Not much to celebrate this mid-autumn festival, but truly grateful to the wonderful person who sent me these mooncakes. Brothers climb mountains. #standwithHK
Vice Principal of #CUHK said he had already talked with the commander to stop firing but the front-line riot polices were out of control & still fired tear gas continuously ! #SOSHK Please RT & #standwithHK #HongKongers seeked for international help.
I’m forever grateful to his vocal support to our democracy fight. Kretzmer’s lyrics compelled us to realise the ultimate goal of our long struggle to freedom is love and compassion to one another. Will you join in our crusade, who will be strong and #standwithHK?
We analyse the temperature variability attained by the submunition of #TearGas smoke projectile fired (including CN-made & US-made) by #HongKongPolice ,aiming at providing information to evaluate the weapon and its potential danger. Report: cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV_… #standwithHK
目の前で起きていることを、 見て見ぬ振りはできないので、 私は発信し続けます。 ー写真家 キセキミチコ #まずは知るだけでいい展 #香港 #キセキミチコ  #justknownowhk #standwithHK
Thanks again The Epoch Times 🙏🏻 New tear-gas related article released: Fears Mount Over Effects of Tear Gas Exposure in Hong Kong theepochtimes.com/fears-mount-ov… Please read & RT. #standwithHK