البيان رقم ٣١ من سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري ... تَذكيرٌ؛ كُوفيد حَفَّارُ القُبور .. #فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #بوتين #روسيا #فاغنر #عشر_ذو_الحجه_1444 #Putin #موسكو #Russia الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 30 -… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🇷🇺本日はプーチン大統領が誕生した日🐻 プーチン大統領も、大統領の職に就くにあたって不安や葛藤があった事がよくわかりました。一言一言が心に刺さります。本当に偉大な人だと思う。人生を祖国に捧げた。 #ロシア #Russia #プーチン大統領 #Putin
🇯🇵🤝🇷🇺日本人が知らないロシアの好意 フィギュアスケート世界選手権2011 #プーチン大統領 #Putin #ロシア #Russia #フィギュアスケート
#Putin's high heels. 👠 Could they really be 6 inches? 😳
#Prigozhin discarded as the face of prisoner-recruitment in #Russia. #Putin has placed #Shoigu in charge. Generals and prosecutors are being sent to prison colonies to form penal battalions for the front in #Ukraine. Less than 10% of convicts survived out of 40,000 recruits.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Putin's double was paraded around occupied Crimea and Mariupol in #Ukraine.
#Putin #ICC arrest warrant sends a powerful signal, but #Russia began deporting children from #Ukraine in 2014 #Lvova-Belova #StandWithUkraine #RussiaWarCrimes #PutinWarCrimes #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608811992
#Russia: In response to #Putin becoming a wanted war criminal at the Hague, the fascist regime removed all country flags at the Square of Europe in #Moscow. 🤡 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨 BREAKING: International Criminal Court (ICC) in The #Hague has issued an arrest warrant for #Putin for the war crimes of kidnapping and forced deportation of children from #Ukraine to #Russia. In other words, genocide. theguardian.com/world/2023/mar…
"No limits" partnership between #CCP /#XiJinping & #Putin/#Russia. Plus, as #Chinese netizens have sarcastically put it, Xi Jinping's rule of #China is like flipping a pancake, for example, day 1: absolute #ZeroCOVID lockdowns, day 2: Lying totally flat. Who cares! You die, no… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Not sure when or where, but quite impressive! (Just wonder whether #XiJinping will get the same level of treatment when he visits #Putin in #Russia)
#Putin started moving by armored train before the invasion according to 'Dossier.' With the start of preparations for war with #Ukraine, Putin began to travel increasingly often not by presidential squadron planes, but by a special armored train. The train was developed for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Russia: Roskomnadzor, Russian state censor agency launched "Oculus," a web spider 'capable of analyzing 200,000 images per day' across the internet for 'prohibited' content. This includes clever insults embedded in images and videos against #Putin personally.
🚨 RUMOR: #Putin is negotiating with #Taliban on the purchase of coalition military equipment that was left behind in #Afghanistan as a result of the United States' hasty withdrawal in 2021 for use in the war against #Ukraine. $7.12B in aircraft, vehicles, weapons + munitions. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Russia: Pantsir air defense missile system not far from #Putin's private residence in #Moscow spotted. All in vicinity of #Rublevka, where his Mafia also live in palaces.
#Putin scheduled to make a public address to the people of #Russia tomorrow, January 18th. Could be any of the following: 1) Formal declaration of war against #Ukraine. 2) Mobilization 3) Martial Law Next phase of war is coming. #ArmUkraineNow!
#Putin has ordered General #Gerasimov to capture all of #Donbas by March, reports GUR, Ukrainian MoD Intelligence.
🧵 🚨 BREAKING: #Putin regime is recruiting torturers & executioners in #Moscow for captured Ukrainian prisoners of war. RUB 1.5 million ($25k USD) pay for 3-month contract. Targeting prison employees known for sadism & cruelty on the job. - VChK/OGPU & #Osechkin sources in FSB.
🧵 #Mobilization: Rumors of a potential option for #Putin to delay martial law & general panic in #Russia - 1) Mobilize up to 2 million in 2023. 2) 8 million men are already forbidden from leaving the country because of prior military service and/or due to alimony debt.
#Putin, too terrified to step out in public, recorded a New Year video message in front of his bodyguards pretending to be Russian soldiers. Halloween was 2 months ago 🤡 twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
#Putin's invasion of #Ukraine is a war between totalitarianism and democracy. We must recognize that it will not end in Ukraine unless the world's democracies treat it as existential for all. The attitude of "it's happening over there" must end.
Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu recently announced their 2023 fantasy wish list. Mine is much shorter - Ukraine re-establishing their 1991 borders, Russia kicked off the UN Security Council, Ukraine in NATO. #Putin #Shoigu #russiaterroriststate en.kremlin.ru/events/preside…
🚨 Russian fighters Fedor #Emelianenko & Vadim Nemkov have been reportedly granted US visas for #Bellator 290 to be held in Inglewood, CA in February 2023. Emelianenko earlier served on #Putin's advisory board.
日本だけが歴史上最も偉大な戦士を輩出し、植民地化されなかったことを否定することはできません。 多くの人が、プーチンは世界で最も強力な指導者だと言います。しかし、彼でさえ、日本の少女の武道の才能に感銘を受けました.確かに日本の武士道と格闘技だけが世界最高です!#Putin prefers #Judo.🥋 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
"I'm looking for..to say we will not allow Putin to be the architect of the 21st Century and that we will help Ukraine win...Putin can't be allowed to win or the entire world changes." @CNN @AnaCabrera #Zelensky #Putin #ArmUkraineNow