Journalist Rachel Scott @rachelvscott asked #Russia's President #Putin: “The list of your political opponents who are dead, imprisoned, or jailed is long…what are you so afraid of?” The answer? Alexey #Navalny. ⬇️📢 yac.news/blogs/featured…
Ich habe Präsident #Putin in Moskau verdeutlicht, dass für uns in Deutschland und Europa nachhaltige Sicherheit nicht gegen, sondern nur mit Russland erreicht werden kann. Von allen ist jetzt mutiges Handeln gefragt. Es ist unsere verdammte Pflicht, für den Frieden einzutreten.
I made it clear to President #Putin in Moscow that we Germans and Europeans can only achieve sustainable security with and not against Russia. Courageous action is needed from us all. We have an imperative duty to work for peace.
Präsident #Putin bringt Leid und Zerstörung über seine direkten Nachbarn. Er gefährdet das Leben von unzähligen Unschuldigen in der #Ukraine, dem Brudervolk Russlands. Dafür gibt es keine Rechtfertigung, das ist Putins Krieg. Ich fordere ihn auf, den Angriff sofort zu stoppen.
Für diese Aggression zahlt #Putin einen bitteren Preis. Wir werden in Absprache mit unseren internationalen Partnern noch heute weitere harte Sanktionen beschließen. An unsere #NATO-Verbündeten in Osteuropa: Wir stehen an eurer Seite und zur Beistandspflicht der @NATO.
#Putin will pay a severe price for this aggression. We will coordinate with our international partners to pass further tough sanctions today. To our #NATO allies in Eastern Europe: We stand by your side and by the mutual defence obligation within @NATO.
President #Putin is bringing suffering and destruction upon his immediate neighbours. He is endangering the lives of countless innocent people in #Ukraine, Russia’s sister nation. There is no justification for this – it is Putin’s war. I call on him to stop the attack at once.
We applaud Russian citizens protesting against their dictator #Putin’s war of aggression against #Ukraine—whether on the streets, or on international stage. HongKongers living under totalitarian rule understand the risks you’re taking by speaking out, and what you stand to lose. twitter.com/TSN_Sports/sta…
#Anonymous in defiance of #Russia and their #Ukrainian invasion Anonymous is continuing their assault until #Putin pulls out The Security Council of Russia DOWN: scrf.gov.ru The official website of the President of Russia TANGO DOWN: kremlin.ru.
Der russische Überfall markiert eine Zeitenwende. Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Ukraine nach Kräften zu unterstützen bei der Verteidigung gegen die Invasionsarmee von #Putin. Deshalb liefern wir 1000 Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500 Stinger-Raketen an unsere Freunde in der #Ukraine.
1,115 people have been wounded, including 33 children. #Anonymous stands with Ukraine against #Putin #StopRussia #StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #SlavaUkraine Read:yac.news/blogs/news/ano… youtube.com/watch?v=uDsQYx…
时局图 一目了然 不言而喻 #Putin #Xi #ChinaRussian #Ukraine
Mr #Lukashenko Mr #Putin ! We gave you fair warning! To the peaceful #Ukrainians #Russians #Belarusians We hear you ! Mr Lukashenko Mr Putin - Hear Us ! 🇺🇦 We are Legion ! We are United ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget ! WE ARE AT WAR #Anonymous
BREAKING: #Anonymous invades sites belonging to Russian propaganda media such as: TASS, Izvestia, Fontaka, RBC and Kommersant. Mr #Putin hear us ! Mr #Lukashenko we are at war ! we are legion !
Thank you @googledevs / @Microsoft .. you don't hear this often enough - but you're the best! - YAN #Putin / #Poutine 🍟 :)-
English translation of #WangYi: Russia New Empire & #CCPChina will fight together to create a new fascist order for the world, including #Putin's #Ukriane invasion & #Xitler's bankroll of it. twitter.com/TouBanTouTiao/…
We call on all Hackers around the world in the name of #Anonymous to attack #Russia ! we are at war ! #Putin @KremlinRussia_E we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are here ! #OpRussia
The UK's "Kleptocracy" unit is launching an investigation into securing #Putin's alleged millions of pounds stashed in London. Putin has been said to be the richest man alive based on liquid cash. #PutinWarCriminal #StandWithUkraine️ #Yacht
#Kyiv region, #Ukraine None of innocent victims will be forgotten. None of #Russia's war crimes will be forgiven. #Putin &the rest of 🇷🇺 war criminals must be punished. Sanctions against Russia must be strengthened now! Putin must be stopped. #BuchaMassacre #StandWithUkraine
If I'm #Putin, I would go become a pop idol in China rightaway, milking out every single dime from these fangirls. #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Chinese deny #Putin's war crimes and ask that the U.S. be put on trial instead. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #WarCrimes #UkraineRussiaWar
Never fail to be amazed! #Chinese people actually interpret @JoeBiden as "karma after slandering #Putin" and the proof of the US being "the largest terrorist organization"??? @POTUS #China #America #StopPutinNOW #ChinaIsWithRussia #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
How long will it take the world to notice, that #China supports #Putin and the #Russian invasion of #Ukraine️? If you need more proof, the Chinese Internet is full of it. @SKinnock @EUAmbChina #ChinaIsWithRussia #RussiaUkraineWar #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Die Wut auf #Putin und seinen brutalen Krieg gegen die Menschen in der #Ukraine wächst jeden Tag. Aber wir finden auch jeden Tag neue Wege, die Ukraine zu unterstützen, finanziell und mit Waffen. Und wir sind uns mit unseren Partnern einig: Dieser Krieg darf sich nicht ausweiten.