We applaud Russian citizens protesting against their dictator #Putin’s war of aggression against #Ukraine—whether on the streets, or on international stage. HongKongers living under totalitarian rule understand the risks you’re taking by speaking out, and what you stand to lose. twitter.com/TSN_Sports/sta…
#Putin's double was paraded around occupied Crimea and Mariupol in #Ukraine.
The UK's "Kleptocracy" unit is launching an investigation into securing #Putin's alleged millions of pounds stashed in London. Putin has been said to be the richest man alive based on liquid cash. #PutinWarCriminal #StandWithUkraine️ #Yacht
#Putin has ordered General #Gerasimov to capture all of #Donbas by March, reports GUR, Ukrainian MoD Intelligence.
It seems the Russian criminal underworld is starting a movement against #Prigozhin and #Putin. First Grisha "Moskovskiy," then Sasha "Kurara" posted public threats in quick succession and vocalized their positions against Putin's criminal war in #Ukraine.
البيان رقم ٣١ من سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري ... تَذكيرٌ؛ كُوفيد حَفَّارُ القُبور .. #فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #بوتين #روسيا #فاغنر #عشر_ذو_الحجه_1444 #Putin #موسكو #Russia الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 30 -… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: #Anonymous invades sites belonging to Russian propaganda media such as: TASS, Izvestia, Fontaka, RBC and Kommersant. Mr #Putin hear us ! Mr #Lukashenko we are at war ! we are legion !
With rumors that President of #Turkey, #Erdogan is livid that #Putin unsurprisingly didn't keep his word on the humanitarian corridor in the Black Sea, this may be a bigger turning point in the West's actions toward #Russia. twitter.com/Hromadske/stat…
#Putin's high heels. 👠 Could they really be 6 inches? 😳
#Putin hat sich verrechnet – die #Ukraine verteidigt sich tapfer und wir, ihre Partner und Freunde, stehen geschlossen zur Seite. Wir haben weitreichende Entscheidungen getroffen. Aber wir tun das immer mit der notwendigen Umsicht. Darauf kann sich jeder in Deutschland verlassen. twitter.com/tagesschau/sta…
#Putin will pay a severe price for this aggression. We will coordinate with our international partners to pass further tough sanctions today. To our #NATO allies in Eastern Europe: We stand by your side and by the mutual defence obligation within @NATO.
I made it clear to President #Putin in Moscow that we Germans and Europeans can only achieve sustainable security with and not against Russia. Courageous action is needed from us all. We have an imperative duty to work for peace.
@ZelenskyyUa The sham referendums carried out by #Putin in the illegally occupied areas of #Ukraine are worthless. They violate international law. Germany will never recognise the so-called results. I assured @ZelenskyyUa of this in a phone call yesterday.
#Putin started moving by armored train before the invasion according to 'Dossier.' With the start of preparations for war with #Ukraine, Putin began to travel increasingly often not by presidential squadron planes, but by a special armored train. The train was developed for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Russia: Roskomnadzor, Russian state censor agency launched "Oculus," a web spider 'capable of analyzing 200,000 images per day' across the internet for 'prohibited' content. This includes clever insults embedded in images and videos against #Putin personally.
Mr #Lukashenko Mr #Putin ! We gave you fair warning! To the peaceful #Ukrainians #Russians #Belarusians We hear you ! Mr Lukashenko Mr Putin - Hear Us ! 🇺🇦 We are Legion ! We are United ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget ! WE ARE AT WAR #Anonymous
🇯🇵🤝🇷🇺日本人が知らないロシアの好意 フィギュアスケート世界選手権2011 #プーチン大統領 #Putin #ロシア #Russia #フィギュアスケート
Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu recently announced their 2023 fantasy wish list. Mine is much shorter - Ukraine re-establishing their 1991 borders, Russia kicked off the UN Security Council, Ukraine in NATO. #Putin #Shoigu #russiaterroriststate en.kremlin.ru/events/preside…
Chinese netizens educating Russians to die for their country - and for their dictator #Putin and a war of aggression. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
🚨 Russian fighters Fedor #Emelianenko & Vadim Nemkov have been reportedly granted US visas for #Bellator 290 to be held in Inglewood, CA in February 2023. Emelianenko earlier served on #Putin's advisory board.
1,115 people have been wounded, including 33 children. #Anonymous stands with Ukraine against #Putin #StopRussia #StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #SlavaUkraine Read:yac.news/blogs/news/ano… youtube.com/watch?v=uDsQYx…
Für diese Aggression zahlt #Putin einen bitteren Preis. Wir werden in Absprache mit unseren internationalen Partnern noch heute weitere harte Sanktionen beschließen. An unsere #NATO-Verbündeten in Osteuropa: Wir stehen an eurer Seite und zur Beistandspflicht der @NATO.
#Russia: Pantsir air defense missile system not far from #Putin's private residence in #Moscow spotted. All in vicinity of #Rublevka, where his Mafia also live in palaces.
#Putin • ソ連崩壊後の数十年間、🇺🇦は西側諸国によるあからさまな直接の内政干渉を受け続けてきた。 • 🇺🇦領内における🇺🇦のネオナチ政権と🇷🇺との衝突は、必然であった。🇺🇦の所謂『友人たち』は、この国の状況を🇷🇺にとっては致命的なものに、また当の🇺🇦国民にとっては自殺的なものにまでしてしまった。