: Longest day ever😵‍💫 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
11/9 is Mù Tiān Mìng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 For her birthday present, a perfectly safe Jurassic tour escorted by two Death King bully experts! Tian Gong: But do we really have to eat while mad maxing under the mouth of a Ceratosaurus?😫 #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
10/3 is Dì Kōng/Lóu Zhèn Jiè's birthday. Happy birthday! Xie: Happy birthday! Thank you for the flowers, the desserts from this shop is my favorite, hope it's to your taste. Di: Thank you. Trying something different once a while is good. #ThunderboltFantasy #DiKong #LouZhenJie
May all pupils listen to their teachers on this Teacher's Day, bless them. Sha: Long time no see. Happy Teacher's Day...Master. Tie: Hmph, so the rebel does remember his way home. Door's open. #東離劍遊紀 #殺無生 #鐵笛仙 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #TieDiXian
9/24 is Xíng Hài's birthday. Happy birthday!🥂 Today's present is a special gift from Seven Blasphemous Deaths💋 A euphoric dream where Xing Hai reigns queen and all beauteous men of East & West must court her favor with lavish gifts🦚🍷🍇🎂 #ThunderboltFantasy #XingHai #刑亥
9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday. Happy birthday!🐱 Shang: Thank you Jun Po. This is the kind of surprise I appreciate😆 Wan: My colleagues in the Order told me about this cat café when they heard about my stress problems🤗 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #東離劍遊紀 #殤不患
A conversation captured from space. Lou Zhen Jie: Look, princess. A typhoon has formed on that planet. Seven Blasphemous Deaths: It's nothing to do with us...but I'm really missing land right now😢 Typhoon Chanthu approaches. Stay safe everyone! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
🔥Next Thunderbolt Fantasy installment confirmed🔥 More details coming on✨thunderboltfantasy.com.tw #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #サンファン
8/19 is Lián Qí's birthday. Happy Birthday!🥳 Lǐn: Happy birthday~ Try one of these longevity peaches I handmade for you. Take care though because one of them is filled with Tabasco.😘 Lián: I see that you are the same as always.🤨 #ThunderboltFantasy #LianQi #東離劍遊紀 #廉耆
【Weapon Profile-Hu Xiao Shan He】 In S3's last fight, #WanJunPo underwent such a bloodbath that the puppet's eye was damaged by the blood dye seeping into the socket. We're happy to announce that after intense repair, the General has now fully recovered!🥳 #ThunderboltFantasy
Zhao Jun Lin's weapon - Qing Tian Xia. Horsetail whisk is a type of tool for cleaning dust. In Chinese, "clean" and "fall" are both pronounced "qing." The weapon is named to indicate that the whole world would fall for Zhao Jun Lin's beauty and charm. #ThunderboltFantasy
7/10 is Shā Wú Shēng's birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂 Lǐn: The heat is off the charts, let's eat some nagashi somen at the party to cool off. Juǎn: Aaah! All the noodles fell off while you guys are posing and taking selfies! #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #SummerBoy #NagashiSomen
サンダーボルトファンタジー3期、期待を裏切らない面白さでした!1期からリアタイしてますがマンガ描いたのは今期が初めてでした。とても楽しい3か月でした…本当にありがとうございました!4期見るまでは生きる! #サンファン #サンファンアート #ThunderboltFantasy
いやぁ、今週も激しかったなぁ♪そしてドシドシ惜しげもなく追加される大御所声優にゾワゾワが止まりません!次回も刮目して待つべし! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠 #Judgment #TNNK twitter.com/TBF_PR/status/…
8コマでムリヤリ解説!マンガ 第5話の最後のコマをGIFアニメにしました 今晩きっといろいろな謎が明らかになるよ! そしてきっと新たな謎が生まれるんだよ...(いつもどおり) #サンファン #サンファンアート #ThunderboltFantasy
好評につき2020年も開催決定! 制作舞台裏に迫る「#霹靂 スタジオ」日帰り見学ツアー! taipeinavi.com/tour/436/ #霹靂布袋戲 の制作舞台裏が見られます。キャラクターとの写真撮影、このツアー限定の寸劇など超レアでとっておきのツアー #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy #サンダーボルトファンタジー
#西川貴教】 \MV公開🎉/ 10月23日(水)発売 『Thunderbolt Fantasy 西幽玹歌』主題歌 「Crescent Cutlass」のMVを公開! 今すぐチェックして下さい👀⚡ #サンファン #ThunderboltFantasy 🔻MVはこちら youtu.be/i51enz2gXFw