#Taiwan is once again ready to welcome the world! With loosened border restrictions now in effect, travelers no longer need to quarantine but observe 7 days of self-initiated prevention upon arrival. We hope to see you enjoying all that Taiwan has to offer soon.
On #InternationalWomensDay we recommit ourselves to gender equality while celebrating all women in #Taiwan & around the world. Let’s build a brighter future in which women are empowered to achieve anything they set their minds to. #女力覺醒
I want to wish our Muslim friends in #Taiwan and around the world #EidMubarak. This is a time to gather with family & friends, & I hope everyone will enjoy the festival & celebrate in safety.
We're guided by our principles of peace, parity, democracy & dialogue in managing our #CrossStrait relations. Upholding these principles requires us to be able to defend #Taiwan against coercive actions & protect our freedoms & democracy.
On behalf of the people of #Taiwan, I’d like to extend a sincere welcome to #CzechRepublic @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & all the members of the delegation. Our nations share many core values & we look forward to furthering cooperation in all areas.
We activated the @Taiwan_CDC’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) back in January, and I visited them today to thank our unsung heroes for their non-stop, #AllHandsOnDeck efforts to contain the #COVID19 outbreak & keep the people of #Taiwan safe.
Baidu Maps show that there are 38 Shandong dumpling restaurants and 67 Shanxi noodle restaurants in Taipei. Palates don't cheat. #Taiwan has always been a part of China. The long lost child will eventually return home.
Thank you @guywittich for years of dedication to strengthening #Taiwan-#Netherlands bilateral relations & cooperation. I hope you’ll take some of our world-famous Taiwan tea back home with you, because it goes so well with your delicious stroopwafel. Bedankt!
Thank you @SecAzar! Your visit to #Taiwan was highly productive & took the Taiwan-US partnership to even greater heights. Our collaboration is a significant step toward defeating #COVID19 & improving the wellbeing of those in our nations & around the world. twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
We are setting up an official representative office in #AixEnProvence! The new office will facilitate #Taiwan-#France cooperation in culture, tourism, business, innovation, education, & many other areas. Je me réjouis des progrès continus des relations franco-taïwanaises!
Our assistance to allies in #CentralAmerica has arrived safely. The people of #Taiwan are proud to help friends in a time of need. JW #TaiwanCanHelp #ThisAttackComesFromTaiwan
I thank our Human Rights Consultative Committee for their 10-year dedication to strengthening human rights guarantees & education, paving the way for the National Human Rights Commission to guide #Taiwan as we continue our quest to realize our highest ideals as a model democracy.
Each day, I am proud to call #Taiwan my home and honoured to serve as Taiwan’s President. Join me in saluting our nation’s 108th anniversary with a look at some of the festivities. ⚡️ “🇹🇼 2019 National Day 🇹🇼” twitter.com/i/moments/1182…
The heroes serving in our military make valuable contributions to #Taiwan every day. No matter where you are stationed or how you serve, we recognize & appreciate the hard work you put in to keep us all safe.
@PauloMartins10 Thank you @PauloMartins10 for congratulating @iingwen on her #Taiwan520 inauguration. The government & people of #Taiwan sincerely appreciate the friendship & support of #Brazil.
Thank you to the #US for this moving gesture of friendship. These vaccines will go a long way toward keeping #Taiwan safe & healthy. twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…
Here’s my Lunar New Year message to the people of #Taiwan, my fellow Taiwanese living overseas, & everyone around the world celebrating this holiday, including our friends in Hong Kong. Take care & let’s turn the tide together in the #YearOfTheOx!
Grateful to the #US senators & representative of this senior delegation for coming to #Taiwan to show your support for stronger bilateral ties. We will continue to work closely with our US partners to advance stability & prosperity in the region.
Today I signed the Anti-Infiltration Act into law, a crucial step in our work to defend #Taiwan’s democracy. I want to reiterate that we are not opposed to interaction with #China, we are opposed to interference in our democratic processes.
I welcome the start of talks under the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade, a major step forward for #Taiwan & for our trade ties with the #US & the world. Thanks to all who made this possible & continue to promote joint economic cooperation based on our shared values.
I visited our military’s specialist chemical group today to thank them for their role in our continuing fight against #COVID19. Their efforts, equipment, and expertise are impressive, but I’m most grateful for their determination to protect the health of the people of #Taiwan.
As I enter the 7th year of my presidency, I want to thank the Taiwanese people for their strength & unity in the face of all manner of challenges. Going forward, let’s keep working together to build a better country & bring #Taiwan to the world.
Today is the Winter Solstice Festival, or as we call it Dongzhi (#冬至), in #Taiwan. At this time of year, it’s traditional to bundle up with a piping hot bowl of sticky rice balls called tangyuan (湯圓). Hope everyone stays warm & has a wonderful Dongzhi with family & friends.
We drew an end to our 🇹🇼 National Day celebrations with a dazzling fireworks display in Chiayi. Grateful to all who contributed to this occasion & to everyone supporting #Taiwan.
I was delighted to welcome @KeithJKrach & the US delegation to the presidential residence to show them some Taiwanese hospitality. I’m sure the productive discussions we had today will bring #Taiwan & the #US even closer together & open the door to further collaboration.