Jack Hazlewood(@JackHHazlewood)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

721. Never forget.
Parliament Square completely full for the 6.12 protest organised by @Stand_with_HK @HKLiberty_Team @HongkongersUK @DemocracyforHK.
2019 vs 2022. #六四 #Tiananmen
HK01 have confirmed the arrests of Cardinal Joseph Zen, Margaret Ng, Denise Ho & the other trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund under the National Security Law, accused of collusion with foreign forces. One (Hui Po-keung) was arrested at HK airport.hk01.com/%E7%AA%81%E7%9…
HSBC is holding shares worth millions in a subsidiary of the XPCC, a US-sanctioned Chinese paramilitary org responsible for atrocities against the Uyghurs. The subsidiary has also been implicated in the atrocities. With @Gabriel_Pogrund for @TheSundayTimes.thetimes.co.uk/article/cb5162…
With @hkcnews_com ceasing operations, every major pro-democracy news outlet in Hong Kong has now either been forcibly shuttered or opted to close rather than be smothered in Beijing’s unrelenting quest to extinguish any & all dissent. The darkest hour for press freedom. twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
Not only has IOC President Thomas Bach previously met with Peng Shuai’s alleged abuser Zhang Gaoli (張高麗), Zhang was *head of the leading group for Beijing 2022* & would’ve met extensively with IOC personnel incl. Bach for years. Huge conflict of interest — totally unmentioned. twitter.com/Athlete365/sta…
“I was relieved to see that Peng Shuai was doing fine, which was our main concern” — Emma Terho, Chair of the IOC Athletes' Commission. The International Olympic Committee is actively aiding the Chinese government’s attempt to whitewash the case of Peng Shuai. A total disgrace. twitter.com/Athlete365/sta…
Chinese state media pushing an email claiming to be from Peng Shuai to the WTA after it raised concerns about her whereabouts. Says her allegations against a fmr top CCP official are not true & “I’ve just been resting at home and everything is fine” This reeks. #WhereIsPengShuai twitter.com/CGTNOfficial/s…
Blistering Times piece on Liz Truss & the British Ambassador to China. Wilson’s views on China not exactly a secret but claim she asked why we don’t treat China “like we treat the French” is shocking. Truss right to slap down - PRC is committing genocide. thetimes.co.uk/article/liz-tr…
Posted without comment.
Tong Ying-Kit (唐英傑), the first person to be charged under the National Security Law, has just been found guilty of inciting secession and engaging in terrorist activities.
Let that headline sink in. Five *speech therapists* arrested for sedition over a children’s book about sheep. Every day HK descends further & further into an Orwellian nightmare.
Don’t forget that the HK police officer shown fraternising with triads in this video from 721 was later revealed to be Superintendent John Carroll - a senior British expatriate officer. The men were wielding blunt instruments. Carroll didn’t arrest them, he went over to chat. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
721. Never forget.
Chinese factories that supply Apple and Nike and make products sold in the U.S. phased out thousands of workers from Xinjiang as Western governments push multinationals to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains in China - WSJ Sanctions work. wsj.com/articles/chine…
Tonight an Apple Daily editor was arrested at HK airport under the NSL. His name is Fung Wai-kong (馮偉光) & used the pen-name 盧峯. He was my editor & would receive my columns in English & Chinese. @DominicRaab this man was attempting to board a flight to London. Do something.
BREAKING: Citizen News (@hkcnews_com) reports former Apple Daily lead editorial writer Fung Wai-kong was arrested under the National Security Law for ‘colluding with foreign forces’ while at HK airport waiting for a flight. twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
Breaking: Following the closure of Apple Daily, HK’s largest remaining pro-democracy news outlet @StandNewsHK has announced it will remove all op-eds & comment pieces from its website & suspend subscriptions. It will only publish news pieces from now on. beta.thestandnews.com/media/%E7%AB%8…
So proud to have been a small part of such an amazing team. Apple Daily journalists sacrificed everything to ensure Hongkongers could access uncensored media & pro-democracy voices for as long as possible. Now that’s gone but they gave everything they possibly could. 香港人加油!
The front page of the last ever edition of @appledaily_hk. 「港人雨中痛別 我哋撐《蘋果》」 “Hongkongers bid a sad farewell in the rain, we support Apple”
Can confirm reports from @StandNewsHK & others that tomorrow (Thursday) will see the last ever print edition of @appledaily_hk. Print run of 1 million.
So this week will see the last few days of operations for @appledaily_hk. A sad day for all of us who’ve written for the paper but especially for the full-time journalists & staff. A bandit regime is now happy to put a profitable company out of business for political reasons.
2019 vs 2021
SCMP reporting the HK Police's Director of National Security Frederic Choi was found in an 'unlicensed massage parlour' during a raid - now on leave pending investigation. Choi is so senior he appears on the 'senior officers' section of the HKPF website... scmp.com/news/hong-kong…