@AlvinYeungnk , @KwaiLamHo , @LesterShum and many other primary election candidates are arrested. @joshuawongcf is in jail and cannot update his status through social media, but it is believed that he is also facing national secutiy law charge. Please support them. #StandwithHK
沖縄も明日は我が身。 ただし沖縄で不安なのは、日本政府による弾圧。 現に山城博治さんは不当逮捕され不可解な長期間拘束されていた。 「米軍いないと中国ガー」と言う人もいるが、その前に日本政府に潰されそう。 #FreeAgnes #周庭氏の逮捕に抗議する #StandwithHK twitter.com/chowtingagnes/…
Best way to #StandwithHK in the US: GO call4hk.com , input your postcode and check the preference of your representatives, contact them and encourgae them to support HK bills and resolutions. Easy. Effective. Share and tag your frds to join us. @Stand_with_HK
Previously, activist @joshuawongcf and I handed in our comments to the @UNHumanRights committee regarding the implementation of the right of public assembly and protest in #HK We urge the #UN to help end the humanitarian crisis in HK with the help of the Free World #StandwithHK
Global Anti-Totalitarianism Rally Documentary 全球反極權大遊行紀錄片 全球連線,共抗極權 YouTube: youtu.be/DQttUuR3oNc For video production, special thanks & collaboration with @Stand_with_HK #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #HongKongProtest #StandwithHK #FreeHongKong
香港での「国家安全法」は立法会を通さず、直接基本法の付属書類3に入れ、来週木曜日に表決する。 その内容先程話した国家分裂やテロリズム以外に、金融経済・ネット交信・外国干渉・宗教・海外へ制裁を求めるなども含むかもしれない。 つまり完全なるウイグル化。 #StandwithHK #HongKong #SOSHK
#StandwithHK 今作っている日本に住むとある香港人のドキュメンタリー。「自由は空気みたい。だから失うまでは気づかない」その言葉がいつも頭から離れない。 Documentary about HongKonger living in Japan which I've been making since January. Coming soon.
平野鈴子さん@suzutaro26 とメッセージを撮影しました😷来年7/23は中国共産党成立百周年、同じ日に日本でオリンピックが開催される予定です。目覚めた世界と協力し、一日も早い精神武装を。World,stand up🌏Japan,Wake up🇯🇵 #StandwithHK #StandwithUyghurs #saveMongolianLanguage #FreeTibet #香港
Full Version about the police didn't obtain court's order / the owner's permission for getting in private areas to mount operation. The Journalist was brutally beaten by police. @SolomonYue #StandwithHongKong #HongKongProtest #StandwithHK #HKPoliceTerrorism
Wow. The ENTIRE G7 SLAMS #HongKong coronation of John Lee. 👏 Now, how about some actions to back up those words. #StandwithHK
Not sure who took it, but ❤️ this photo. On an issue as big as China, we have to look beyond party divisions. #StandwithHK
Absolutely packed for the premier of Revolution of Our Times - a film which cannot be shown in Hong Kong, so is selling out cinemas in cities around the world. #StandwithHK
My great privilege to speak with #BLM’s Patrisse Cullors (@OsopePatrisse) tomorrow at @PENamerica book event. May the fearlessness continues to inspire thousands, waking people up to themselves and calling for better changes! #StandwithHK
#BREAK @Jesse_Norman confirms that BNO extension amendment will be laid TODAY!! Didn’t expect that…! #StandwithHK!!
The time-lapse of 12.1 #HongKongProtest themed “Don’t forget our original intentions” in #tsimshatsui There're tens of thousands here yesterday! #HongKongProtesters Please RT & #StandwithHK
香港時間14時半 香港島の中心地、金融街で一般人もデモ隊も、香港人みんなで手を掲げて訴えてます。 五大請求 一つも欠かすことなく! 香港に栄光あれ!今こそ革命の時だ! #StandwithHK
Thanks for having me @MTYoungBar and @middletemple for the belated 2020 annual dinner! Won't be a better event to mark my first black-tie appearance. Hope my speech made all of you proud. With my friends @MichaelPolakLaw @benedictrogers @MahmutRahima @WilsonLeungWS #StandwithHK
#NEW @MPIainDS and @Siobhain_Mc have secured a Westminster Hall debate on British judges serving in #HongKong The balance has tipped. Time for them to withdraw. Weds 30th March 9.30 - 11.30 #StandwithHK
5/ #Hongkongers are not merely the people living in #HK or speaking Cantonese, but also those who strive to safeguard liberal values and democracy that we all cherish and #StandwithHK under authoritarian oppression, no matter who you are and where you live.
the official document from HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT - GUIDANCE NOTES ON ROAD MARKINGS. The material for yellow marking on road shall be heated to the designated temperature ( <230 °C). Overheating / prolonged heating may cause discolouration of material (Yellow to green) #StandwithHK
🚨🚨“The UK won’t rest until Hong Kong has its freedom back” from @trussliz 🥺 YES. FINALLY. Have spent three years campaigning for this rhetoric. Now it HAS to be backed up with action. #StandwithHK
“Glory to Hong Kong”, a song that rose to popularity during the 2019 protest movement, was played in place of the Chinese national anthem before the Asian Rugby Sevens final match between #HongKong & South Korea in Incheon. #StandwithHK #FreeHK theguardian.com/world/2022/nov…
Lovely to meet with human rights activist @lukedepulford to discuss what more the @GOVUK can do to uphold its obligations to Hong Kong #StandwithHK
An emergency rally and march is beginning in Chater Garden right now to voice citizens’ opposition to the invocation of emergency powers to ban the wearing of masks at protests. It started very small but has been growing quickly in size and volume. #StandwithHK
警官隊が去り際に放った数発の散弾式催涙弾。散弾式の中には10発ほどの催涙弾が入っている。デモ隊のいない場所で、メディアと一般市民に対して放ったもの。市民から言われた非難に対する警官の怒りの発散のようにも感じました。暴力は暴力しか生まない。#savehongkong #StandwithHK