#Taiwan2020 elections were held as per the country's reputation as a beacon of freedom & democracy. Congratulations to @iingwen on reelection, & @hankuoyutw & James Soong for spirited campaigns. We're proud of the people & grateful for the support of #Taiwan's friends worldwide.
Over 8 million votes cast for President Tsai Ing-wen. This is the biggest election landslide since Taiwan’s first presidential election in 1996. #TaiwanElection #Taiwan2020
1/ Congratulations to #Taiwan’s new President #TsaiIngWen @iingwen and also #DPP @DPPonline under her lead! 👏🏻#Taiwan2020 #TaiwanElection
As the one who has been barred from leaving HK during an ongoing court case, I appealed to youths of Taiwan to protect Taiwan’s democracy. #Taiwan2020 reuters.com/article/us-tai…
God Bless Taiwan! Vote for freedom, human rights and rule of law! It feels so good that you can vote for your own destiny. Make your votes count! HK stands with Taiwan! #FightForFreedom #Taiwan2020 #democracy #TaiwanElection #Taiwan twitter.com/iingwen/status…
民主這條路,台灣走了很久,也走得很辛苦。它不是天上掉下來,它中間經歷過無數的抗爭,無數人的犧牲,我們才終於有這樣的生活方式。 現在全世界,都在看我們要怎麼繼續走這條路。明天,我們要讓所有人都看到,台灣人會為世界守住了這座民主的堡壘。明天,一定要去投票。 #Taiwan2020
Tomorrow, the power rests in our hands. Let’s show the world that the light of democracy burns strong in #Taiwan. Get out & vote! #Taiwan2020 #LetsWin2020
Wonderful to sit down with @CharlieCamp6ell for @TIME to discuss how important #Taiwan is to global democracy & how we’re working to defend it. The world is watching #Taiwan2020, & we owe it to future generations to choose freedom. english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/5952 twitter.com/TIME/status/12…
Delighted to see platforms like @Twitter encouraging Taiwanese voters to exercise their right to vote & discuss issues with #Taiwan’s first-ever exclusive emoji. This is a great example of the positive role social media can play in democracy. #台灣選舉 #Taiwan2020 🇹🇼 twitter.com/TwitterGov/sta…