Wishing a Happy #MothersDay to all mothers in #Taiwan & around the world.
Pleased to formally welcome new Paraguay Ambassador Carlos José Fleitas Rodríguez. I look forward to building on 65 years of diplomatic ties & friendship between #Taiwan & #Paraguay to further strengthen cooperation & trade on the foundation of our shared values.
"#Taiwan is part of China. That's been absolutely accepted by the whole of international community... And if you don't know that, you are not reading enough."--Roger Waters, co-founder of rock band Pink Floyd
Earlier today, #Nicaragua ended diplomatic ties with #Taiwan. I would like to stress that no amount of external pressure can shake our commitment to freedom, human rights, the rule of law & to partnering with the international democratic community as a force for good.
#Taiwan’s #HanKuang36 exercise begins this week. Our military men & women are working every day to enhance our military capabilities, defend national security, safeguard regional stability, & protect our freedoms & democracy. twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
As I celebrate the arrival of my 800,000th follower, I want to ask: What do you love about #Taiwan? What would you like to see more of? I love my country, & I want to share more of its beauty with you all.
Our 10-day visit to allies #Guatemala & #Belize, and our stops in #NewYork & #LosAngeles, would not have been possible without the hard work of our overseas community & representatives. Thank you all for bringing #Taiwan to the world.
Today I had the pleasure of formally welcoming new #Honduras Ambassador Harold Burgos back to #Taiwan. We are proud to count Honduras as a like-minded ally & look forward to breaking new ground in our countries’ enduring friendship.
#Taiwan’s partnership with the #US is as strong as it has ever been, & we are proud to stand together to #DefendDemocracy around the world. We are determined for Taiwan to continue to shine as a beacon of democracy & human rights in Asia, lighting the way for a brighter future.
Our @MOFA_Taiwan officials in India are continuing to offer their essential services during this trying time. I applaud their dedication to #Taiwan & our global partners, as we do our part to protect our citizens & help #IndiaStayStrong.
Take a closer look at the 🎥 three crucial steps we took to contain the #COVID outbreak using the #TaiwanModel. As a responsible member of the global community, #Taiwan is committed to sharing our knowledge & experience with the world. #TaiwanCanHelp
We are now en route to visit our diplomatic allies #Guatemala & #Belize. The theme of this trip, "Meeting Democratic Partners, Fostering Shared Prosperity," expresses our determination to foster deeper exchange and cooperation between #Taiwan and our allies.
After a year of many challenges, I want to thank everyone who has helped #Taiwan emerge from 2022 stronger & more resilient than before. Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2023!
Wishing everyone in #Taiwan & around the world a very Merry Christmas. Although it's been a tough year for many, I hope you can all enjoy this special day with friends & family.
In the face of a global health crisis, countries around the world must come together to protect the health of all our people. #Taiwan wants to do more to help combat COVID-19, so we call on the international community to #LetTaiwanHelp & support our participation in the #WHA.
The members of our Air Force work day & night to protect #Taiwan. By enhancing their equipment & capabilities, we strengthen our nation's security & ensure the safety of the Taiwanese people.
As president of the Republic of China, I must stress that we’ve never accepted the “1992 Consensus,” & the “four musts” are crucial for positive cross-strait developments. I call on #China to bravely take steps towards democracy, so they can truly understand the people of #Taiwan
How we respond to anti-democracy forces will determine what kind of values we pass on to future generations. If you agree with the 23 million people of #Taiwan, who deeply cherish their democratic way of life, I hope you can #SpeakUpforTaiwan & defend our shared values together.
#Taiwan has doubled the length of annual reserve training & stepped up the intensity of exercises. These reforms strengthen our military mobilisation, demonstrate our commitment to self-defense & reflect our people's resolve to ensure our country's security.
We look forward to expanding our strong economic ties with the US at our first Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue. This is yet another milestone for our strategic collaboration, building a closer #Taiwan-#US partnership for a more prosperous world. twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
An honour & a pleasure to welcome #TeamTaiwan's Olympic athletes, coaches & support staff to the Presidential Office today. Your incredible performances & perseverance have made our country proud & helped bring #Taiwan to the world.
The Republic of China, #Taiwan operates exactly like all other democracies around the world. As the democratically elected president of this country, my most important responsibility is to defend our democratic values & way of life. My English remarks: english.president.gov.tw/News/5622
I want to take a moment to thank all of the manufacturers who are working hard to keep the people of #Taiwan safe from #2019nCoV. We are continually striving to increase production capacity for face masks to ensure better protection for those who need it most.
We believe that the Taiwanese people should decide #Taiwan's future. Taiwan stands united in our commitment to the values of democracy & freedom. And we will do whatever it takes to defend our values & our way of life. My article in @ForeignAffairs: t.ly/vgew
Thank you to the #US for supporting #Taiwan in our time of need. Your vaccine donation will go a long way toward the health of the Taiwanese people, & serves as yet another symbol of our strong bilateral ties.