#Russia: Spokesman and compulsive liar #Peskov claims #Putin visited occupied Ukraine and spoke with the commanders. Peskov is lying.
With enough time, fascist #Putin will turn all of #Ukraine into ash, just as he razed #Mariupol. The nonsense talk of fear of "escalation" by the West must end, or there will be nothing left to defend, and then the Russian fascists will move on to other counties in Europe.
#Putin 🗨️今日、強力な地政学的変化が起こっている。真の多極世界秩序の輪郭が我々の目の前に生まれつつある。新しい発展センターがアジア、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカに形成され、国益を守り、主権を保護し、独自の開発の道を歩んでいる。 歴史の客観的なプロセスに抵抗することはまったく不可能である
It seems the Russian criminal underworld is starting a movement against #Prigozhin and #Putin. First Grisha "Moskovskiy," then Sasha "Kurara" posted public threats in quick succession and vocalized their positions against Putin's criminal war in #Ukraine.
🧵 Russians in Yerevan, #Armenia are protesting against #Putin and are calling for Armenia to leave Collective Security Treaty Organization (#CSTO) - Putin's worthless attempt at creating his own NATO. Members: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Russia
#Prigozhin's Wagner terrorists brutally murdered Evgeny Nuzhin. He was recruited by #WagnerPMC from a Russian prison but then quickly switched sides and fought for #Ukraine & spoke out against #Putin. But then got recaptured by the Wagner terrorists on the front. Barbarism.
#Putin • ソ連崩壊後の数十年間、🇺🇦は西側諸国によるあからさまな直接の内政干渉を受け続けてきた。 • 🇺🇦領内における🇺🇦のネオナチ政権と🇷🇺との衝突は、必然であった。🇺🇦の所謂『友人たち』は、この国の状況を🇷🇺にとっては致命的なものに、また当の🇺🇦国民にとっては自殺的なものにまでしてしまった。
With rumors that President of #Turkey, #Erdogan is livid that #Putin unsurprisingly didn't keep his word on the humanitarian corridor in the Black Sea, this may be a bigger turning point in the West's actions toward #Russia. twitter.com/Hromadske/stat…
🧵 Ksenia #Sobchak is Putin's Goddaughter. Her parents were influential politicians in the inner circle. Her family vacationed with #Putin when she was a child. Years ago, as a journalist, she had asked Putin during public Q&A about Vladimir Osechkin's work on prison tortures.
SURPRISE! - Mass number of reports & complaints that #Putin's fascist regime is not paying contract soldier salaries, mobilized salaries, nor killed/wounded payouts to families.
#Putin is shelling civilians of his own border-city of #Belgorod in #Russia. A piece of missile from the Russian Pantsir was seen at a playground. History: Belgorod used to belong to Ukraine. Putin despises the city and has said it's full of "Hohols," slur for Ukrainians.
"From The Caliph Of Allah Over The Worlds To Xi Jinping The President Of China" Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 29 - Ramadan - 1441 AH 22 - 05 - 2020 AD youtu.be/l6rJx5Xk83o #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #CrimeanBridge #Crimea #Putin America Kerch Russia Ukraine twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
La Solución a Las Calamidades De Las guerras De Dios Coroniana y Climática.. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 24 – Dhul Hijja- 1442 03 - 08 - 2021 youtu.be/1CdBukY-FKw #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #Putin Spain Spanish Glasgow
@ZelenskyyUa The sham referendums carried out by #Putin in the illegally occupied areas of #Ukraine are worthless. They violate international law. Germany will never recognise the so-called results. I assured @ZelenskyyUa of this in a phone call yesterday.
Die Schein-Referenden, die #Putin in den illegal besetzten Gebieten der #Ukraine durchgeführt hat, sind nichts wert. Sie sind völkerrechtswidrig. Deutschland wird die angeblichen Ergebnisse niemals anerkennen. Das habe ich heute @ZelenskyyUa in einem Telefongespräch versichert.
Chinese netizens educating Russians to die for their country - and for their dictator #Putin and a war of aggression. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
#Putin hat sich verrechnet – die #Ukraine verteidigt sich tapfer und wir, ihre Partner und Freunde, stehen geschlossen zur Seite. Wir haben weitreichende Entscheidungen getroffen. Aber wir tun das immer mit der notwendigen Umsicht. Darauf kann sich jeder in Deutschland verlassen. twitter.com/tagesschau/sta…
Everyone waiting for #Putin to announce that his army is incapable of defeating Ukraine and needs more shmobilization
#Putin 💀💀💀 郭文贵先生正式发布:根据来自普京身边及医疗团队的情报,普京即将死亡,他得了肛门鳞状细胞癌并己转移和癌变,寿命不超过十二个月!普京临死前会很疯狂,有可能会摧毁乌克兰的核电站,嫁祸于乌克兰并给欧洲造成严重核污染!
90 minutes phone call with #Putin: Russia must withdraw its troops from #Ukraine and recognize its sovereignty and territorial integrity. There is no other way to imagine a diplomatic solution.
90 Minuten Telefonat mit #Putin: Russland muss seine Truppen aus der #Ukraine zurückziehen und die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität anerkennen. Anders ist eine diplomatische Lösung nicht vorstellbar.
A video of an audio statement in English titled: Clarification of the Word of Allah the Exalted: {فَمَا تَنفَعُهُمۡ شَفَـٰعَةُ ٱلشَّـٰفِعِین } Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 04-05-2014 AD youtu.be/RBdO-MsE-KU #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #Putin #USA COVID19
🇷🇺🇧🇾 ロシアのプーチン大統領とベラルーシのルカシェンコ大統領はソチで会談中 🇷🇺🇧🇾 President #Putin & the President of Belarus #Lukashenko during the meeting in Russian resort city of Sochi 🇷🇺🇧🇾 Владимир Путин проводит переговоры с Александром Лукашенко в Сочи kremlin.ru/events/preside…
Three points from my long phone call with #Putin today: There must be a ceasefire in #Ukraine as quickly as possible. The claim that Nazis are in power there is false. And I also reminded him about Russia’s responsibility for the global food situation.
Drei Dinge aus meinem heutigen langen Telefonat mit #Putin: Es muss schnellstmöglich einen Waffenstillstand in der #Ukraine geben. Die Behauptung, dass dort Nazis herrschen, ist falsch. Und ich habe ihn auf die Verantwortung Russlands für die globale Lebensmittellage hingewiesen.